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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. yes you have but someone told me to post it here for everyone to see so i did.i'm going to make a new one tomorrow i hope.
  2. she keeps me busy cleaning it up i go thou alot of poop off we are going to take the carpet out and replace it with a wooden floor.
  3. deleted by admin. See below for the link.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/09/15 23:51
  4. i purchased chloe from a breeder from maryland without seeing her she was flown here from there and she was very friendly and did step up and step back and re4sponded to no bite when she did bite just like the breeder said she would, but i did talk to her alot on the phone every week until i got her and i still keep in touch with her about her progress, i was worried to about purchasing a bird so far away but i have been very happy with her.
  5. hi sentra welcome, i have a goffin also and when i brought my grey home i put her in the same room as him they seem to accept each other i can have them out of erethere cages at the same time they keep there distance from each other but i never leave them out without supervision of course they just go about doing there own thing.
  6. i havent found anything that chloe wont eat her middle name is miss piglet, she eats anything i eat lol.
  7. hi does anyone know where i can order one of those ciraler rope swings that is shown on the home page?
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