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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. slmclean


    my harrisons pellets came today chloe likes them but buddy doesnt yet and he is the one that needs them hopefully he will eat them
  2. nice playstand there and nice toys to good job.
  3. it is a place for pics on here it is called picas 2.
  4. i tried to e-mail them it only shows the link.
  5. on picas 2 they play just fine there i went by what photobucket said and they are still pics.
  6. i tried that to i dont know how to download on it. i'm stupid.
  7. i give up on videos they wont play on photobucket i quit.
  8. i'm done with these forums so good bye have fun.
  9. i took it off picas to photo bucket it plays on picas but it is a still pic on photobucket. maybe i cant transfer from one site to another i dont know:unsure:
  10. well i tried that but i must have done it wrong it doesnt work
  11. what is a good site to download videos on?
  12. slmclean


    yes it has been a long road here, but things are looking up.
  13. slmclean


    just got back from buddy's appointment, the vet is very pleased how he is coming along he still needs a shot next week but she said she might wait a month after this next shot to see how he does, his weight is the same which is good she said he didnt loose anymore but she does want me to put him on the harrison pellets only no human food for now or seeds, and his feather loss she thinks is from molting he has begun molting early since he is sick but she has confidence his feathers will grow back so it looks like he is on the mends.
  14. looks like he is having fun thanks for sharing.
  15. slmclean


    well buddy is starting to eat pellets, i just ordered him some high potency pellets from harrison's i hope they will help him.
  16. slmclean


    thank you. i just gave him some he is throwing them out of the cage grr.
  17. slmclean


    i took buddy back to the vet today, she is very happy how he is coming along the blood work wasnt bad he has high cholestrol and blood sugar is high she wants to kkep with the shots every week for 2 months then redo the blood work and he has a cone to wear to keep him from plucking and she would also like him to get completly off seed diet so i have to work on that.
  18. slmclean


    does anyone have a link to the harrison pellets?
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