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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. chloe learned to do the bomb whistle the other day now she does it all the time lol.
  2. just a couple of minutes, she is always holding her foot out for me so i decided to say shake hands and she would put her foot out and shake hands pretty cool huh? now she wants to do it all the time i think i created a monster here lol.
  3. have to think on that one lol.
  4. i taught Chloe how to shake hands today i'm so proud of her.
  5. i would wait if i were you, my bird got her wings clipped to short to and it has been almost a year but the vet assures me they will grow back.
  6. awww how cute, i want a baby grey now.
  7. wow those are cool, where did you get that?
  8. Hi Maria welcome to the forum.
  9. yeah she was very quiet all the way home she had me worried but was we were home she started whistling and being herself again.
  10. Chloe got her nails clipped yeasterday at the vets she got so stressed out we had to watch her for awhile she was sweating and breathing hard but it only lasted a few minutes and she is doing great now.
  11. awww how sweet congrats on your baby.
  12. here is me and chloe dont laugh at me lol.
  13. she is being a brat to since she is 1 yr old she has been picking on buddy, i guess she just realized there is another bird here lol.
  14. tomorrow is Chloe's first hatchday and she already opened up her presents.
  15. ty she will be 1 yr old next month how time flys.
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