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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hello Doostur, we're glad you've joined us!
  2. Welcome to the forum Linda! Hope you'll like it here!
  3. Hee hee! Yesterday I was buying baby food for Lyric and there was a couple there with their baby buying food for it. The mother made some comment to me about "mothers knowing best" and I laughed secretly inside and agreed with her. I've never had a human baby but consider myself mother to my birds and dogs so yes, mothers do know best! Of course if she would have known I was buying baby food for my bird she probably would have thought I was off my rocker.
  4. Great pictures, they are both just beautiful. I'm wondering, is Maggie DNA'd a female? I just ask because she looks so much like my Lyric and I haven't DNA'd Lyric but always just called him a he. Starting to have some doubts about that now so whenever I see a photo that looks like him I ask!
  5. Great pictures! Glad you can share with us now!!!
  6. Mine get gifts for x-mas too- but not just for x-mas. Whenever I feel like they are getting bored with what they've got, it's time for more toys. My TAG loves his boing- it was a great investment. I would get one for your bird while it is young so he can get used to it. Luckily my boyfriend helped me hang hooks up for my birds boing and swing. He got tired of hearing me ask for it.... Lyric loves to fly so he needed new places to fly to in the house. Those things are up out of the reach of the dogs too so it's safer for the bird to play. For this Christmas.... I'd like a new treestand or an Atom for Lyric, but if money is tight he may have to settle for a new toy...we'll see!
  7. Lyric

    Avian Vet

    I agree with the others, find a new vet.
  8. Yea!! I'm so excited for you, I can hardly wait myself! Loki is going to be one happy bird once he gets all the loving you have for him. Tomorrow will be here before you know it.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Lily is a beautiful girl and it sounds like you are doing great with her.
  10. Hi Rebecca! Welcome to the forum. Tilly sounds like a sweet bird and it's not unusual for them to form a stronger bond with one person in the family. Because of her missing toes you may want to consider getting or making her some kind of shelf to sit on in her cage- it may be harder for her to perch normally and I'm sure she may be more clumsy because of this. Also, if she falls off her perches a lot you may want to put a few layers of newspaper on the bottom of the cage to soften her fall if she does. In time she will get less clumsy and will come to trust you more.
  11. Hello Udbluehen- welcome to the forum. Sounds like you may have your hands full with your new grey, Storm. You should definitely leave your bird inside his cage with the door closed whenever you are not around, or even if you are sleeping. If he got in your bed while you were asleep you could roll over on him and kill him without realizing it. They are very mischievous birds and can get into a lot of trouble in a very short period of time. It sounds like you were lucky he didn't fly away when you took him outside. Even with clipped wings they can sometimes fly away if scared so I only take mine out in a carrier. Lots of people use the avian harnesses with success so you may want to try that out. Good luck with your new bird- I hope you wont try to discourage him from making his noises- he is feeling comfortable around you if he is making them and this is a good sign.
  12. Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of being owned by a grey. I'm sure you are excited to get him home with you and he sounds like a great bird.
  13. I think it was really smart that you took Elmo to work with you that day. I would have been worried about the rest of your birds too- even though the exterminator seemed to know what he was talking about, noone is as careful around our birds as we are ourselves. I'm glad everyone survived the day just fine and now Elmo will count herself lucky that you didn't leave her at the pet store! It was probably a good experience for her anyway.
  14. Poor Charlie- no more cat ball toys for him! You have to watch jingle bells, and greys just love to get themselves into a mess don't they? I say you do milk it for all it is worth Caroline, make him take you out to dinner this weekend and do something around the house you've been wanting done. Maybe sabotaging the bike isn't a good plan...he'll just want revenge back on you again and start an endless cycle of getting even... nah, I say a good candlelight dinner with a nice bottle of wine is in your future!
  15. Lyric


    Glad to hear it all went well and you are now feeling better. Sounds as if Blue had a good time and enjoyed his little get-away.
  16. It really sounds like Charlie is doing fine with the new cage and I wouldn't be worried at all if I were you. The fact that he settled down to beak grinding and went to sleep means he was quite comfortable in there. If you have to help him with getting in and out for a few days, this should be okay. With time, he'll be curious enough to figure it out for himself.
  17. Lyric


    I think your bird probably did have a night fright. If you scooped her up during or right after this incident she could be seeing you as a predator or something that initiated her fright, just because you were there while she was panicking. You need to give her time to calm down and realize that you are still a gentle loving person in her life. Sit close to her and read in a soothing voice. Continue to offer treats and let her see that things are okay with you. She should settle down in a day or two and come around.
  18. I agree with a lot of what the others here said. It would be good if your girlfriend could work with your current grey and develop a better relationship with him. However, if you still decide to get another bird, I'd look at Senegals. They are smaller than a grey, bigger than a cockatiel. They are pretty quiet and also an African species of bird. They can be a bit nippy if not given daily attention and time out of the cage but I think a hand fed baby that was offered daily one-on-one time would make a wonderful bird for your girlfriend. Just one more for you to consider!
  19. Welcome Millie, she sounds like a sweetheart and now Merlin has his hands full (so to speak!) doesn't he? That's so cute that he said "Wow". Have fun with your new addition!
  20. Thanks for sharing those pics with us, they are both beautiful. I've always thought that B&G's are just stunningly beautiful birds- I have a little fear of the bigger birds' beaks though.
  21. How exciting! A new member of your flock. Eclectus are just beautiful birds, hope you are enjoying him. I like the name too. :lol:
  22. This is a good post and I'm glad you've left it on here as well, to help inform the members of our forum. Everything on the web is not a scam and sure, there are people out there that will give away a bird for free but everything should be checked out carefully in advance BEFORE you exchange personal information or money of any kind. Anything that mentions they will send you a money order or check for more than what it should be and they want you to do something with that money is a scam- walk away, don't fall for it, don't give your money to someone who will do this again and again wherever they can find an unsuspecting person with a good heart. Perhaps a good sticky topic for one of our rooms would be "Internet scams and how to avoid them" or something similar. Great work everyone!
  23. Hello Darkmocha and welcome here. It's so wonderful you are giving a good home to a grey that really needs it. Check out DrsFosterSmith.com they have a great variety of seed mixes. If you can't handle having peanuts around you at all you may have to mix your own seed mix or get a cockatiel seed mix until you can make the transition to pellets. They have bulk seeds and dried fruits and nuts available that you can mix yourself. Most of the parrot seed mixes do contain peanuts but it appears that the mixes for cockatiels do not, but you could also call them and discuss it to find out for sure. I have done business with them for years and they are a great company to order from. Best of luck with your new addition.
  24. Welcome Abernathy. Morgan looks like a very pretty bird and I'm sure you're excited to bring her/him home!
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