I really hope you can sort this out.
Can I ask has the vet used an anasthetic on a Grey before?
One of my babies had to be knocked out and the vet just towelled him, I wouldnt like the thought of taping him down.
Please let us know what happens wont you and let us know if you need help finding a good Avian vet in the UK.
Ha Ha Julie, you know me too well lol.
Well I did the the birds last night and had some Human time which was really good! We also got back around 2 am, the birds were fine. I gave them extra toys etc and left them with plenty to do.
I have to admit though, the party was across the road and I kept coming back for a check:P You will never change me I am just a big softie when it comes to my babies:lol:
Could be possible like Penny said but is very rare.
Im in the UK and have bought all my babies from pet stores. My local store always has a supply of Parrots for sale which is heartbreaking to see when I go in for food, I always want to bring them home. They are generally overpriced in our pet stores though so end up being there for quite a long time. Your talking maybe £300 more than what a breeder would charge you buying directly from them.
Did you manage to weigh him or have you been unable to if he wont step up?
I would consult a vet if you are concerned about the changes. I really feel he needs to be weighed though by your vet if you cant do it youself, this will indicate on wether he is under/overweight or not.
Purchase some gram scales, these are what you need to use.
Please let us know what your vet says wont you? I hope everything will be ok.
Merry Christmas everyone:)
May you, your families and your fids have a wonderful Christmas, New Year and a happy healthy 2010!
Best wishes from me and my family and of course, Charlie, Keeko and Jasper xxxxx