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Everything posted by casper

  1. Your experience and knowledge are going to be such an assett to this forum! I will look forward to you posts and many pictures:)
  2. Chocko has some good taste in music! Thats one of my favourite tunes as well! I love to see birds dancing, they are so funny:laugh:
  3. casper


    I really hope you can sort this out. Can I ask has the vet used an anasthetic on a Grey before? One of my babies had to be knocked out and the vet just towelled him, I wouldnt like the thought of taping him down. Please let us know what happens wont you and let us know if you need help finding a good Avian vet in the UK.
  4. I will be thinking of you both and pray for your Greys speedy recovery x
  5. That is just so funny:laugh:
  6. Ha Ha Julie, you know me too well lol. Well I did the the birds last night and had some Human time which was really good! We also got back around 2 am, the birds were fine. I gave them extra toys etc and left them with plenty to do. I have to admit though, the party was across the road and I kept coming back for a check:P You will never change me I am just a big softie when it comes to my babies:lol:
  7. That is so sweet Steve, thanks for sharing:)
  8. Congratulations Janet! You are such a big part of this forum, well done:)
  9. I hope you had a wonderful hatchday Rikki:)
  10. What a difference! Karma to you for being such a great Parront:)
  11. casper

    She speaks!!!

    Congratulations! Those first words are so precious:kiss:
  12. Could be possible like Penny said but is very rare. Im in the UK and have bought all my babies from pet stores. My local store always has a supply of Parrots for sale which is heartbreaking to see when I go in for food, I always want to bring them home. They are generally overpriced in our pet stores though so end up being there for quite a long time. Your talking maybe £300 more than what a breeder would charge you buying directly from them.
  13. Wow, Janet! Let me take a deep breath after singing all that lol. That was great! Karma coming your way:)
  14. Tam, my heart goes out to you, I am so sorry. Fly free baby Moe, rest in peace. My thoughts will be with you and your family at this sad time xx
  15. What wonderful pictures of Bismark, apart from the dogs sounds like everything went really well:)
  16. What a toy Pat! Im sure it will keep Chatot entertained for hours when you get it:)
  17. What beautiful pictures of baby Biscotti:) Karma to you for sharing
  18. I pray he gets better soon. He sounds like he is in good hands. Please keep us updated.
  19. Get some of the good old Russian stuff down your neck Sheila, that should do the trick! I tried it once:whistle:
  20. casper

    Over Eating?

    Did you manage to weigh him or have you been unable to if he wont step up? I would consult a vet if you are concerned about the changes. I really feel he needs to be weighed though by your vet if you cant do it youself, this will indicate on wether he is under/overweight or not. Purchase some gram scales, these are what you need to use. Please let us know what your vet says wont you? I hope everything will be ok.
  21. casper


    Dont give your birds ANY raw meat Jamal:huh:
  22. I wouldnt use anything either that had not been given by a vet:ohmy:
  23. Merry Christmas everyone:) May you, your families and your fids have a wonderful Christmas, New Year and a happy healthy 2010! Best wishes from me and my family and of course, Charlie, Keeko and Jasper xxxxx
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