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Everything posted by casper

  1. Yep! That sounds like a BBQ at my house alright! That is when its not raining and we get the chance to have one:laugh: Thanks for sharing it made me laugh:)
  2. Sheila is right, it will be so much harder on you than ZZero! I was in the same position a few months ago, I returned to work after being at home with the birds for about 6 months. Did I worry, and still do! I am lucky I am staying on part time hours so I suppose I am quite lucky. ZZero will be fine, just leave lots of foraging and chewable toys, leave some background noise on, I normally leave a radio on. I think what Caitlin said is a good idea as well, start leaving the house for an hour or two now, try and get him used to this routine. The fact that you are starting on part time hours and building up to full time will help as well. I hope you enjoy your new post and hopethat the change will go well for ZZero, Im sure it will Good luck and keep us posted:)
  3. I bet that is so uncomfortable, I couldnt imagine what a pain it must be! Thankfully its just for a day so Cleo can have playtime again soon!
  4. I loved the video of Torry dancing! Great pictures as well:)
  5. Did you get in touch with John on that link I gave you? I hope she is found safe and well soon, dont give up.
  6. Jan, wish Tobie a happy hatchday from me and my three wont you? My Charlie just turned two as well a week ago, so they are the same age. Lets hope we dont get the terrible twos!
  7. I have a bird who is a little bit older Mark and he is doing the same thing at the moment, I think they go through a phase where they like to test us:) My grey is very headstrong! I will also follow Dave's advice and see if this works for me as well. Good luck, let us know how you get on wont you?
  8. I would like to wish Judy a very happy birthday for tomorrow:) Obviously with the time difference I am posting a little early but I would hope everyone would join me sending loving birthday wishes to Judy. Have a great day and make sure you enjoy a Margarita or two from me xxxx:kiss:
  9. I am so sorry you have lost Polly, I pray she will be returned to you safe and sound. Here is a link for the UK National register for lost or stolen Parrots in the UK, please ring if you havn't already, you never know. Good luck and keep us informed wont you? http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Theft/52
  10. That is so funny! I dont have a dog but own two cats, two of my greys meow just like the cats do, they are so funny:laugh:
  11. Lovely photos, Im glad its all going well:)
  12. Wow, this is great! Well, I could fly over Judy if you can put me up for a few days:whistle: Only joking, there must be someone to take Judy up on her offer, its a great opportunity to meet and have a wonderful day, I wish I could go:)
  13. Cant wait to see pictures, I wonder if I could get something like that in the UK, I will have to look:)
  14. They are really nice Dan, and really good prices as well! I would love to get something like that for mine. How have Dayo and Jake reacted to the stands? Have they been brave enough to go on them yet? If not, ship them over to me please;)
  15. Welcome Rob, I hope you have enjoyed reading posts so far, I look forward to hearing more about baby Bella:) Hope you enjoy it here.
  16. He will go when he needs to Di. One of my greys is was the same, I didnt work for a while and he only used to poop outside the cage when he came out. Now I have returned to work he has gone for a poop by the time I get back at lunchtime. He dosent like to poop in his own cage but will quite happily go in the other two's:laugh: Hopefully you can start to relax and look forward to your holiday now, I think they are more of a worry than our kids dont you?
  17. I love Facebook Erika, its great fun with all the games and different ways to keep in touch with people. Just be sure to add people you know, I have had random people Ive never heard of requesting to be a friend, I just ignore these. Give it a try!
  18. Thanks everyone for your lovely birthday wishes, they are all having extra time out today, palm nuts and have some new foot toys to play with. It maybe Charlies birthday but I cant leave the other two out now, can I:whistle:
  19. casper


    They are both beautiful! I hope you do get to keep the too if the allergy problem sorts itself out. Keep us posted wont you:)
  20. Congratulations Indy! There will be no stopping Indy now:) Beautiful photo, thanks for sharing:)
  21. I hope he accepts them for you soon Julie. Mine make me laugh, they love to dip them in their water dishes before they eat tham. I used to moisten them when they were babies, sometimes they will eat them dry, Jasper does but they love to do this. Its early days with Beau, at least he is trying, it just dosent help when they are so expensive!
  22. casper


    I remember the first playstand I got which was a metal one, my first grey was terrified and would not go anywhere near the stand. The one I have now, I still had to place in the room and it must have taken a few months before he would go on the stand, longer before he was totally comfortable being there. Like others have said, entice with favourite treats and toys but it is a lot different than introducing a new toy, it will take time which varies for each grey. Good luck:)
  23. These are brilliant!! Karma to you for sharing:)
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