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Everything posted by casper

  1. This is such a sad story. I totally feel your pain. Make the right decision for you, as Sheila said, we are all here to support you when you need it. Good luck, my heart goes out to you.
  2. What a beautiful baby you have there! I bet you cant wait! Please let us know how she settles and lots more pictures PLEASE!
  3. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl:)
  4. I cant wait to be a Grandparent and follow this rule:P Thanks for the advice Dan! So pleased your greys loved their new gifts, mine freaked when I gave them something similiar:laugh:
  5. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing:)
  6. Thanks Dave, will find out where the nearest Wicks is. I have a B&Q nearby but I phoned and they dont stock anything like that there.
  7. Congratulations Pat, you sure have a heart of gold. I hope everything goes well at the vets. I just dont know how you do it! Three birds takes up all my time, you are one in a million. You are such a kind hearted person:)
  8. Thanks Dan, I will look into that. Karma coming your way
  9. I need a few ideas to soundproof my wall joining on to my neighbours. What should I use as I have no idea! I planned on decorating in the next couple of weeks and figured I may as well do it all together. It needs to be something safe and something I can paint or paper over. I would like to keep the cost down if possible as well. Help me if you can all you DIY enthusiasts:) Thanks everyone.
  10. This is fantastic news! I also think a year would have been too long, you would have been heartbroken without your babies. I am so pleased you will be staying together as a family. Keep us posted with your new home.
  11. Thats so funny Dan! My Charlie has also learnt a naughty word, not gonna tell you what:laugh: but he wont stop saying it! Well, more cheeky than naughty:P
  12. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/the-nursery/73409-handfeeding-a-baby-grey.html I dont know if you have already taken a look, but the above thread is about handfeeding your baby and tells you about the differences. I think the spoon is best as well!
  13. That is so sweet Dave:)
  14. Pat, Im so pleased you were able to save Jeepers! That was a close shave! Its a big worry of mine at the moment as its the school holidays and the kids are in and out every two minutes! I drill it into them and must shout DOOR and BIRDS all day long! Its so scary!
  15. Caitlin, everyone has given great advice, I really hope things work out for you. You know everyone is here for you even if its just to vent a bit or tell us about progress made with Ecko. Big hugs to you:kiss:
  16. Welcome to you all:) Cant wait to hear more about your new grey and please! Lots of pictures! Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  17. Hiya Claire and Loui! Cant wait to hear more about you both. Enjoy the forum:)
  18. Congratulations on your new baby Titch, they are all adorable! I hope you will still get some of the holidays at home with the little one or you will have to ask for some parroternity leave!:laugh:
  19. I pay £29.99 for a 5lb bag. You can buy a smaller one for about £9.99. Both are from Northern parrots, not found it cheaper anywhere else Dave, let me know if you do.
  20. Nims, I feel for you so much! What a predicament to be in! How long do you need to board the birds for? Let us know and we will all help you try and find somewhere. I wonder if we have any members near you what would be able to help out! I am in the Leeds area but would not have room for another two greys. I am quite limited with space having three cages. Are you wanting to board the birds together and are they in seperate cages? Lets hope we can help out:)
  21. Dont mean to go off topic, but we lost weve lost 2 armchairs in our room!:laugh: We only have the sofa left now! Needs must and the birds must have their comforts:laugh:
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