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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
What a cute little baby you have there how old is she/he and whats its name
It would be so good if they could become friend mabie if Fergie had a bird friend she wouldn't be such a velcro bird. Its hard to get anything done with a parrot attached to you constantly:woohoo: :kiss: <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/13 05:49
I think your bird got scared when he fell against the wall and you paniced and eched for him I've heard many simalar storie where the bird has fallen and the owner runs over to the bird to see if its ok and trust is lost. I was told that if you bird falls wait until it turns to you before you pick him up don't ever reach for him to see if she's okay untilhe asks for you too. I have a bird that use to fall all the time and very hard because she was so off balance due to chewing all the feathers on just one side. She would scare me to death everytime she fell. but I never ran over to her. She's fine now. and we are starting to have a wonderful relationship. It will just take some time You are doing all the right things I'm sure one day like Dave said she will step up and all will be forgiven
Sounds to me like he might have had a tramatic experiance when he was just a baby baby you may have to find someone else to help you work with him on socializing like someone else to give him some treats and talk to him and give him head scritches if and when he will allow it and you can be there doing step ups and training sessions but you must try to socialze him to other family members so he learns that he doesn't have to be afraid of other people and that you will be there for him also
Good luck with your bird I'm sure things will go wonderfuly mabie if you can try to move him into the apt before you move everything else in Put him in a quiet corner where he can watch the goings on without being bothered to much talk to him when our unpacking and tell him this is his new home show him the things he used to see alot at the old house are at the new house also. reassure him often that your thee too and your not going to leave him. If he see allot of the old things around him and recognises them he will settle allot faster just talk to him as if he were a little'person and he will understand that this is okay moms here all my old stuff is here okay no sweat I can handle this .
Sounds like he's in love my Amazon is totaly madley in love with me ans she will play with me with her beak she never puts any presure at all its how birds love in the wild their beaks are what they use to show each other affection as long as you don't show any reaction and its just a playful thing I really wouldn't worry my Amazon has been doing this for a long time and its just play she has never ever bit me hard its more like she just holds my finger with her mouth she is very careful with her beak when she climbs up my leg and need to hold on with her beak she is carful only to grab on to my pants she's very gentle for a bird that weighs 479 grams and she's not fat
My Cag has been going over to my Amazons cage latley they are about the same size bird she doesn't seem to be doing this in aggresive way do you think she just wants to be friends. I panic and move her every time she does this which is about 2 times a week do you think I should wait a few minutes to see if they will get along. They have been in the same room with each other for eight months and in that time they have been out of their cages at the same time always. I went to make the tea and some breakfast once and when I came back and Fergie was in Tyco cage and Tyco was on top just looking at her I don't know what to do in this situation Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/12 19:26<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/12 19:29
Thats so funny but I'm sure its happened to every bird person I was playing with Tyco before work one day and she had pooped on my jeans and at the I said tomyself gotta remember to get the poop off before I leave well one thing lead to another then to another and about an hour into work I noticed that I still had the jeans with the poop still on by that time it was good and dry so I went to the washroom and gave it the brush off and washed them off with a paper towel. so don't feel bad we have all had little presents from our birds just a little reminder not to forget them when we are out LOL:laugh: :blush: :evil:
I'll take one of those margeitta's a strawberry one please make it a double. Tyco and fergie are both molting right now I keep all the flight feathers and all the tail feathers from both birds silly huh. I got a bag ful in the closet don't have the heart to throw them away.:cheer: :woohoo:
I just don't know how she can swallow her food when she hanging by her toes it just looks so strange.
Do any of you birds eat hanging upside down?? When Tyco eats her soft food like eggs or sweet potato mixture she does it hanging upside down hanging from the side of her cage. I don't know why its not like she can"t sit comfortably on a perch to eat she only does it with her soft stuff not her pellets or seed mix. You would think it would be really hard to swallow with the gravity pulling the food downward. I just thought it a little strange.
oh the poor grey he should of kept quiet his talking made him lose his home I think thats a terrible thing to do to the bird its not the birds fault she was haveing an affair. what a heartless sob. he deserves to lose it all
He is very nice you can tell by the pics that he's absolutly smitten with you. I've seen that same look in my Amazons Eyes. saying you are the love of my life so you better hang around for a long long time:woohoo: <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/11 07:31
I know I just picked up the feather and walked away like it was no big deal. Even though inside I going no please don't be doing this again. If it was due to something it could have been my ex husband coming over she is not used to seeing men at all. The only people she sees on a regular basis is my daughters my grandsons and my youngest daughters girlfriends no men at all and he came over last night and slept on the couch because I needed him to do some work on my house and we live quite a long ways from each other and we had an early appointment to keep. So I'm hoping it will be just a short lived thing he left today around 4:00 pm and won't be back for another few months. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/11 04:53
When I first got Tyco she had no flight feathers on herleft wing because she chewed them all off since she has been with me she has totally stopped and she is finally full flighted. But this mornin I found a single fight feather chewed off and sitting in her food dish I hope she hasn't started barbering again. I don't know if she just broke a feather and chewed it off becase it was broken or what. I sure hope that allit is I'll be watching for anymore lost flight from now on
Its obvious he's feeling more comfortable with you or he wouldn't of landed on you at all. I have a 5 yr old rescue and she is just starting to come around and its taken 8 months but now she step up on to a stick when she's on her cage and when shes away from her cage she will step up onto my arm we sit queitly in the living room and talk and them I usually take her on a little adventure around the house looking out windows and such and then we go back to her cage or play stand where ever she wants to go sometimes lately she just wants to stay with me and that makes me feel good she refuses to step up on to her cage or her playstand and looks at me as if to say i want to stay here with you so thats when I put a small stand beside where I'm sitting and she happily hangs out with me She sometimes will let me give her a little scritch before bed but she is still very leary of hands I really think someone abused her in her past useing their hand to hurt her she is scared of them and she's a pretty confident little thing she except new things easialy I give her new toyss and she just loves all of them right away I made her a pvc swing and playstand and the day after I put it next to her cage she was playing on it and readily climbed up from the playstand to the swing that hangs from the ceiling so she's a very brave girl except when it comes to hands and cameras she doesn't like the flash on the camera I think Mabie it look like the eyes of a hawk to her.
This morning before I uncovered the birds Tyco was talking away as usual then all of a sudden I here her say mom mom goodmorning sweetheart. I laughed so hard the silly thing flirting with her mom.
Thank Dave your just ever so kind
that the attitude you need good for you your right he will settle down things like earthquakes are a very hard thing for a bird to get over poor guy must have thought the world was coming to an end.
that the attitude you need good for you your right he will settle down things like earthquakes are a very hard thing for a bird to get over poor guy must have thought the world was coming to an end.
he's way to young to be off hand feeding formula and also you should put out a variaty of fresh foods cut up small on the bottom of his cage in shallow dishes or a plate they eat off the ground in the wild and might not recognise that its food if you put it in a regular food dish your baby is proubly hungry and not able to get enough food to eat on is own yet you must feed your baby like his parents would you can try giving him warm baby food off a spoon or handfeeding formula in a shringe just be very careful if you don't know how to hand feed use a spoon so you the baby can eat off the soon itself or ask the person you got the bird from to help you learn to hand feed him
My birds eat so much better when they have to work for it I put a baby carrot a walnut 2 snap peas a green bean few baby greens a piece of broccoli and some pine nuts into a paper towel roll and folded the ends the get so excited and by the time the get into it that food taste great they eat every single bit of it. I i put the samw foor in their bowls they pick out what the like and leave the rest I have no clue why its so different to them but it is and if thats what gets them to eat whats good for them the I'll save every cardboard tube and get all my friends to save theirs also.
That tooooo coool I love humming bird when I was a kid we use to have so many of them all around my moms flower garden I fell in love with them then
Your baby is beautiful I just know you on stiches waiting to bring her home. you will have so much fun with her have you decided on a name yet