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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Some thing that Tyco has dropped I very grateful that she has when I first got Tyco she would constantly make the sound of the garbage truck backing up that awful beep beep almost drove me nuts she very rarely mimics anything anymore but she talks and talks and talks I don't mind that at all she's not one for repeating things over and over she will learn new thngs daily and then go through her whole vocabulry adding the new words to her old word and trying them out in different places to where she thinks they should go sometimes its very funny the stuff she comes up with. She will sing a song in the middle of a phrase and all sorts of stuff like that. They really are quite entertaining its very hard to get bored with a Grey around the house. Pat
  2. Tyco was a rescue also I'm her 4th owner and she is only 5 yrs old. She to is starting to come around verynicley and is starting to bond with me. I'm not in any rush Igive her the options she still won't step up on to myarm or hand when she is on her cage but she will anyother time no problem when she on her cage I usr a perch to step her up and she will do that when ever I ask so she pretty good she gives me kisses everynight before bed and when she wakes up in the morning. and sometimes at bedtime she will even let me give her head a little scritch. its only been 9 months since I've had her so to me she doing great concidering what her life used to be like. I tell her I love her everyday and I also tell her shes not going anywhere any more she is home to stay. I don't know if she understands but I tell her anyway. There are allot of birds out there that have had lots of love their whole lives and they have to be rehomed for some reason those birds would make wonderful pets and you won't have to wait forever for them to learn to trust again because they have no reason not to trust people. Its up to you what you want in a bird. I find it very rewarding to turn a nervous unhappy bird into a confident very happy bird that can finally trust again without fear of being rehomed again. I've rescued 3 birds now from terible situations and you would never know that Fergie and Luna ever had a problem Fergie(Amazon hybrid 11yrs old) is the most lovey bird she can't get enough cuddling she also will let just about any woman handle her now she hates men though and she will bite them and swear at them she was abused by one when she was young and won't put up with them being around her. Luna(Fiery Shouldered Conure 10yrs old) is just you basic happy content dancing singing bird she loves to preen every part of your face she very sweet. Pat
  3. I'm so glad that your dog has gotten through his crisis with a snakebite. I also think of my birds as my children like M2MM said my kids are grown and gone except for one. Now I have my birds Tyco and Fergie are everything to me they just know what to do when times get tough Tyco can make me laugh so hard with the things she comes up with. and Fergie is always there to give me a hug or a kiss when I need it the most. I really don't know what I would do without them they are a very speical part of my life. Pat
  4. wow your smokey sure has allot of red feathers how old is he. just asking because I was curious if he's had his first molt yet hes very cute with that big black beak of his he likes to help shift the gears ah. LOL Pat
  5. She looks like shhe was having the time of her life I love to see the birds out and about the really do seem to enjoy it. My Amazon Fergie loves to be outside. Tyco on the otherhand has just not had enough time out there yet to find out that its great she gets a little scared so within a few minates I end up bringing her back in I don't want her to become phobic about it so we are taking it very slowly.
  6. She has a ton of toy's and two huge playstands I also make my own toys from 2x2 untreated spruce wood cut into blocks and strung on sisle rope I also make differnt types and shapes with the blocks and paint different designs on them with food coloring stripes hearts pokadots just to make them interesting she has a huge basket full of foot toys. I also cut branches from my birch tree and lilac tree because she loves to chew the bark off them I think the motavation to go up there is from a hormonal thing I think she wants to nest up there but I don't want her chewing my wardrobe and make a nest she is 11 yrs old now so she not a baby but she is still pretty young and spoiled rotten she gets more one on one time then any of my other birds because she demands it she just flies over and sits down with me when ever she wants too. I open my birds cages at 8am and except for 3hour monday fri, sat from 5pm til 8pm because i work they are out right until bedtime which is 8pm my bird have it made in the shade they have everything a bird could want and more. i found a solotion for the time being anyway it looks kind of ugly but least now she can't get up there. I stapled a old sheet to the ceiling around the wardrobe she is not happy she flew over to take a look when I was don and flew back to her cage. now she has come over and has been playing with me for the last 1/2 hour or so while I try to type this post she making it very difficult for me.LOL got to go she is demanding my undivided attention again. I think I'll put her out on the sundeck for awhile she just loves to be outside she sings and whistle and whatches all the birds. The only problem is bringing her back inside she never wants to come out of her outside cage she goes to the farthest side and looks outside as if to say no mom I don't want to come in yet can't I stay out just a little bit longer. typical teenager LOL <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/10 01:16
  7. My Amazon has to be the most stubborn bird on the face of the earth. I have a wardrobe in my bedroom and she likes to fly up on it and chew it to peices. I'v tryed everything to discourage her I put a hugge box on top of itand then ontop of the box I stacked some other thing like my drill (its in a case and some old trays like the kind they use in cafateria's ans then I placed a bunch of ceramic tiles around the edge so she couldn't chew there. And every time she goes up there I go get her and put her back on her stand. I no sooner sit back down and I have to get up and do it again I actually go to the point where I was giving her time outs in her cage. She could care less as soon as I open the cage door she's right back up there again.I've moved her so many times today I think she turning it into a game. I have no Idea what to do with her to stop her from going up there I can't block it because she lives in that room. I just about ready to clip her wings. Pat
  8. My birds love cherrys and blue berrys If Tyco had her way she would eat nothing buut cherrys she only gets 2 a day I don''t think she going to be very happy when cherry season is over lol I hate takeing out the pits it makes such a mess when you have 5 birds at 2 cherry's each my hands are purple and so is the plate I do them on I need a cherry pitter lol my birds love to eat off the side of my plate but with five birds I wouldn't get much food so I usually fill my plate and give them theirs in their dish off my plate and then fill it up again for myself. Pat
  9. My Green cheeked Conure was weaned to roudybush pellets and he is so big compared to most of the ones i've seen he weighs 85gr and is 11 inches long. His breeder would also take the pellets andmush them up with hand feeding formula and feed the babys with it. She says all her babies ar bigger than most. Pat Pat
  10. I don't see that you will have any problems with your Grey in a apartment my Grey isn't a screamer and I don't think most are they do talk however and allot to the point sometimes you'll wish you could turn them off My bird never shuts up except when we are in training then I can't get her to talk no how. They are very endearing bird and its very hard not to love them to peices. When I first got Tyco she bit the top Mandable off my Green cheeked conure he was constantly trying to pick a fight with Tyco and I guess she had enough and reached through the bars of his cage and snaped the beak right off. Well my 20 year old Daughter Hated Tyco after that want me to get rid of her imediatly. I said no that it wasn't her fault Sprout was asking for it and I was the one to blame because the doorbell had rang that morning and I didn't move the cage back so Tyco couldn't reach him. Well with in a month Tyco had won her heart and know when I pass away she wants Tyco she asked me if I would will her to her they are such good friends when Tyco sees her she gets so excited and wants to play they have a game they play together called shake and bake play for keeps. so when Tyco sees her that what she says right away and then starts bobbing her head up and down. its so cute anyway your going to love being owned by a Grey and I wish you all the luck in the world. Oh yea by the way Tyco now gets along with all the birds in the house I uess she has excepted them as part of her flock I have her my Amazon and a little cocateil all in the same room with them all out at the same time and there has never been a problem since she adapted to them all. Before I got her she was a only bird for 4 years of her life so there was an adjustment period. If your planning on getting a baby Grey I don't think you should have any problems at all with your Quaker and your Grey. Pat
  11. I will phone the people and get them to look at the ad to see if it is their bird I hope so that would be great if it was.Thankyou Pat
  12. I alway make sur they get lots of calcium pkus with the nice weather she likes to sit ouside for anhour or so in the morning before it gets to hot. sonI'not to worried about her calcium she gets eggshell in her scrmbled eggs twice a week and lots of dark green leafy veggies she also get cheese small slice or grated fresh parmsan on pasta one a week. so her cacium levels should be ok. I always keep a cuddle bone in their cages also just in case they want it. Pat
  13. I'm so glad my cage has toss proof dish holders in it the the stainless steel dishes had a 1/4 inch lip that slides into the grooves into slots of the dish holder Who ever built this cage I have for her must of had a bird that could undo anything because not only the dishes are locked but the door lock with a long pin that you goes into a hole on the top of the cage and into the frame of the door so when the bird is inside the cage there is noway she can reach the pin and pull it out. Its a wonderful cage for Tyco when I first got her she would escape her cage and go around to all the cages open all the doors and dump every food dish she could get her beak on and what a mess she would toss those full dishes right across the room. The cage she's in now keep her being a good bird The heavy dishes will proububly do the job Thats what I have for Magoo because he likes to dump his dishes also. Its not as bad with him because he also likes to eat off a saucer or those vegetable skewers that you can hang in the cages he really likes those. empty's them in no time. Pat Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/04 08:05
  14. I didn't know that cockateils could talk so well and so clear mine chatters away every morning whistling the song baby face you've got the cutest little baby face and saying his little vocabulary. its so cute he's like my little alarm clock. His favorites are pretty bird and whacha doin he says things just as clear as my Grey He was hatched on Oct 23, 2007 so he's just a little baby still I can't wait to see how much he learns by the time he's two or three yrs. old. Pat <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/03 15:14
  15. That great news that little Scar is thriving again I glad to hear he going to be okay and go on to live a normal life all thanks to you and the wonderfulcare that you have given him. I know the baby had a rough start and that breeder should have to pay for all the vet bills and also return the price of that baby. The only thing that breederr did right was to sell that baby to you she couldn't of picked a better person. you have brought a baby that could have easily died back to health and thats just wonderful. Karna to you and I wish you all happiness with your new family.
  16. What a sweetie Likes his foot toe just like Tyco does and the color pink. Its strange because Tyco has never been afraid af anything pink.
  17. I leave a very dim light on the birds are totally covered with thick dark blankets so I doubt the get any light at all I leave a light on mostly for myself if I have to get up I don't want to have to turn the big lights on and disturb the birds if I don't have to. Fergie my Amazon does get the odd night fright I just tell her everythng is fine and I won't let any thing bad happen and she usually gooes right back to sleep.
  18. Pull up a perch and make yourself at home you'll love it here everybody's always willing to help if they can I rescued a 5yr old cag myself about 10 months ago she coming around nicely last night she let me give her scritches for a whole 2 minutes usually she barely lets my touch her feathers. I was so proud of her what a little sweetheart she is. I'm sure your new Cag will be the love of your life and return all the love you give 100 fold enjoy the site and we will be talking to you soon. Don't forget to post some pictures of your Grey and your Macaw I love those big darling babys so sweet and cuddley when they want to be.
  19. I think Fergie my Amazon is going to lay eggs she has been extreamly hormonal lately and has been hanging out on top of my wardrobe allot. while shes up there he has been chewing an empty cardboard box and making all kinds of hormonal noises while doing it. If she does lay eggs do I just allow her to sit on them until she gets bored or loses intrest or do I take them away from her. They won't be fertile as she is the only Amazon I have so she doesn't have a mate.
  20. Sounds like lots of fun to me Its very easy to make a pvc playstand also and for about 20.00 you can have a pretty nice one there are lots of picture on this website some where take a look and get your boyfriend to make you one for your birthday I made one for my Grey and she loves I even made a swing that hangs above it so she can climb up on to the swinng if she wants too she has a great time on it so does my little Cockateil silly little thing loves to swing. its very simple to make things out of pvc I just put vet wrap around the pipes when I'm done so its easier for them to grip.
  21. I love all baby pictures even a baby crocadile is cute I don't think there is such a think as an ugly baby.very nic picture of mom and baby.
  22. beautiful hummingbirds are one of my favorites When I was just a little girl we used to get allot oof them in my moms garden and I could sit there for hours watching them. They where never afraid of my presence I think thats why I liked them so much they just went on about their bussiness like I wasn't even there.
  23. Very cute it only takes one look from Tyco if she's on the floor to make my dogs back down go they instantly turn their heads so they don't make eye contact with him they definatly don't want any bite from her they aren't much bigger than she is my Papillion only weighs 4 lbs and my Shih-zu weighs about 6 lbs so neither one can take on my birds. My Shih-zu protects the little birds if they are on the floor she stays right beside them so they don't accidently get stepped on and if someone gets to close she barks to let them Know to watch your step. she's very maturnal she's has had a few pups over the years so she likes to baby anything smaller than her.
  24. That so sweet I like her girly voice my Amazon has a girly voice most of the time except when she see a man then her voice instantly changes and she gets really mad and start swearing in a deep mans voice and calls him everyname in the book she hates men with a passion. When she does that I almost want to call the excorsist and have what ever gotten into her removed.LOL:laugh:
  25. I have 2 conure that have toes biten off on one foot 1 of them is missing 1 the other is missing 2 all thanks to a little love bird I used to have. You would never know there was anything wrong with them they do everything the same as if they where normal and had all there toes. birds adapt fine I also one of those conure lost its top mandible due to my African Grey biting it off he know eats on his own and has no problems at all with climbing or anything else he wants to do. his top mandible has only grown back enough to just barley touch his bottom mandable and I don't know how much more he's going to get. also he now has a slight sissor beak which I was hopping to avoid with lots of trimm to his bottom andabile while it was growing in but one side grew whil the other side didn't get much growth at all but its quite amazing how the adapt and get on with their lives as if nothing was wrong.
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