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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
I'm kind of upset today My Amazon bit my Shith-zu dog very hard on her back end she didn't break the skin but my dog is in allot of pain and everytime she moves she cry's it makes me cry with her she is 9yrs old she was born in my house and now she very much in pain do you think that its just a bad bruise since the skin isn't broken or do you think she may have damaged done internally. like I said she didn't break the skin. I wasn't in the room when she bit her so I don'tt know the exact spot where she was bit and with nothing to indicate where she was bit it hard to tell. all I know is she is in allot of pain I don't even know for sue if Fergie bit her because I didn't see it but one minute she was fine and the next time I see her a few minutes later she in a severe amount of pain should I take her to the vet I don't know what to do.
What kind of travel cage did you get is it an adventure pack or just a smaller cage that you can take in the car. can we see some pictures
What a victory yeah Jiggy !!!! Soooo Cute good storytelling.
I have a baby WF Cocateil he's 8 months old and a new Indian ringneck 12 weeks old I just wanted to know if They could possibly be housed together in a large cage. My cocateil needs to be in a larger cage and I have one but I would also like to put the ringneck in that cage even though the cage he is in is suitible it would be nice to have him in a bigger cage. The do hang out together for hours on the same playstand do you think I should try to put them together and see what happens or wait until they are really good friends and then try Pat
I agree that pets should not be throw away Items you must approuch getting pet with a mature and responsible attitude and if you are not stable and do not know if you will be able to keep the animal for all of its life then you should not get it in the first place. I know that parrots can out live us so you also must keep that in mind when you get one and make arrangements for that parrot when you pass on I have five kids and two parrots that will out live me the others there is a good chance they will pass before me but Two of my daughters love birds and will gladly take them when I pass and my birds know them and love them so I have no worrys that the birds will be fine. Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/22 23:22
When you go to a breeder for birds the aviary itself should be closed to the public as you never know what people could bring in with them. usually a bird breeder will only show you the birds that you are interested in that are up for sale the rest will be else where and away from the public. Make sure everything that is around the babys is clean and sanitary and that the babies look healthy no poop on the vent area or crusties around the eyes ears nose. check the breast bone to make sure the babes aren't to thin a baby will tend to lose weight during the weanining prosess but not so much that its skin and bones look for any signs of sores around the crop area you don't want any problems with a burnt crop or anything like that. Most bird breeder I've found really love there bird and take extra speicial care to produce healthy babies. There are the exceptions but you can usually spot the bad one right away and as for buying unweaned babys a good breeder proububly would not sell you a unweaned baby unless you had a good deal of experiance hand feeding in the past and could provide proof of this. I know the breeders I deal with would never let you buy an unweaned baby. Pat
Thats funny I would have loved to see the look on yours and everyone elses face at that exact moment I'm sure it was pricless. Pat
It's reall quite amazing what will keep them busy Tyco prefers toy that rattle and that she can pick up and throw aeound so I'm always looking for foot toys for her she has tons on them that I keep in a wicker basket on her play top. Baby toys from the dollar store I find keep her most amused yeething ring with rattles and rings on them are her favorites. Pat
I have a 12 yr. old in the house all the time and she is very good with the birds she doesn't handle the bigger ones but she does the small ones. I find Tyco learns allot from her if she comes in to ask me something Tyco is always the first one to say what doya want Tyco also uses her voice to call me when I leave the room. I don't know how many times I've walked down the hall to ask Andraya my daughter what she wants only to have her look at my like I'm crazy and then I relize it was Tyco calling Mom MOm LOL But She and her friends know the rules about being around the birds and they are all very good about it. Andrayas friends love coming over and hearing the birds talk they will sit and talk to the birds for hours just to get a hello or whatca doing from the birds Its really quite cute to see how excited kids get over a bird that can talk. Pat
omg you must be on top of the world I would be a nevous wreck trying to make sure I didn't do anything wrong.{Emotions-0002007D} They are so beautiful you are one lucky lady to have a guy that buy's a bird like that for you. I guess he must love birds as much as you. A match made in heavenLOL
well I must say that Raja has settled in wonderfully he eats all his fruits and veggies and has made friends with my Conures. he is such a nice bird and is very confident. not afraid of to much at all. I opened his cage this morning and he came right out and jumped on my hand for a pet and a kiss. I hope he stay this way he's very loving apparently they go through something called a bluffing stage where they can get quite nippy but as long as you don't back down they get over that quickley I'm hoping mine skips that part of growing upLOL anyway i have to go to work now. just wanted to fill yo in on how my new baby is doing. Pat
I love you play stand good deal on it also. Your baby is a cutiepie Is it a he or a she or do you know. If you don't know what sex he/she is then you should pick a name that can be for either a girl or a boy. I really like her/him though very cute. Pat
Well it sounds like you have yourself a wonderful new baby and that all is well with him. Isn't it nice when they like to cuddle I like that part the best. I'm hoping one day I'll be able to snuggle with Tyco. If not thats okay too I wouldn't trade her for love or money I love her so much I didn't think it was possible to love a animal that much until I got my first bird when I was on my own 30 yrs ago. They are just so special I would never want to know what life would be like without them. I have a couple birds that really like to cuddle they are so sweet. Pat
I checked a few breeders in the Vancouver Canada area and the average is $1200 for Tags and $1300 to $1500 for Cags I paid $700 for Tyco but shes a rescue. I've also checked out a few pet stores and they run from $1700 to $2500 depending on which store you get it from. I for One would never buy a bird from the pet store I know enough breeders that know even more breeders that I can always find a wonderful baby bird with a devoted breeder looking after it and making sure the baby's get plenty of love and socializing. Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/18 06:24
very cute. Picture LOL. Pat
This is a picture of my new baby Raja I think he's the sweetest little guy and so smart he's already learning how to turn around and play dead. He seem to enjoy learning new things Pat <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/18 01:50
Well my new baby is home and he is so sweet I just love him to peices. I went to the breeders and she had 6 babys to choose from but this guy seemed to be very interested in me from the moment I walked into the room. she had three green 1 blue 1 violet and 1 albino. although I thought they where all gorgious I went with the little guy that wanted to be with me and sat with me the whole time I was there. He's a green Irn and he is Dna tested male he's 12 weeks old and I named him Raja. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can I've been really bust lately if you've noticed I haven't been here as much as usual but hopfully things should settle down soon and get back to normal. Pat
Ilove Quaker's they are tough little birds or at least they think so. I've always been partial to birds that are fiesty. Quakers are all that and more. keep us updated on his progress and have fun with him. Pat
Tyco goes on her playstand when ever she wants to Idon't try to force anything on her and as a result she's not afraid of much I get her new toys all the time because she destroys them very quickly specialy foot toys her favorite. I get new ones for her every 2 weeks or so and throw them onto her playtop or play stand and she gets at them right away she tosses them and chews them shakes them what ever it takes to wreck them. she never is hesitent about any new toy. to hher a toy is a toy and it must die. Pat
I'm bringing home a new Baby Indian ring neck on Tuesday I can't wait does anybody have this kind of bird and if so I'd love to hear anything you can tell me about them I've done quite a bit of research but there is nothing like first hand experiance. so if you have one tell me everything about them I'm really interested in your opinion on them thanx in advance. Pat
Tyco loves to make soup but I find that if I put her water on the oppisite side of the cage from her food she keeps her water clean so I don't use bottles either. Tyco likes to try and bath in her water as well so even though she can't very well I let her play a little water splash never hurt anything. Pat
Oh that so great I'm glad you found a baby Grey to fill the void in your life. I know you will grow to love him more and more everyday I love the name you picked for him I wish you all the joy and happiness that a New baby can bring Pat
That to cute they really do know how to get things done around the house. :laugh: With the smoke alarm their just trying to make sure every one gets out safe they just wanna make sure they can make the sound perfectly just in case the real one doesn't work when its suppose to LOL What good birds they are protecting us so well. Pat
Last night before bed Tyco got very excited when I went over to tuck her in for the night she was holding on to her cage door that was only open about 6 inches and she was half in and half out of her cage just enough so I couldn't close her door to put her to bed. She was all puffed up like she was going into attack mode and bite but I've gotten very good at reading her body language and I knew she wasn't going to bite because she was only looking at me with one eye. So I said well whats with you you wanna play is that it?? and she kinda bobbed her head up and down for a second. so I gave I reached in and gave her a little beaky rub and said its not time to play its time for bed. She looked at me and gave her feathers a little shake and put her head way down and she let me give her a 5 minate neck scratch. I couldn't beleive it she has never let me touch her like that before. usually Its just a little 2 second finger scratch on the top of her head. Then this morning when she was chatting in her cage she said Ilove youuuuuu for the very first time. so cute. Pat
That one is probubly a little small for your grey I noticed they come in different sizes you would want to get the one for large birds not the one for small birds. It really is easy to build a playstand yourself for allot less money there are a few links on this site with playstands built from pvc pipes and They are great playstands for birds take a look around you may get some Ideas Pat