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Everything posted by Acappella
I can't imagine the stress you are going through with this. I hope everything works out, and that quarantine doesn't stress out Sukei too much. I hope the bean counter gets shingles! HA!!!
Welcome to the forum and congrats for doing your research before you get your fid. I'm about and hour and a half north of Toronto in a town called Lindsay, so not too far from you. I echo what the others say, greys can be very adaptable, and your fid will get used to your routine. As long as you can string together 10 hours of sleep for him/her that's the important thing. I think a cage cover might be a good idea, but you should still tell him/her what's going on when you come in because they will wake up when you come in. If you get a baby it will be much easier to develop a trusting relationship with your fid and it will be pretty easy to get him/her used to traveling to and from your trailer. A rescue will probably take longer to develop trust. You might have to wait a few weeks before your fid will step up for you and allow you to put him/her in a travel cage, so that's something to consider when deciding on a baby or a rescue. As for the dog, you'll have to trust the experiences of the members here with dogs. I have a cat, and he and Dorian have reached an understanding. As long as they both get mom time they tolerate each other, but they're not friends lol. Again, good work doing your research before hand, and welcome to the forum.
Merry Christmas Dave. Enjoy your mess.
So cute. Ho Ho Ho Merry to you too Sully, you sweetheart, and to your hoomans too.
I remember the first time I got to touch Dorian outside his cage. We were in the store where he lived and his owner had just clipped his wings, which is the only time he was ever let out of his cage. Bev handed Dorian to me and he perched on my hand while I held my hand in the Egyptian pose to keep him from moving up to my shoulder. He was trembling so much, but of course he was, he`d just been wrapped in a towel and clipped! Looking back I`m surprised he didn`t bite, but that was a good indicator of what a gentle soul he is. I`d already found this forum and was realizing that he wasn`t in a very good situation. I think I ran home and told you all about handling him, I was so excited! Since then he`s taught me the meaning of the word patience, just like Miss Gilbert has. I`m sure if you keep paying attention to the signals Brutus is sending you, you`ll move forward. In the meantime concentrate on the positive interactions you already have with him, and don`t go out of stock on those nuts! lol
Dorian has gone from a grey that was totally terrified of people's hands who would tolerate no handling 10 years ago to a bird that steps up when asked and will let me give him kisses all over his body and let's me lift his wings and touch him anywhere (I'm working towards maybe getting a harness on him). All I can say about the how is time. I've always offered him the option of closer contact but waited for him to make the move towards me. That's why it's taken 10 years! He's exceptionally slow to change. My patience has been my main tool with him and it's paid off big time. I hope things continue to progress in a positive direction for you.
So glad you two have reached an understanding. Hopefully you can move forward from here.
Wow, that's impressive. Dorian doesn't chew wood though. He's weird.
Now the rescue has a better idea what kind of home CC needs. Don't feel bad. You had to act in the best interest of all of the birds, and yourself. CC obviously needs some rehab time one on one either at the rescue or a new home.
Unfortunately moving the desk isn't an option. Dorian has the master bedroom which also holds my desktop computer and my music keyboard. I use an iPad after I put him to bed. You're right that the desk is a constant battle. He's totally obsessed with being on it. After a couple of times climbing up onto the desk and getting into mischief I have to lock him in his cage with his toys. I've tried building a perch onto the desk but he won't stay on it. He's learning to entertain himself in his cage but it only lasts so long before it erupts into a temper tantrum with his bell, which I usually find amusing lol. I just worry about him becoming frustrated, but I think you're right, it's mostly about getting my attention. I guess I should be flattered that he's so happy to be re-united with me every morning after a long night's sleep.
Loved the videos. Can't believe he's already closing his eyes when you give him scratches, that shows trust. Thank you for taking in a rescue. If you're looking for a good online Canadian store for parrot stuff I really like Parrotdise Perch. They have great customer service.
I'm just sick for you. You've got to know you did everything you could for him. They hide their illnesses so well we don't know something is wrong until they are dangerously ill. I'm so sorry for the hole in your heart he has left.
They're beautiful. Congratulations on your new friends. Hope the introductions go smoothly.
Two Re-Homed Amazons; Meet CC and Sadie
Acappella replied to Luvparrots's topic in Cricket's Amazon Room
Congrats on your new flock members. Hope they settle in peacefully. -
Sometimes they need a time out in their cage. Like you say, you have to do your work. As long as she has lots of toys and things in there a little in cage time is not going to kill her. Then bring her out when you can devote your attention to her. After all, you need to take a play break every once in a while.
Hi. I've been trying to insert a video into a thread I started. I tried from a video taken on my iPad, and my android phone, but neither is working. Is this the same problem as above, or am I doing something wrong?
...Dorian gets all lovey dovey, especially trying to get on my hand. I'm allowing him to shred a phone book on my desk and he gets right into it, shredding and kicking the shredded paper around. Is there any way the shredding and playing in the shredded paper could be setting off the mating behaviour?
Dorian's "I don't approve of what's going on here" sound is the beep of the smoke detector needing a new battery. He's not afraid of the vacuum, but it doesn't make him want to bathe either. He mostly starts to bathe in his water dish when it's freshly full of fridge cold water. The smaller the bowl the better, apparently, as most baths start in his playstand's water dish. Most greys do seem to prefer cold water. Some even like ice cubes in the water so you might try that. Once he starts in bathing on his own I'm allowed to help him out with a spray bottle. The finer the mist the better. He doesn't seem to care about the colour of the bottle. Good luck with your little overpreener. She's still very pretty.
Love the album. The new cage looks good. She looks like a very happy healthy baby.
Just let your fid decide on his own to come out of his cage. It took my Dorian over a year to venture onto the outside of his cage. It was his safe spot. I just sat outside and chatted to him, fed him treats etc... One day he just ventured out. I was sitting on the floor in front of his cage with my back to him and I heard a click sound, I turned around and there he was hanging off the bottom of his open door!!! I gave him super enthusiastic praise and a treat and he went back in, but that was the beginning of a new life for him. Just make outside the cage look like a fun place to be. Make his toys in front of him. I think a key part of Dorian's eventual exploration was watching me playing with the cat on the floor outside his cage. We were having fun and he wanted a closer look. They are nosey little critters! Captain Jack will come out when he wants to.
Wow, I can't imagine taking down all of those flights. At least they should be easier going up next time - you've already made all the mistakes the first time.
...on the 27th. I had his hatchday certificate sitting right in front of me and still missed posting it. That also means that he's been here with me about 10 years. Time flies. I can't imagine my life without his beeping, beak grinding self. Say Happy Bird Day to my little man.
Very nicely done daddy. Greycie Mae is a very lucky birdy. Better get going on the one for Toby to keep peace in your little kingdom.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Every time I opened this thread I hoped for the best but dreaded the worst. Wishing e hugs could provide more comfort, but know that I am thinking about you and hoping time eases your pain. ((( )))
We here in Canada have our Thankgiving weeks before those in the States do, but I'm glad my American friends had a good holiday, spoiled parrots and all. Love from Dorian and I.