Hi Marian,
Welcome to the grey forums. The dust that comes from a bird can aggravate certain respiratory conditions such as asthma, but it can be eased by regular showering and misting your bird with aloe vera. I have never heard of anyone actually dying from inhaling it:ohmy:
There could be many reasons why your bird is not happy. The first is that he is no longer allowed to sleep where he is familiar. He may not realise that it is bed time and therefore not getting enough sleep. He may be nervous or scared because he isnt in his familiar surroundings. The wing clip and nail trim may also have upset him, if this is the case he should improve over the next couple of days.
A bird who is not eating and not behaving as normal might be ill. They are particularly good at hiding illness, so a trip to an avian vet would be a good idea to rule out illness.