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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. There are lots of threads here with ideas on how to convert a seed junkie. Just do a search in the bird food room for seed and you will find lots! If she is eating fruit, veg and pasta etc she will be getting some nutrients there too;)
  2. Hi djzenjen Welcome back;) You will find plenty of tips and tricks here. And when you get a minute we'd love to see some pictures of your flock;)
  3. Congrats! And welcome to the grey forum Gracie... ask you new mum to show us your picture;)
  4. They sure do! I got my hair cut quite short yesterday and Liath bit me on the neck today. Either she was practising to be a vampire, or she was trying to figure out why my neck wasnt hidden by my hair:laugh:
  5. Or if only our men ate raw chopped veggies and soaked pulses:laugh: :whistle:
  6. Same here, I didnt think it was possible till someone told me on here that it is! I am really curious to see the result too!
  7. Hello Jason, Welcome to the grey forum... I hail from Westmeath. Where are you? Looking forward to hearing all about Ernie, please post some pictures when you get a minute.
  8. Oh wow, they are beautiful birds! Well done on Ty, he looks beautiful;)
  9. YES I want to see.... going to check it out now;) Oooh I dont like the sound of your harlequin's beak:unsure:
  10. They are arent they:laugh: Great idea Dan! - you spend 30 minutes preparing your parrots dinner and you serve the hubby a frozen microwavable dinner (I'm definitely guilty of this one:whistle: )
  11. Hi Diane, welcome to the grey forum. I'm looking forward to hearing all about Polly! luvparrots, I love your signature line;)
  12. Hi Gina, Welcome to the grey forum! I would love to see pictures of all your birds. I find it funny that you call your CAG such a little bird, and I think they're the big bird:P My other birds are a caique, tiels and budgies!
  13. Hi Laws, Welcome to the grey forums. Looking forward to hear lots about Obi;) Siobhan
  14. Welcome to the forum, Looking forward to hear more about JoJo!
  15. How exciting! That was really quick for them to settle down with you enough to start nesting. I really hope its fertile and of course we want updates;) Siobhan
  16. Yes I let them have pasta etc that has a little garlic in it. Just obivously dont give him a whole clove. I've never thought of feeding carrot tops:unsure: And I give warm meals in a bowl, but my guys were older so you could probably give him a spoon feed;)
  17. Liath loves dunking for ice cubes in her water dish. She plays with them until they melt!
  18. Hi Sarah, Welcome to the grey forum. How old is your baby? Can't wait to see some photos when you get a chance. Oh and talk away... we're always listening;) Siobhan
  19. Hi Charmaine, Welcome to the grey forum. Maybe you could show us some photos when you get a chance! Siobhan
  20. How do you get your birds from the house to the aviary? I would love to build one, but I would be afraid of them getting spooked on the way.
  21. Trinity! Great idea Dan! He is gorgeous Caroline. Is he nervous of you at all? Or does he enjoy cuddles?
  22. Awww! He really is just a baby! He is beautiful. And you have done a brilliant job on his stands;) I wish you all the best with him, Welcome to the forum ZZero!
  23. Congratulations!!!! I'm off to check the photography room;)
  24. Hi Marian, Welcome to the grey forums. The dust that comes from a bird can aggravate certain respiratory conditions such as asthma, but it can be eased by regular showering and misting your bird with aloe vera. I have never heard of anyone actually dying from inhaling it:ohmy: There could be many reasons why your bird is not happy. The first is that he is no longer allowed to sleep where he is familiar. He may not realise that it is bed time and therefore not getting enough sleep. He may be nervous or scared because he isnt in his familiar surroundings. The wing clip and nail trim may also have upset him, if this is the case he should improve over the next couple of days. A bird who is not eating and not behaving as normal might be ill. They are particularly good at hiding illness, so a trip to an avian vet would be a good idea to rule out illness. Siobhan
  25. :blush: Yes most of the above apply here as well! Dont forget - on returning home you talk to the parrots before the children - you continually have bird poop on your clothes and don't notice - your tops have no zips or buttons anymore - at a restaurant you automaticaly put aside the mangetout and the brocolli before realising you're not home - you visit the baby food aisle in the supermarket when your youngest child is 10 - you examine toys to see if they would be suitable for a parrot - your mobile phone has buttons missing and beak marks
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