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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. Hi Tulip Welcome to the grey forum. Congratulations on your new baby. Any ideas on names yet? Dont worry by Christmas you will be advising the newbies;) Siobhan
  2. When I paint I use odourless paint. I move my greys into another room and leave the windows open in both rooms to be on the safe side. A big concern with carpet is that some carpets and /or underlay is glued down. The fumes from the glue are dangerous for humans and for greys. Please ensure your carpet fitter uses carpet grips and no glue;) Happy decorating... when you are done, can you come do my house please?
  3. Yes that makes more sense. And you're right to have everything in place for him. On the toy front, search for toys and you should find lots of ideas for home made toys. My guys get as much if not more fun out of chunks of wood with a hole drilled in them strung up than all of the shop bought stuff;) What are you going to call him???
  4. He really is a beauty! Why will you have to wait another 3-4 months? A CAG is usually weaned about 16-18 weeks old;)<br><br>Post edited by: siobha9, at: 2008/10/04 09:52
  5. If I am cleaning them to give them right back to the same bird I just use hot water. But if I wanted to switch them around to different birds which I do frequently I use Milton which is a steriliser for babies. I rinse all of it off before giving the toy to the the new bird however;)
  6. Yes this is a good question and one that obviously needs to be thought about. In my case any one of my 3 children could look after my greys. They are both pretty good with all of my kids and my kids all love them.
  7. :laugh: :laugh: I swear thats my Pilates instructor... only he changed his name to Derek! I drew the line at wrapping my ankles round my head... told him that I hadnt done that since I was 3!! Of course that was the wrong thing to say because he grabbed my ankles and yes you guessed it... wrapped them round my head:ohmy:
  8. That is a great cage for 2 greys;) I had something like that for them. But whichever one was on the bottom wasnt happy. I kept switching them and it just wasnt working out for me. So I was back to looking at 2 cages. In the end before I went and scrapped the one I had, I tried the 2 in together by taking out the divide and they are loving it! They have a huge cage and each other for company. And of course me
  9. :laugh: I think its the pink bits that are bothering him! Mabe if you get him an all blue one he might be happier:P
  10. Patsy wrote: {Feel-good-0002006E} Great line!!! Nope he doesnt look too impressed at all does he?? Poor little fellow. I'm sure he will get used to it though. At least he lets you put it on him;)
  11. Hi Tommy, considering you have only been working with him a week you have made amazing progress with him! Him allowing you to touch the keys while he is playing with them is very good. If Oisin has something that I want, I could well get a nip, particularly if he knows he isnt supposed to have it:laugh: Keep up the good work with him, he is a handsome grey;) Siobhan
  12. Hi Sanggay, Welcome to the grey forum, I hope you enjoy it here. I look forward to hear all about Koko your new grey! Siobhan
  13. Sounds like you are doing a great job, and he is really thriving on it! Well done
  14. {Feel-good-0002006E} I am sure you "only" wanted him to put the cage together! :laugh: :laugh:
  15. The older clutch are all fine:). They will be going to their new homes this weekend. This wee lad is from a new clutch:ohmy: I will certainly try to get him better, but there are no guarantees. He is very small, only 12 days old.
  16. He developed sour crop. I noticed yesterday that the parents weren't staying in the nest box and I got worried so I pulled him. He was the only surviving chick of the clutch. Anyways as the day went on it was pretty obvious the crop wasnt emptying but with lots of help from 2 members here we collectively have helped him so far! But the night is still young, it is a dreadful thing to have happen:(
  17. Hi General Welcome to the grey forum. At two years old he is only beginning adolescence and is no where near maturity. Unfortunately it can happen that your best friend can "choose" another favoured person. Firstly do you think anything had changed about your or about your home the day that his behaviour changed? A sudden change in personality like that is more likely to be caused by something like that rather than adolescence. Had you had your hair cut or coloured? Were you wearing a new shirt? Had you moved furniture around in the house? Did you get a new cat or dog? Another possibility considering the change was so sudden is an illness of some sort. Can you get him checked over by an avian vet just to rule this out? Assuming then, that the cause for the change is unknown, the next thing is how to recover from it. Firstly you are doing great by talking to him. Treat him as you always would have done. Don't let him know you are upset by him. Make sure he is getting enough sleep. 10-12 hours is a must, any less and he will be grouchy;) And lastly the biggest thing is patience, patience and more patience. Have a read of some of the threads in our Rescue Room. I know he isnt a rescue but the way those members have progressed with their greys might just help you too. Best of luck with him, keep us posted and keep asking questions;)
  18. :laugh: :laugh: This is brilliant! Particularly the last line, thanks for the laughs this morning;)
  19. Did you get any sleep afterwards? I know the feeling this morning. I have a very sick 12 day old tiel and found it terribly hard to sleep last night in case something happened to him. But its morning and he is still fighting. I suppose after a few nights we will relax a bit;)
  20. I've never heard of it:unsure:
  21. Hi Yvette Welcome to the grey forums! Its people like you that make this world such a wonderful place. You have done such an incredible thing for this little baby and as I am sure you are learning at 6 weeks old your little guy needs a lot of minding. I wish you the very best of luck with him and please keep up posted on how he is getting on;) Karma to you for your kind act, Siobhan
  22. Hi Nora, Welcome to the grey forum. You'll find lots of information here to help you with your grey. Check out the nursery room for some information on what to do when you first get him home. And since he is slightly older (although definitely still a baby) the Rescue room will also have some useful threads for you:) . I cant wait to hear all about him and be sure to bring a camera on October 10th;)
  23. siobha9


    That is so sad. He sounds like quite a character and he will be surely missed. I'm thinking of you
  24. Unfortunately the only way to stop your bird making sounds you dont like is to completely ignore him. Walk out of the room if possible. Don't answer him, dont tell him to be quiet, dont show any reaction at all positive or negative. It will get worse before it gets better. If he used to scream for 10 minutes to get your attention he will try screaming for 30 to see if that will work. Then when he is making a sound you do like or is being quiet, lavish attention on him. Good luck with it;)
  25. I still like Dan's suggestion of Trinity since there are now three! What sort of a name were you thinking? A name that can be used for a person? or an african name?
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