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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. Welcome to the grey forum! Full house almost;) you have a pair of greys, and pair of dogs but only one child... think you need to balance it out:P
  2. Fantastic Entry! Definitely worth 2 karma
  3. Hello and welcome to the grey forum. I am looking forward to hear all about your new grey and seeing some pictures when you get a chance!
  4. Here is a thread with Inas birds included;) http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/98749-inas-flock.html
  5. Well done Penny! Thats an amazing achievement in such a short time:) I can catch the morning bomb on the play stand, but the rest of them go everywhere and anywhere:sick:
  6. Posted for Ina.... Arent they beautiful birds?
  7. {Feel-good-0002006E} Please tell me it was an accident that you put bird seed and pellets in the muffins??? Or were you making the muffins for the birds not the kids?
  8. I saw one in a pet shop near me last week for €1600:ohmy: Thats about $3000!!! And whats worse is somebody actually bought it! It was only in the shop for 4 days or so.
  9. That is a great picture. Whenever I try to take one the wings go all blurry The shutter speed just isnt fast enough on my camera obviously!
  10. siobha9

    Outside ???

    Is there no way you can bring the big cage into the house while you are away? even if it was in the way, you wont be there so it wouldnt be a problem. If I were you I would disassemble the cage, bring it indoors and reassemble it.
  11. Lyric wrote: I completely agree with you. My 2 greys just have to land on a sofa and the dogs jump down immediately. I could tell them to get down 3 or 4 times before they will finally decide to move! Both my dogs have been bitten by the greys for sniffing around the cage while looking for some fallen treats. And they have had their noses bitten by one or other of the birds:laugh:
  12. Hi Erin Welcome to the grey forum. I am delighted you found us and that everything is going well for you and Elmo. I'd love to see some photos when you get a chance Siobhan
  13. Brilliant entries! Thank you. You just earned yourself 2 karma;) Any more entries folks?
  14. Well it sounds like you've everything covered there;) So are you going to make more to sell?
  15. No its not a whole lot of extra work once the quarantine is over. Sure whats another cage to clean between friends:unsure: Well take your time and listen to what the others have to say. Some members have amazons who get on well with their Greys too. Adanna will be fine once you remember she is top bird. She gets everything first. Gets out first, gets fed first, say hello to her first etc. Oh I'm getting excited for you now! Cant wait to see what you end up getting:)
  16. Congratulations! You are going for it finally! You know of course, there is no guarantee that Adanna will like any other bird muscling in on her territory. But personally I would go for another CAG just because many of us have CAGs that get on reasonably well with together. And also because I love African greys:whistle:
  17. I 100% agree with your husband! These are terrific;) . The lollipop stick one is really great. I can imagine my guys having a blast shredding that one to pieces. They are very professional looking and should easily sell on somewhere like ebay. I assume the colouring you used is bird friendly, right?
  18. The only problem with the 2 cages being in the same room is if the budgie landed on the greys cage he might lose a toe:ohmy: You'be better letting him out for a fly in a different room. Yes my greys used to talk to the budgies all the time. Liath actually used to say Hello Budgies to them when they started chattering. The budgies didnt seem to be specifically chatting to the greys though, they just made noise all day long:laugh:
  19. Ajilon wrote: {Feel-good-0002006E} Very good description Ajilon!!:laugh:
  20. They are really good. Do you work with photoshop professionally or is that just a hobby?
  21. They are really good. Do you work with photoshop professionally or is that just a hobby?
  22. They are lovely photos Heather. Have you taught Harrison to sign autographs yet:P ?
  23. What did you call him Caroline? We are all dying to know! Have you decided if you are going to have this one DNA'd yet?
  24. My parents were also on holidays in the US recently. Shortly after they came home their bank called to ask them had they made a transaction for $1 while away. My mam said of course not. The bank cancelled the card because apparently this is a method that is used to skim the card and make a duplicate. It may have happened in a restaurant where the waiter took away their card to swipe it for them:ohmy: Thanks to the diligence of the bank they didnt lose anything.
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