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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. Thank you to all of you who voted! To the rest of you... please vote:)
  2. siobha9

    I got a Timneh

    As this post is almost 2 years old, I am sure that Ryans grey is fine now;) Why dont you visit our welcome room and tell us a little about your TAG Schroeder?
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. I am looking forward to hearing about your new grey. Siobhan
  4. That is such a cute introduction:P I hope you're happy with your new parents and that they are being nice to you. If they're looking for new ways to amuse you or nice treats for you they are looking in the right place;)
  5. Céad Míle Fáilte Deef and Nismo to the grey forums;) I'm also from the midlands and am very glad you have joined us.
  6. Mine is Siobhan (pronounced Shivawn). And Bobs real name is Dan;)
  7. :sick: Yuck I hate ready brek, but yes mine love it too! I make it on water not milk for them. And no sugar
  8. {Feel-good-0002006E} I'm rather partial to parrot stew myself. Makes a nice variation to Irish stew Poor Liath and Oisin are always being threatened with Parrot stew for dinner :laugh: Recipe is potato, carrot, turnip, onion, and a very naughty parrot!
  9. I think Chet Womach has some very good marketing tools I think some of his techniques probably do work to an extent, but I have a problem with the "training diet" where he encourages you to withold a quantity of food to make your bird hungry so they will work harder for treats. Personally I just use their favourite treat for training purposes. I also dont like his method of training the bird not to bite using sticks. I prefer the patience and softly softly approach to "earn your birds trust"! I dont have the material, but what I've read concerns me. We have lots of information on the forum you can use to teach your bird, anything from potty training to lying on its back. Just use the search box in the top corner;) What do you think of it so far? Does it make any sense? Are there any useful tips you can share with us?
  10. Hi Jennifer Welcome to the grey forum, I am so glad to hear that you are doing lots of research before you decide to get a grey. They are an extremely rewarding pet when cared for properly and reading some of the information here will definitely help you there. Feel free to read as much as you can but if you do have any questions, no matter how small, we will be glad to help if we can;) Siobhan
  11. Voting is now open for the clever bird contest. Please vote here... http://www.polldaddy.com/poll.aspx?p=974341 May the best bird win;)
  12. Thats a very funny photo!<br><br>Post edited by: siobha9, at: 2008/10/15 21:16
  13. No me neither! I am going to have to stop the entries now as we are at 10 and that is the most the poll site I use will allow me to include:unsure: So due to a whopping amount of entries I shall end it 11 days early:ohmy: Voting will begin shortly
  14. Great entries again. This will be a tough competition!
  15. Congratulations on your new grey. You will be so glad that you read lots before bringing her home because you wlil feel so much more prepared. There are lots of threads about wing clipping on the forum, just type wing clip in the search box up the top to find them;) On the subject of cages. Personally I think the 3 most important things about cages are that 1. they are safe, 2. they are big enough and 3. that you feel that you can look at it for the next 10 or 20 years, or however long it lasts. Cages are expensive so you probably wont be changing the cage until it gets damaged. The grey is relatively small but the cage will be a large item of furniture in your house:P
  16. Happy hatchday Talon, remember when the terrible twos stop, adolescence begins:ohmy:
  17. siobha9

    Making Toys

    Perch, that is a great idea to keep your grey interested. I am sure he must get great pleasure out of untying the rope to find the treat;)
  18. Aw! Is she typing her own post on the grey forum???
  19. Great picture Gus! Karma for you for entering
  20. That was lovely to see, thank you. I would love to hear how the eggs are getting on as well
  21. :laugh: :laugh: That's so bad... but soooo funny!! Well done on the ciggies. Did you plan to quit or did you have to on account of your lung? Stick with it, I quit a couple of years ago and I feel so much better since
  22. Hi MargieB w Welcome to the grey forum. I am sure you will find lots of information here to help you with your new grey. His wings do look a little rough alright Poor little guy. Well fingers crossed you will be able to bring him home soon. Siobhan
  23. Hi Jenny, It isnt necessary to actually introduce them at all depending on how long Lucy will be staying. Both birds will have their own cages and you can give them separate out of cage time. I kept my 2 greys separate for the first few weeks and gradually let them out at the same time. You will probably find that if they can hear each other from their cages they will talk more back and forth and may learn words from each other. I think having Lucy to visit could be a great experierence for you and for Vera. I hope your mum gets better soon, sorry to hear she's not well. Siobhan
  24. I'm going to have to say Kiera because its my daughters name although we spell it Ciara as it is the original Irish spelling of the name;)
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