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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. He is a pretty little guy Any luck on feeding yet? Has he eaten anything?
  2. A problem I see with your idea is that you are wanting the grey to respond to the same thing in 2 different ways. So on hearing "hello" the first time you want him to say "what" and the second time he hears the same word, "hello" you want him to say "Heard you the first time". This would surely confuse him as to which phrase he is supposed to say, assuming he had managed to learn both phrases.
  3. I used model training to teach Liath how to give me somehting I don't want her to have. Simply offering her a treat in exchange for the item didnt work so I used my daughter. She would give me something and I would give her a pine nut etc. Then after a few rounds I included Liath in the game. It worked really well. And now most of the time I can get her to hand over her prized possessions. Note I said "most" of the time:laugh: !
  4. Both of mine had an interest in people food from the beginning although each of them like different people food. Anything I give one, I always give to the other in the hopes that they will try it and develop a taste for it.
  5. Welcome to the forum. What a great introduction to you and Ollie;) .
  6. Welcome to the forum, Ken and Pascal.
  7. Wow that was a quick year, it doesnt seem that long ago since you were posting pictures of Goldie at all the different stages. So how old is Chico? I'm going to say he is a boy only because he doesnt look at all like Goldie.
  8. You can buy live insects in good pet shops, designed to feed spiders and lizards. Good luck in catching them if the bird decides its not hungry though:P
  9. Mel wrote: Root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, turnip etc, broccolli, leek and beans can be frozen by peeling and slicing them, par boiling them, allowing them to cool and then freezing them. Peas and hulled corn can be frozen without par boiling. I seldom have enough veggies left to freeze, I prefer to eat them straight from the garden, but I have had success freezing them in this way on occasion.
  10. He is very clear and very chatty for only 11 months isnt he? Broomer - you can add text with video editing software like Sony Vegas;)
  11. Well since Rosie and Jim belong to my daughter, does that make me a Great Granny :blink: ??
  12. Broomer wrote: {Feel-good-0002006E} You will have plenty of opportunities to see him looking like a rat He does look lovely and its nice to see that she made the effort. The fact that you asked will let her know that you know your stuff too :whistle:
  13. Best of luck! Are you bringing both of them or just joey?
  14. He is gorgeous! Did you ask the breeder to clean him up? They have done a good job anyhow, he looks adorable now.
  15. Talula and Tyson. Or Delilah and Dexter
  16. Yes do... you might be able to put one full sheet in diagonally overlapping the others. Lots of people have them so there must be an easy way to line it. It really is a beautiful cage;). And the one that divides isnt very practical. A single bird would hardly every use the low bit, and 2 birds could hurt each other through the bars. The play gym on top is cute though:unsure: Oh decisions decisions... I'm glad you have to decide and not me:laugh:
  17. I take Liath out from late Spring to mid Autumn. Once it isnt raining and it isnt windy. She absolutely hates the wind. She is on a harness, so if I think she isnt liking the weather or the temperature I can take her straight back indoors.
  18. {Feel-good-0002006E} We believe you! Thousands wouldn't though!
  19. I love the look of the corner cage and I am sure it would take up less space. But I wonder how awkward it would be to line the bottom with paper? Would you have to start cutting newspaper to fit? I don't know, just wondering?? If you did it could become annoying when you have done it every day for 30-40 years
  20. I line the bottom of the cages with newspapers. When I am cleaning out the cages I bring it to the compost bin and tear it up roughly. All of the waste, chewed up pieces of wood, paper, pellets, fruit and seed go in. I cover it with grass clippings etc. Every now and then I pick any germinated sunflower seeds out of the compost and put them in my veggie bed. When they ripen I hang them upside down to dry over a large sheet of paper. The dried seeds land on the paper which I then feed to my birds. Any waste parts of our veggies I feed to the greys as well. I steam broccoli leaves, turnip greens and cauliflower leaves and give it to them. They love it. When I empty my budgies and cockatiel seed trays I tip it onto a concrete footpath. The sparrows, robins and wrens pick out whatever hasnt been eaten, and the chaff blows away. I transplant any lettuce plants which have bolted into pots in the aviaries for the little birds also. That way they always get it fresh and there is no waste.
  21. Oh well that's why you can do it then;). I have read so many horror stories I'd be terrified to do something wrong. I have a clutch of cockatiels at the moment. Only one has hatched so far, there are 2 more to hatch. But I've decided to let the parents do the feeding. Way too scary:blink: :unsure:
  22. Hi Drewgrey and welcome to the forum. The fact that you have been doing your research for some time will mean that when the time comes to get your grey, firstly you will know pretty much what to expect and secondly you will also appreciate what a wonderful bird they are. I wish you the best in your search and be sure to let us know when you do get your grey In the mean time please ask as many questions as you like Siobhan
  23. If you click on View you can see the results.
  24. I wouldnt be brave enough to hand feed a baby:ohmy: There are some threads in this room about handfeeding. Please have a look at them for some tips and pointers;) Siobhan
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