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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The wounds your Photos show is not PBFD. As Jay and all keep saying, please get medical attention for your grey. It would be sad to hear he died due to simply not being taken to ANY medical source you can find avian or not.
  2. Thanks for this Dave. I grew up listening to all the big bands as well that my parents loved and of course the Lawrence Welk show... a one and a two.... My parents really didn't like the "Good OLE Rock and Roll" I started listening to though on my "Transistor Radio" when I hit 10 or 11.
  3. Maggie -Loved that video, too cute. Now, someone go pick up that poor and sweet crying little one that needs a hug.
  4. Ok Ray, you pulled me in. I want to see those photos and hear more.
  5. Jay gave good advice. It is good to hear you are going to apply it.
  6. That is good news. Your ding a GreYt job of providing Gabby a loving home.
  7. That is a perfect idea. Maybe take it one step further and solidify a person here that would agree to take Biscotti should the time arise that you could no longer take care of him. Thats what I and another member here agreed to do together over a year ago should the need arise by either of us. That way, we are both covered.
  8. Welcome VoHooman. It's GreYt having you hear and thanks for the photo.
  9. Spock will always be missed. That is a very emotional mental picture.
  10. Jay is spot on with his advice. I do not know where you live, but please exhaust all resources that may be in your country like regular veterinarian, wild life rehabs, zoo's colleges of animal medicine etc.and web search in your country for any resource that even though they may not be able to help could guide you to a place or someone that could. I wish we were avian vet's, but we are not. This needs to be looked at, diagnosed and treated properly.
  11. It could be that the number of syllables required is the underlying factor. It seems language development in greys is very similar to that of human children. First words and two syllables in the first 12 to 24 months and then at ages 3, 4 and onwards multi-syllabics start growing. From what I know of language development (Very little) it is the first step for their brain to decode and "Hear" the syllables contained in a word. At young ages their brain language center simply put just does not pick up and process all the syllables, thus the word is trash canned at that time as non-coherent noise. What is picked up at a young age 1or 2, if a multi-syllabic word is actually used by a child would be truncated for example to "Choc" for Chocolate.
  12. That is NOT what would be considered as the normal plucking issues seen. As Jay said, you need to get your grey to the vet ASAP!!! It could be an underlying tumor/underlying fracture from the earthquake flapping in cage or other such serious ailment. Also, it is an open wound, the skin has been chewed away and it is probably seriously infected which will kill your grey very quickly if not addressed.
  13. Cool! I would love to hear and see a video of that contact calling and communication between them.
  14. Spock gave a great response with sound advice. One other comment specifically in regards your grey falling all the time. This could indicate a serious health issue and so could the feather plucking. I know you said you don't have a local avian vet, but I would strongly suggest trying to find one ASAP to have you grey checked out and blood work done. One question on diet. What was your grey eating before you brought her home? The reason I ask, is because they can have allergic reactions to food food items such as peanuts, wheat and gluten which many pellets contain etc. If it is an allergic reaction to something like that. It can easily be proven by stopping all pellets, nuts and just feeding a good seed mix and see if her condition improves after a few weeks. But, I cannot stress enough that you really should see an avian vet and have blood work done along with a thorough examination.
  15. Not too certain about that comments validity. But, would say they do believe everything they see, they think about, you have and anything else not mentioned is without a doubt, undeniably the greys!
  16. I'm with others on the age. The eyes appear very dark which indicates less than six months old. But, the tail appears to be solid red with no dark/black tips which would indicate a grey over a year old. Perhaps the camera flash or other lighting made the eyes appear dark? Legs band alpha numeric characters can mean various things and depending upon country of origin also adds another factor. If you really do care what they may mean, I would ask the pet shop owner. Sexing, well only DNA can tell you that. But I do think the person Captain is sitting on the shoulder of is female. Captain sounds like a very well socialized grey and is interacting with you and family nicely. Welcome to this forum by the way! We look forward to hearing more from you.
  17. I know that feeling of high anxiety when when you come home and find your grey not in the cage. The look they have as you described when you find them is cute. I am so glad all was ok and actions were taken to secure that door.
  18. GreYt update on your progress with Alfie! Way to go!!!
  19. Yes, it is perfectly normal. They do this as a beak cleaning effort.
  20. Thanks for finally officially joining! It sounds like things are going well and moving forward in a positive direction. I look forward to hearing more as you have time.
  21. Positive reinforcement with a "good boy" and happy praise will get you everywhere with a grey. They bask in it. Dayo has always responded to praise better and quicker than any treat or clicker. In fact, he would rather have the fun of destroying and bashing a clicker than anything else. I loved the video. Dayo and one of those acrylic balls with bells was his first favorite play toy as well. He loves playing catch and throw with them as I see you doing in the video. Your hands moving seem no faster than what I do as well when playing with Dayo. he loves catching a that ball tossed at him and enjoys accurately throwing it back to me to see if I can catch as well. They get sneaking though, they will deliberately toss it sometimes in a direction that you cannot catch it. That is huge fun for them and they love the praise as I am hearing you give Ollie. I will say though, that some do have very good success with clicker training. This is one of those "It depends on the bird personality" things.
  22. Ah Ha, the Flock dynamics are starting, at least in Oscars mind and his persistence until he knows Ellie is settled in and still there as well. I have no doubt Oscar appreciates everything about his new home, toys and interactions with you. That Onion is starting to peel, slowly but it is.
  23. Jay - Thank you. I cannot speak for others, but this forum has been many of ours "Facebook" before "Facebook" ever existed. Granted it is a very narrowly focused forum on our much loved fids and friends here, but thats what most of us came here for and enjoy the fellowship and helping others as the need arises. This is where we can go and communicate with others without the need for physical strength other than to sit and type. It is a place we can both encourage and be encouraged, teach and also be taught, laugh with others, cry with others and most importantly Listen to each other. I know this is the first place I go when rising in the mornings and look forward to it. I believe that is true of you and many others here on this forum as well. You do have the strength and faith to carry on, due to the love that presses you forward to share your love for our fids and members here. So, lets just keep on keeping on as an example for those we consider just "children" here on this forum that will hopefully at least glean some knowledge, encouragement and maybe even good examples to follow in good times and bad. The "Next Generation" is watching and listening to us. Lets give them the knowledge and tools they need to carry on where we will no longer be able to at some future point in time.
  24. Welcome Skwitz! Looking forward to those photos and congratulations on getting a grey soon.
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