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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The EMF sound you are describing. I suspect is a very slow growl that greys will sometimes make. If you imagine their scream as dots for example a shrill scream would be in dots grouped together with their frequency very high i.e. ............ Now slow that down to a very slow frequency and you would have . . . . . . etc. Which the sound from an emf meter ranging slow to high frequency. In regards our greys being affected by our emotions is definitely true, but not by them seeing some mysterious spectral aura around us. They can sense a mood or emotion but much more easily than us human just by looking at our body language, facial expression down to the way your mouth, eye's etc. are positioned and voice tone. If they do have ESP (no way to prove) they are reading thoughts, not seeing aura's in my opinion. Being an electronic engineer, I relate everything to frequency when discussing emf. Which it is. EMF meters that you see in these shows actually prove nothing other than there is some emf source. These guys walking around with goose bumps and their emf meters make me laugh. Also, one of my past engineering projects was developing a vision system using ccd high speed camera both visible light and IR. The system is still used in fruit packing houses as hundreds of fruit per second spin by doing a 360 turn while in the FOV. Using both visible and IR you can evaluate the size in diameter, color variation and IR picks up bruising and ripeness. UV vision, such as our birds have as one of their visual spectrums has nothing to do with seeing a magnetic aura being produced around a persons body. UV they see is the fluorescing of seemingly grey, tan etc. color tones that if we could see UV would result in seeing a very beautifully colored moth, grey, crow etc. It is still Photons being received in the eye just like ours except birds and other critters do have UV receptors in their eyes. One thing everyone needs to know, is the colors you seeing when imaging in IR for example is a result of an underlying program running on a vision processor and the programmer determines what color you see representing a temperature for example. Since we humans have all been programmed over the years to think of hot items as red, yellow an white etc, and cold items as blue shades, greens etc. Thats what we programmers used as a color schema to pop up on IR LCD displays for example for IR users scanning a room for heat loose etc. Electromagnetic Storms like those produced by the sun and putting on that beautiful light show is visible because of those particles hitting our atmosphere and as the energy is being released that create photons in our visible range. I hope I explained this all in a simple way to relate the complex thoughts in my mind on this topic... I pretty much laugh when I watch one of those shows and see the freaking out at orbs all of a sudden show up... ccd cameras can have pixel blossoming for example by reflected light hitting them from an angle and refracting through the lens . Just too much tv hoopla and not enough true scientific analysis to prove anything other than a freaked out human in a dark scary place.
  2. Dayo here ... snuck on the pc while dad and mom are out shopping. I must put up with these two as well and yes humans are very dim witted and it has taken me years to train them. Their still slow in picking things up, but we're getting there. Whoops, gotta go, I hear the car pulling up!
  3. Enjoy the peace while you can and don't fret, doesn't do any good anyway. It is what it is.
  4. Dave is very knowledgeable in this area. I agree with him completely. It is interesting to research, but really makes no difference in your relationship with Oscar, other than knowing it is highly probable he was wild caught. Dayo has an open band. The characters on it are i001. He was six weeks old when we started visiting the breeders and interacting with the two clutches. What does it mean? Really nothing other than he was one of three greys in his clutch and 4 greys in the other clutch. It is how the breeder and buyers kept track of which grey was theirs.
  5. GreYt photo. I can just imagine Kizzy's thoughts... I know I am from a warm place with lots of Jungle and food. I do not know where the !2###**&&&^^^!!! they transported me to, but really..... WHERES THE TREE'S , RIVERS, LAKES AND SUN????
  6. Great comments by everyone. I agree with them. No harm from colored pellets. Mix and match etc. I give Dayo Zupreme Nutty Blend and Harrisons mixed in with his seed/nut mix. He eats more seeds than anything, a pellets a day, hard macaroni and cooked. I am a die-hard and have been purchasing Harrisons coarse pellets since day one when dayo came home. Tossed all of it left over in each bowl for 3 years. Dayo and Jake just love the harrisons pepper birdy bread. It is good for them to and is made of ground up pellets amongst other ingredients. Then one day he just ate a few pellets and it has been like that from then on. Yes I throw lots of money out in the garbage due to the waste of all foods, not just pellets. But at least I know my birds have a bountiful diet every day and they pick and choose what they desire that day. When they eat pellets, they do basically grind it to a powder, a little goes in and the rest falls like sand.
  7. Oh cute photo! he found a tree hole and feels safe in it. Hopefully in a space like that, you can approach speaking to him with a happy voice slowly. Then slowly move you and in askin for a step-up. Watch his body language to avoid a bite. Once he steps up, pull him in close to your body and gently cup your other hand over his wings and take him back to his cage. If it is evening time, turn the lights out. They do not see well in the dark and are very easy to work with and get into their cage if they are not liking you carry them places willingly.
  8. Judy gave good advice to get your new grey to slowly start seeing you as a non violent or mean person. A grey in a petshop is not a safe and friendly place with adults and especially kids just walking up and tapping on the cage etc. Greys are very high anxiety to begn with, especially if their early months or years were not in a social and happy environment where they felt safe and learned to view humans as friends. The first steps you need to take are as Judy stated. It takes time and patience over Months many times for them to stop the growling and be comfortable with sitting right next to the cage and interacting with them. Perhaps offering a treat they love like an almond, walnut or dry roasted non-salted peanut. He will start enjoying seeing you and look forward to his morning, noon and night feedings and socializing with you. Before any type of "Training" can truly start, trust must be established. Right now he is fearful for his very life. I would love to see some photos of him when you get a chance and that will as Judy said, give us a better idea of how old he may be.
  9. Welcome Pbowner. You found the right website for help with your new grey. How old is he? Was he hand fed as a baby and socialized? The more information you can provide, the better we can help and answer you questions.
  10. Your right Jeff. I watched that documentary as well when they first came out with it. I was awe struck by it. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent creatures on this planet.Their creativity, communication and organizational skills shown in that documentary were amazing. I believe scientists have just scratched the surface in decoding their language and intellectual abilities. They seem to have been in a relationship with man through out recorded history. Growing up in California, I have always been exposed to Dolphins since a wee lad. In fact, about 20 years ago I was getting burned out in the hardware/software engineering field and started pursuing a second degree in Marine biology to change occupations. But, the never ending deadlines and long hours at jobs made it impossible to complete.... sigh. Anyway, I was just dumbstruck by the comment of Dolphins being the only other creature besides man to use names.
  11. Interesting video of those vocals. It sounds like an animal kingdom interlude. I enjoyed listening to it several times. I wonder if Sabrina enjoys it as much as they do? I would think she would just leave the room if it annoyed her. Thanks for sharing this.
  12. LOL Janet! I guess I will need to start calling you "Damn Bird" then. Too cute.
  13. I just read this article on Dolphins in regards scientists realizing they were using names for individuals. It's a good read. However, I suppose this group of scientists are unaware parrots and other bird species use names as well. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/07/us/dolphin-names/index.html?hpt=hp_t4
  14. Both my Grey and Conure are flighted. When Dayo decides Jake the Conure has gotten too close or just for whatever reason annoyed him, they will both take off on an aerial chase. Jake is much smaller so he can turn faster than Dayo. I will say, a few time over the years Jake the Lion hearted will stand his ground or even go running at Dayo with beak open acting as if he is going to kill Dayo. However, the minute Jake is in striking range Dayo will try to nip him at lightening speed. No true harm ever done but a few feathers have been nipped on Jake. If all your birds are flighted, they are not dunces and will normally know when theres a time to flee.
  15. Jeff is right. Dayo's eyes did not turn straw yellow until he was a little over 5.
  16. Greyt photos of her enjoying breakfast. She sounds like she has become very entertaining for your entire household and I love the nick names.
  17. Very good comments and thoughts Blueberrytunes. My wife and I both explain to Dayo what we are doing when he becomes needy as we do whatever task it is that requires him to be caged. After a while, they will calm to some extent and will even start describing what you are dong as you do it. They will also still become a little noisy if your taking a little too long due to their anticipation of how long you are allowed and they believe it is now their time your on. Patience is not one of their virtues. Oscar without a doubt has emotions and displays them. Greys are a very emotional species and carries their emotions on the cuff. It could be that attention is not the only thing Oscar is upset about. Rats can climb through cage bars and harm or kill a bird. Oscar may have had a bad experience with a rat while being left in the garage in his past for example. Hopefully as Oscar gets used to your routine and chores and his emotional display will lessen over time.
  18. LOL! True, a bored Dave and Dan are NOT good. Now back on topic... I was replacing a leaking kitchen faucet yesterday afternoon and having a real time of it trying to get the fittings underneath the sink off so I could remove the old faucet assembly. Dayo started getting verbally invovled while I was grunting and groaning under there. He gave moral support by sighing at times, then when a big clang sound came from under the sink as I dropped a heavy pipe fitting tool on my head, Dayo came out with "Shoot, Goddangit!!" and a heavy sigh.
  19. She will be fine other than being awake all night and singing her heart out "All Night Long" while tearing up and shredding everything in her cage.
  20. LOL, good one Elliemae! LOL Dave!!! Please pick up your bible and go read genesis. There you will find that adam and eve ran around naked and did it outside in full daylight.. I guess that's why I have the "Super" designation. I read things from beginning to end and BTW, the entire bible was written before lights were ever invented. Now, I suggest rather than just sitting in church yelling amen as that preacher gives their interpret of scripture, that you read the bible from beginning to end and yell out "That's a Lie!!!", wheres that in the bible?" instead of saying "Amen". Ok, I know I have just taken this thread way off topic, so I apologize for my non-biblical behavior, ask for your forgiveness and repent from this sin. But, I have to admit, it did feel good doing this!
  21. LOL, your the other woman that must go!!! You two are just going to work out sharing your hubby with each other. Sassy is a perfect fit as her name.
  22. LOL! I like the a-hole, it is a true description of what one would think of a person taking away something you were enjoying. Thanks for sharing this.
  23. Looking forward to a new Jellybean update. Please start a new thread for it when you do.
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