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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh Jay, you didn't need to do that. Your post was just fine and helpful in letting members here know about vinegar and olive oil as an enticement to get them to eat some foods they have previously refused. It's good stuff and healthy!
  2. Good suggestion Jay. Olive Oil is certainly a good choice for us humans and birds. I know Dayo dives in to my salads with vinegar and oil dressing. Just be cautious on the iron content in regards our birds. Nothing wrong at all for our birds to have a little from time to time though. Now you have gone and made my crave a good salad for lunch. How dare you make me want to eat healthy! Olive oil (Olea europaea), Nutritional value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA Energy 884 Kcal 44% Carbohydrates 0 g 0% Protein 0 g 0% Total Fat 100 g 500% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 0 g 0% Vitamins Folates 0 µg 0% Niacin 0 mg 0% Pantothenic acid 0 mg 0% Pyridoxine 0 mg 0% Riboflavin 0 mg 0% Thiamin 0 mg 0% Vitamin A 0 IU 0% Vitamin C 0 0% Vitamin E 14.39 mg 96% Vitamin K 60.2 µg 50% Electrolytes Sodium 2 mg 0% Potassium 1 mg 0% Minerals Calcium 1 mg 0% Copper 0 mg 0% Iron 0.56 mg 7 % Magnesium 0 mg 0% Manganese 0 mg 0% Phosphorus 0 mg 0% Selenium 0 µg 0% Zinc 0.01 mg <1% Phyto-nutrients Carotene-ß 0 µg -- Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg -- Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg -- Phytosterols 221 mg -- Health benefits of olive oil Olive oil has distinct flavor and taste. Unlike many other oils, which are extracted from nuts and seeds, the oil is obtained from the olive fruits and hence, contains large amounts of plant-derived anti-oxidants, phyto-sterols, and vitamins. Olive oil is recognized as one of the healthiest edible oils since it contains less saturated fats, and composes linoleic (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3) essential fatty acids at recommended 8:1 ratio. The oil is high in calories. Its high-calorie content is because of its fats. However, it is especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) like oleic acid (18:1) and palmitoleic acid (16:1) that help to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increase HDL or "good cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile. Olive oil, especially extra virgin, contains tyrosol phenolic compounds such as oleuropein and oleocanthal. These compounds are responsible for its bitter, and pungent taste. Oleocanthal, oleurpein, and its derivative hydroxytyrosol are nature’s most powerful anti-oxidants. Together with vitamin E and carotenoids, they play a vital role fighting against cancer, inflammation, coronary artery disease, degenerative nerve diseases, diabetes…etc. Studies suggest that oleocanthal has ibuprofen (NSAID) like ant-inflammatory activities. Mediterranean diet that uses olive oil may be responsible in part for the low incidence of coronary artery disease. Being a vegetable source, it has very high levels of plant sterols, especially β-sitosterol. The FDA has approved the following claim for phytosterols: "Foods containing at least 0.4 gram per serving of plant sterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 0.8 gram, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease." Phyto-sterols competitively inhibit cholesterol absorption in the gut and thereby can reduce total cholesterol levels by 10% to 15%. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E. 100 g fresh extra-virgin oil contains 14.39 mcg (about 96% of RDA) of alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. In addition, extra-virgin oil is also a very good source of vitamin K; 100 g provides about 50% of DRI. Vitamin K has a potential role in the increase of bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
  3. Thats wonderful progress. They do fill the heart with joy don't they and just melt the sadness away. LoL at they can't move out.
  4. Since chico seems to already accept and enjoy misting and showers. Just get something like a large pie pan for example and place it on a counter top fill it 3/4 with water, splash you hand or finger around in t to get him interested in it to see if he will go in on his own. You could also use a deeper stainless bowl like a large dog water bowl. Sometimes misting them lightly with aloe if they already enjoy that will entice them to jump right n to the bowl as well. You could of course experiment with the sink in the same manner. This will be a little trial and error to see what he prefers.
  5. Greywings gave great advice on using the aloe juice and misting. One other thing you will want to do as well if there are raw and bleeding spots is to get some 100 percent aloe gel and apply it to those raw area's directly. They will sooth them and also have antibiotic affects that will help keep any infections away.
  6. Welcome Leonilli. When the earthquake happened. Did your grey flap around a lot (I suspect so) and possibly damage multiple feathers on each wing? They will pick at damaged feathers until they are removed. Also, I would suspect there have been aftershocks that you may not feel but she can. The picking could of course be anxiety induced and hopefully with no further earthquakes for a while she will stop. Just try and not let your emotions be any other than relaxed and happy around her. I know we all fret over all our greys, but they do pick emotions whether you believe you are displaying or not.
  7. LOL!!! I want some of whatever he had!!!
  8. Nice update on Storm. He sounds like a real joy to have around and interact with. I would love to see some videos of him.
  9. That will be nice if he can get it available to view online.
  10. "Any thoughts, Dan and others, about Oscar's lack of a reaction when I touch his head? Unless he scoots away, he simply acts like I haven't done a thing. But this is a big deal! Hmm..." It is very big deal! That is a huge move forward for Oscar on the trust scale. Allowing you to touch him is a very intimate thing. Moving away does not mean he is fearful. It just means he does not want a touching session right then. He just wantsto sit side by side and enjoy each others company and closeness. Greys are all like this in regards touching and scratching moments versus they just want to sit and chill times with you. GreYt job on being so patient and loving.
  11. I enjoyed all your videos. Neytiri is such a character and fun to watch.
  12. Oh Jesus! Radioactivity left out like that on the suits is very serious stuff. Good catch on reporting that. No one would have never realized that.
  13. I love hearing updates like this when time, patience and consistency pays off. What a character Sassy is!
  14. UFO's work... Unkown Flying Orbs
  15. Generating heat could be a possibility if they did it hard and fast enough I suppose. My grey grinds his beak while sitting on the shoulder and haven't noticed it warming up at all. In regards the feet getting hot when they are sitting while being sleepy, my greys feet can be warm or cold. It does not really seem to be related to sleep with my grey anyway. It seems more ambient air temperature related here. They are all different.
  16. Well, it's been a few "Tomorrows" now. How is it going?
  17. Sounds like a Greyt vacation! Thanks for sharing some of it.
  18. Ok, I guess I am spoiled. Need an update on Oscar. I am starting to go through withdrawals.
  19. Jeff, never think anyone here views this as bragging. We love hearing of each persons updates on the cognitive abilities of their greys. I just wish more people here would post them. I know there are tons of these abilities and new ones everyday and would love to read of them. You better listen to Gracie on getting Marie over more often. Greys know these things better than you. If you would not get killed over it, have both over at the same time so Gracie understands they are both ok with each other. However, it is obvious Gracie truly enjoys Marie's visits. I love the story of Gracie vocalizing her wish's to ensure she was going with YOU! I suspect she has been left there before and wanted to ensure you knew she did not desire to stay this time. In regards your skeptical thoughts about grey owners stories of cognitive abilities, I flick my nose at you and say nee ner nee ner nee ner.... you Thomas the doubter!
  20. Dave is a good person to listen to. As a breeder of greys for decades, he knows how breeders versus pet grey's respond to each other. I can add no better information than what he has stated in his response.
  21. Thats an interesting story. I don't know if that event may have been similar to other documented events due to power surges and failures. There have been reports time to time while all the conditions are right like humidity range, the power and voltage of the surge etc. that will at times produce a Buoyant Plasma ball as you described and seems other homes in the area as well on that day. Of course, with the blinds all closed it would have become dark when the power went out barring that floating plasma ball providing the only faint light as it drifted about. One thing about collapsing electrical fields when power is suddenly removed from conducting wires, is as the fields collapse there exists the possibility that a huge instantaneous power surge can occur and produce very bizarre effects. The other possibilities of that incident is anybodies best guess. Maybe a huge UFO and it shut power down and sent out probes or a spawn of hell wanting to scare the bejesus out of you.
  22. Hi Maggie and Jay (Tell Jay I said hi). I just want to clarify that I only wrote what I did engineering wise to hopefully help people understand vision and how photons of various frequencies are seen by various creatures. I understand (I believe) your comments on the paranormal side and have always found it interesting, especially events that have actually had scientists involved and could not come to a definitive conclusion one way or another. Now, can we just dismiss someone claiming the ability to see some type of magnetic energy aura surrounding a person, no! Some humans brains are wired differently in how synaptic connections are routed. There are numerous cases of humans that have synaesthesia. This unique ability of pairing two senses for example, links colors they actually see when hearing musical notes, hear words and smell odors. This is still an on going study by departments of experimental Psychology and Physiology. My point being, is that some may see "Aura's", smell fear or hear our mental thoughts. It is "possible" creatures such as our grey's, dogs and cats can somehow see, hear, smell (Parrots really do not have very good smell abilities)fear. Good questions and possibilities. It is just extremely difficult to quantify.
  23. Thanks for the livescience link. Ultra sensitive camera's with single photon detection are very useful for scientific studies of the faintest light source. I have no doubt as this article and study shows, that their bodies are producing a photon here and there over a length of time elapsed exposure. It was an interesting read. Thanks for posting it.
  24. What a wonderful rescue story. It really irks me at times when a vet or shelter is so quick just to deem the best thing to do is put them to sleep. As in this case, all they need is some TLC by a person willing to do what it takes to nurse them back to health. There are not enough good words to describe how vital rescuers are to stepping in for situations like this. Thanks for sharing this.
  25. The link is private so I cannot view it. Could you make it public?
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