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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Medium Aviator Harness is what I purchased for Dayo, it fits pefectly.
  2. Hmmmmm, Dayo through a fit 2 weeks ago when Kim took him out of the cage, kissed him and put him back in immediately. During his fit of head bobbing, claws grabbing leather strips, walking back and fourth flapping his wings, We both could have sworn during all the noises we had never heard before a 1) distant dog bark 2) Uh Oh - which I say everytime he loses his balance. He has not made any of those noises since, nor has he thrown a fit since.... He was 15 weeks old then....weird. He's just back to baby chirps, somekind of "cluck cluck" when you start scratching him and that's it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/22 16:41
  3. Welome Zohair, You say they have only been together 3 days? Did they ever know each previously? They may never mate at all if they do not BOTH accept each other as their lifetime Mate. It's to have you on this Forum and again Welcome!! Please introduce yourself in the Welcome room as others have also mentioned. That way the other Forum members will be aware of you and welcome you also. :-)
  4. You get them, but Unfortunately they turn out to be Gay and therefore nothing ever happens...... I wish for everyone on this Forum to become independently wealthy, healthy and happy forever. Living the rest of their lives without any sadness, grief or illness.
  5. dblhelix - ABC....I!!!! Great conversation generator! :-) Very funny!!!
  6. That was a very informative post Kiwibarb! Thank you so much for articulating the process leading up to the Egg production, the indications of binding and the vet visit. I am certain this is very valuable to all the Female Grey and other Parrot owners on this Forum. We look forward to hearing more form you and seeing some Photos when you get a chance. :-)
  7. Wouldn't the Toilet be a rather bad place to teach them to go Poo? What if, one day they decide to go on their own and fall in? I know most of you keep the lids down when the bird is out, but it seems to me that would be a place that should be reinforced as a "No Go" zone.
  8. Birdytown, It's great to hear you are going to give it a month and see how things go. :-) Please keep us posted on how things progress and of course ask any questions you may come upon.
  9. It must be a genetic variation similar to the Red factor...the white just kept going and going....?
  10. Very nice photo Mark and Connie! I wish everyone would post more photos of their Greys. They are such a magnificent Parrot. :-) Looking at their tail feather tips, I see they are solid red completely to the tips. Dayo's is shaded the last inch or so and thus is not uniform bright red as yours. Is this due to him being a 17 week old baby or is that a common variation?
  11. Hello Kiwi and Welcome! It certainly sounds like you have been giving great care and love to Beckett! :-) There is a Ton of information on this Forum and many TAG and CAG owners that are more than capable of answering questions. Thanks for joining our online Family and e look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photo's when you get a chance to post them.
  12. Wish granted, your 5 years old, but you now have new parents and you live in the high mountains of tibet and your family are sheep herders..... I wish I could take a ride on a nuclear submarine.
  13. danmcq

    clever bird!

    Ok, folks , Dayo is officially in training now.....I called home and left a Voice mail " Dayo, Daaayooo, pick up the phone" didn't answer, so I left my call back number. At least he heard my voice :-)
  14. Moulting is done over a period of time, I am not sure how long it lasts, but they can not lose all their feathers to quickly or they would not be able to fly. Your description sounds more like he is once again plucking. There are members here with experience and great things to try to stop this behaviour. They will chime in here I am sure.
  15. Go Beckymac go.....it would be great if Tari could go with you...what an enjoyable trip that would be :-)
  16. Ok, your got your Island with a (short) 6 foot hunk of Man, but the problem is, he was 6.5 feet tall and his head was lopped off by local natives. So, it is truly just a hunk a man...... I would like to visit Antarctica and view the emperor penguins yearly breeding trek.
  17. danmcq


    This is a great topic that Could be turned into a FAQ maybe? It seems it would be a common problem some Grey owners may experience and gives the answers? Great information eveybody!!!
  18. Yes, you can find them on the Internet or sometimes in local papers. You just need to carefully inspect it for rust or other damage. Then once you purchase it, sanitize it very thoroughly before putting any bird in it. You can find some really good deals sometimes. You may want to find out when the next bird mart is in your area, they have brand new cages sometimes for half the cost you would normally pay.
  19. Oh, but you get put back into the bottle for another 1000 tears due to your naughty and tricky behaviour in granting wishes for yourself. I wish I was in Monterey right now, watching the Ocean while sipping a a hot b52 coffee.
  20. LoL, "Who's a Pickle"...Thats funny :-) I am sure your in for an adventure in Talking!!
  21. Do they fully grow back out before he pulls them and what is the time period in between? Welcome to the Forum Slipper!! Why don't you introduce yourself in the Welcome room so others will know of your joining this Forum? :-) We love to hear of members experiences with their Greys and see photos!!
  22. Oh, that wish is already true! But, since you want to be on an Island, there is no Internet connection and sadly, you can no longer post on the forum :-( I wish, I could travel around the seas on a huge Yacht with my Wife and Dayo.
  23. You can, but then a 747 jetliners engine sucks you through as you end up directly in it's path! I would like to visit another Galaxy and study it's Planets.
  24. danmcq

    clever bird!

    That is great Beccy! You and Dr. pepperberg should compare notes :-) I can't wait to start trying things like this. Thanks for sharing this!!!
  25. Hi Devanz, Please let us know how it progresses as you try these various suggestions and let us know what did or did not work. This is all valuable information for everyone here on this forum, that may run into a similar behavioural problem. Thanks for keeping us updated. :-)
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