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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome lasfloresdrive !! It's great that you have obviously been researching and thinking about obtaining an African Grey. Your right, you do not want to purchase an unweaned Parrot. In fact, it is illegal in California for any breeder or retail outlet to sell one, before being weaned. As you have already noticed, there is a lot of information here on this forum regarding the care of Greys. We look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Hahahahahah, Dayo has done the same to my mouse pad, keyboard, pens..even took a dump on the desk top :woohoo: It's just like having a baby exploring everything again. All you can do is grin and bare it. Then tell the stories to your friends for a good belly laugh. :-)
  3. Yes, I read the Lord of the Rings book in 1975...The 3 movies were pretty good, but the book was much better. :-) It's always like that, it seems.
  4. Very nice Makena, thanks for sharing those :-)
  5. No, comment.... Anyway....Alex lived a very rich and wonderful life of Noteriety and as we all know, Fame has it's cost's. I hope they do a much deeper study into the cause of his death.
  6. Hi Talon, Thats why I left room for another option of "or else it was removed with the dupe". :-)
  7. Granted but it's the Jenny Craig crowd there, so enjoy ;-) I wish more members were active on this forum.
  8. danmcq

    Lying on back

    Dayo will lay on his back for a while, so far he doesn't seem to mind it, as long as it is not over 30 seconds or so. Judy - Your already a member of the "Bite Me ".....it is your destiny :evil:
  9. Yeah Joe, I noticed someone just deleted your post to... It's called being censored and a removal of the freedom of speech. ;-) or else it was removed with the dupe??<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/13 21:16
  10. danmcq

    fave toy!

    Very nice video Beccy! Those bottle caps seem to keep him very entertained. :-) I will need to save them the next time I purchase comething with a Cap.
  11. That is a great achievement!!! He could be the next Beckham of the Soccer World. :-) Thanks for sharing this with us!!!!
  12. Awwww, I'll bet they are very adorable :-) Pop-up some pic's when you get a chance :woohoo:
  13. Joe is the "MAN". Very multi-talented and a hard worker, comedian and most importantly an Italian Chef par excellence!! For "SINGLE" ladies here, he would be the catch of a lifetime. :-) That Birdy pizza looks yummy Joe. I will see if I can whoop up a miniature of that for Dayo. If you don't hear from me in a few hours, call 911 cause I probably hurt myself bad in the Kitchen
  14. OLiver, It will take patience and time. He is 8 years old and had a rough time upto meeting you it seems. That is a lot of baggage he needs to work through. The way he is going to love you both and act as if he does. Is with plenty of time to make sure your just not on your best behaviour during the "Honeymoon". :-) Let him come around on his own and pay careful attention to his body language. It will let you know if he just wants to be left alone to observe you guys or is interested in some closer range contact. I know it's hard, because you want to just love him to death, but he's not ready for that yet. You are doing such a fine job!! Hang in there and let him come to know that the human clan he is around now, has no desire ti harm or mistreat him.
  15. danmcq

    visited Sky

    Awwww, thats is good news for the Sun, but disappointing for you. :-( But, if destiny has one lined up for you, it will without a doubt come into your life. :-)
  16. LOL Judy.....Ok heres another Family Photo: My Scottish Clan of relatives...
  17. danmcq


    Wow, That was an amazing and inspiring video spooky hurst. :-) It sends shudders down me realizing just how deep the understanding of these Greys grows. If we just interact with them as we would with our children when they were babies, describing what we are giving them or what they are seeing, they will understand and build upon that knowledge. What a huge responsibility we have an providing them with a rich and invigorating environment that they can flourish and grow in.
  18. danmcq

    Closed contest

    Ok, heres a photo, undoctored and taken by me :-)
  19. Tari is right, they will acclimate to the house temperature. But, a heated perch would be fine and your Grey might appreciate the warmth. :-) Our breeder has huge aviaries outside with Macaws, Grey's, Conures, Ringnecks etc. with no heat. They all do just fine in the Winter at temperature down to freezing.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/13 14:19
  20. Hairy and a Drummer, what more could a Woman want ;-)
  21. danmcq

    The peanut

    Hi Makena, Harrison's is considered by many here on this Forum as the best pellet diet out there. So I think your ok. My whole point on posting the ingredients of Harrison pellets, was pointing out that the #1 and #2 ingredients were Sunflower Seeds and Peanuts. I personally feed Dayo a Seed blend by Browns calles "Tropical". This is a personal preference, but the way I look at it, is why grind his seeds up and smash them into pellets for him? I would rather that he work for his food by having to crack open all the variety of seeds to get at the yummy treat inside. I just ensure he also has plenty of veggies and fruits also, of which he eats tons. So he has a well balanced diet that is natural.
  22. danmcq

    Closed contest

    Shucks, but hey, I'm hanging on to my SpareDog Parrot :-)
  23. danmcq

    The peanut

    Baking them only kills 70% of the spores at best....but, then your Grey only gets ` 30% if your willing to risk that :-)
  24. Ok, This is Dayos Mom: And this is Me: Eat your hearts out ;-)
  25. I know it's definately night time over there...maybe her and Boyfriend are still at the owners house playing with the Sun. :-)
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