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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Aislee!!! That was a nice introduction and it's great to have a new Grey owner here :-) BMustee pretty much summed the louder Peeps issue. I have a 4&1/2 month old CAG that gets louder and more creative with his vocalizations each day when he wants your attention and out of the Cage. I find them amusing and encourage him to go "Psycho" and run around, attack his Toys, Peep, Growl, Loud Clucks Etc. I find it hilarious. Then when he realises I'm enjoying it and have no intention of letting him (Dayo) out, he goes into a 12 pack coke box and hides :-) Again, Welcome and we look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps some Photos of your new CAG!!!
  2. This may sound like an odd questions, but I am looking at this from a psychological stand point now. Would it be possible for your Boyfriend to visit you at your place for a while and the Grey would realize after a while, that his Owner and only Friend is your Boyfriend? One other thing you might do as a LAST resort and I am probably going to catch hell for even suggesting this....is to Clip your Grey's Wings carefully to where he can only Flap down at a 45 degree angle from his Cage. I had to Clip my Wild Conure after trying to Hand Tame him after 8 Months of no success. Once he could no longer fly away and had to Walk he then found it was easier to get on my hand for a ride than walk and climb back up into his Cage. Just some suggestions to add to your list :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/20 18:52
  3. I liked 300 so much, I purchased it :-) I like the previews of Transformers and am dieing to see it!! You just added another to my list of "Must See" with your comments on "Super Bad". I love comedies containing several belly laughs!!!:woohoo: Thanks for starting this!!!
  4. This is great information LMG!! Thanks for taking the time to articulate and answer to each question thoroughly. :-) This Topic is becoming a very useful source of information for us and users in the future researching the same question. :-) I wish more of our Grey Owners with experience in housing more than one CAG or TAG (Not Breeding Pairs)would post theirs. It would be greatly appreciated and give everyone much more insight into this.
  5. Great Photo's Toni. Thanks or posting them. :-)
  6. I had similar weight drops with Dayo. Pre-Fledge weight was 527gr, Post Fledge was ~440gr The Sun just keeps shining in Maui :-)
  7. OooOOoOhhh SNAP........Joe, I think Judy is hungry :-) It is lunchtime ;-)
  8. I feel your excitment :woohoo: We'll look forward to a full report and Photos!!! :laugh:
  9. Welcome Cindy!! Five years is quite a bit of experience with a CAG to share knowledge and just fun facts like you have regarding Riley, his Nicknames and big Vocabulary. Looking forward to hearing more from you, as I see you have already posted a photo of you Play-stand in the African Grey Room. :-)
  10. Wow, now thats a Playground with lots of Toys to chose from. :-)
  11. Well, Dayo has only been for 15 minute car rides several times. So far he has shown no signs of sickness, he jsut wants out of his carrier to be with us. A longer trip may result in illness, but unknown for now. :-)
  12. Wow, that Grey definitely has his mind made up about who he allows to be graced by his presence. Has anything negative ever taken place between your Boyfriend and the Grey? Other than your Boyfriend just breathing the same Air.. :-)
  13. Joe - You may not be one to know the Internet Acronyms. But you are a "Metaphoric" master!! {Characters-00020078}
  14. Wow Milo, those are some good ages and you have several years of experience also. It sure would be great to hear your input on all this African Grey Topics as well. :-)
  15. LOL MrSpock - That's a hard ticket to fill, but I try .... :-)
  16. Thanks for sharing that Bmustee!! You probably saved those Macaws from a horrible Death and hopefully educated that buyer and store owner on properly caging and caring for Parrots. :-) Karma for you!!
  17. LOL!!! This is a great Topic there Talonsis :-) I mean "Great Winch" of the 7 Seven Sea's ;-)
  18. That sounds wonderful Hannah_rae :-) Please do post a Photo of it. :-)
  19. Yes, I've heard and read that Grey's go through a "Terrible Two's" like our Human Babies. Bmustee is right on, She's testing you and also maybe just letting you know she doesn't want on your hand right now or to be put back in her Cage :-). Bmustee gives good advice on the various actions yo u could try. I am a little more forceful with Dayo at 4 3/4 months. I just keep pushing my hand through and up and He get with the program or needs to get ready to Fall backwards... His choice. :evil: He has so far chosen to comply. :-) The "testing" has minimized...for now :ohmy: A Two year old is probably stronger willed, like a Teenager and won't give up so easily and keep testing and testing....maybe ;-)
  20. Arrior - That is a wise decision. If the Grey is in apparent good health and seems to select you and interact with you as well. It sounds like you may have found a fine CAG for yourself. :-) Everyone has given important information for your consideration. We'll be waiting to hear more from you on the outcome.
  21. Hi Donna, Thanks for replying and giving more information on your past experience and the success your Breeder and other acquaintances have had in having 2 CAGs in one Cage and how they have Bonded with their Owners. It would be great if you could ask them to join this Forum and Post their experiences Too!! :-) Please keep posting often and we will look forward to hearing of the progress of your new CAG's and maybe you can post some Photo's when you get a chance. Bmustee - Very good point on why some might choose to house 2 CAG's in one Cage. As you so well point out, money limitations would be the wrong reason completely. But, that is not the case in Donna's experienced reasoning and She is obviously a responsible Grey Owner. We are sure getting many good post's with great information for us all to consider on this Subject!! :-)
  22. Thank You MRSpock, I don't think there is any Conflict Resolution needed so far in this Topic. :-) All just seem to be stating their opinions, actual experience (versus no experience and just stating what they think) in housing 2 Greys together. I did not remember if you had stated previously, if you had successfully housed 2 Greys in a Cage or not. I did remember though, that you had multiple Greys and you have years of experience with them. :-) As stated in my previous posts, there are no guarantees if 2 Greys in one Cage will work out or not. We still only have a few examples of owners with multiple Greys (Breeding Pairs excluded, not a good comparison). My goal in this (maybe selfish?) is to get as much input from owners that have real experience with housing multiple Greys together or in separate Cages and the results. Presently we are at 1 and 1. The rest of us are just stating our opinions based upon what our breeders told us (my breeder said 2 in a cage were fine) or what we have read in books and online. It seems beyond the question of whether they will get along or nor, we have other considerations as well: [li]Will their personalities develop as well?[/li] [li]Will they Bond with the Owner as well?[/li] [li]Will their Speech abilities develop as well?[/li] [li]Is the risk of bodily damage worth trying it at all?[/li] I hope our goal on this Topic and all Topics for that matter. Is to learn the truths about these Topics through multiple owners Who have experience and years of it. These owners may or may not have the same results, but the important thing is, they give us true results, not just opinions. A Big THANK YOU, to the 2 Owners so far that have taken the time to share their experience and thoughts on this Topic with us!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I know there must be more out there....PLEASE SPEAK UP :-)
  23. MRSpock - I believe I remember you stating something about some of your CAG's co-habit a single cage? If so, could you please reply in the Topic regarding 2 Cags in a cage? Even if you don't, you always have good input!! Thank you. :-)
  24. You bring up very good concerns regarding knowledge, time available and experience with Parrots Bmustee. I had not taken those into consideration in my response. :-) LMG - That is a Key factor you hit on....Do not even consider housing 2 Greys or species together that are mature!! That is just asking for a War, IMO :-) Always start out in Seperate Cages and if they like each other play well together. They just may well end up moving in together ;-) But they must decide that, not us Humans :-)
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