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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. MrSpock - I can't believe you forgot Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Snakes and HUMANS as predictors too!! ;-) They also help debark trees.... They fly in Great Flocks and eat the Corn Fields Farmers spent time and hard work cultivating...but, they don't fly away like Crow's...They have Weapons ;-) and can mimic a Lion Growl which sends the poor Farmer running... Other than that, pretty fair answer for a never been to Africa Dude....
  2. Welcome spikester !! One thing you should do, is have your wife spend time holding, scratching, feeding and giving snacks to your new Grey also. This will establish a bond, maybe less than it has with you, but still a tolerance of her. It is also good to socialize them with many people as well, if the Grey is "Ok" with it. Great to have you here,, maybe we can see a photo of you new Grey once you get a chance. :-)
  3. GreYt post Dave...VERY informative. :-)
  4. It's great to hear you had such a great homecoming with you new Grey. Can't wait to hear more and see some photos!! :-)
  5. Welcome Johny boy!! Looking forward to seeing the photo of your new Grey. :-)
  6. danmcq

    Lying on back

    LOL - Thats a funny mental image Radar!!
  7. danmcq


    yes, Salt is bad for them. However, Salt exists to some extent in almost everything in trace amounts. A little from a small speck of chip etc. won't hurt them as long as your not giving it to them every day. Salt passes out of the body as it excretes fluids in various ways :-) in other words, it's not cumulative.
  8. Great Photo and a good looking Grey!! Thanks for sharing that, he sounds like he is already enjoying the freedom and friendship you are providing. :-)
  9. danmcq


    Well Beccy, that's only an increase of 15 to 25 grams. Unless you feel you need a vets opinion at this point, I would monitor his weight for a few weeks and see if it continues to climb. If he is fairly active and flying around, he could just be building muscle, which is heavier than fat. He probably has stopped growing as yo suggest, but just as we humans, when we stop growing, we do continue building muscle mass depending on job, exercise etcetera or we gain weight from excess caloric intake. :-) Same with all creatures......
  10. Seems there are many reasons for head shaking. :-) I know that Dayo and his siblings in the 2 clutches of 6 Greys, would all shake their heads when sampling various foods. I am not sure if that if the Grey version of a human baby wincing as they do when the taste of something surprises them or if they are simply shaking off excess food and it then splatters on walls, us and everything else. :-) So far, I can't even get Dayo to move his head in rhythm when I try to get him to boogie down with me to me bump and grind music ..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/28 14:31
  11. MrSpock Wrote: "The most accurate info (even though this info doesn't apply to every single bird in a subspecies) can be easily classified by the huge majority of owners who've owned them and that personality doesn't become permanent nor show up until the bird has reached adulthood." I agree with this 100%. Great Post fron a tried and proven many years experienced, multi-Prrot Owner! :-) Just has a few quirks, that are tolerated due to his wealth of knowledge ;-)
  12. BMustee wrote: The Red factor can go either way. It could all be replaced with Grey feathers on the first Molt or continue for life. You will just have to wait and see. :-) MRSpock - Those are awesome Photos!!
  13. Yes, that is the Red Factor :-)
  14. LOL- I tried it when VE first launched in Beta!!
  15. Talon wrote: The perfect statement Talon. It is about how the Grey feels and what the Grey wants. That first encounter and impression will determine how your Grey trusts and views you the rest of it's life. Follow the Greys lead. :-)
  16. Nice looking Pizza, whats the ingredients...per the contest rules ;-) Thank you for relieving our anxiety!!
  17. Yep, Google VE is a great tool. We use it in our software for street views of properties appraisers can just pop it right in a photo page in our software. I live in Visalia, California. I am standing outside waving right now, you can't miss me next to the Pool, but it is dark here 5 am ;-) One thing to note on VE: The satellite images are around 2 years old, for security reason and some areas near Military bases are just not viewable at all for the same obvious reason.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/27 14:08
  18. Dayo starts with Peeps, then goes to the Wolf whistle and increases the Volume until we either acknowledge him or he finally gives up. If Dayo is with me and Kim walks in, Dayo does the little child dance and peeps until Kim picks him up or he flies/runs/hops over to her. :-)
  19. I have a Peach Front Conure that would just love to snuggle with Dayo (5 month old CAG) but Dayo is not so friendly. Jake will fly over to Dayo's Cage and sit on the opposite end and act friendly. Dayo will scamper over , fluff up and kind of "Peck" at Jake. Jake will just squawk and fly back over to his Cage. We also take them both in the living room with us in the later evening. Dayo runs back and forth on the back of the couch, while I have Jake sitting on his Playstand that I place on top of the other end of the couch. Jake will fly down and land by Dayo, then Dayo chases him off and that goes on back and forth for hours. Jake just seems to want some interaction between fellow Parrots, but Dayo seems to have no interest in it what so ever. I do watch this interaction VERY closely and am ready to push Dayo away rapidly if it looks like he is actually going to get a hold of Jake before he flies off. What's interest though, is we took Dayo over to our Breeders to visit and interact with two 10 week old B&G Macaws. They were perhaps a little larger than Dayo already and just just ran up and started preening them!! Go figure. The only thing I can think of is they are bigger than him :-) Anyway, the bottom line is BE CAREFUL anytime you have two birds out at the same time!!
  20. Welcome Jacqui & Colin !! Colin sounds like a wonderful baby CAG that has and will continue to bring much joy into your lives. Thanks for posting the great introduction. We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  21. LOL Sandy! Welcome to the Bite Me club. It's sounds like you got a handle on that post haste!! The towel will take some time, but just letting him see one in near proximity will slowly diminish the fear as you bring it closer and closer....
  22. I am at work during the Day when posting. Sometimes I forget to log out though and still show online even though I may be programming or in meetings for hours....Sorry to all you who wonder WHY I'm online, but not posting. I keep trying to remember to log off after lunch..like now for example. :-)
  23. :ohmy: Uh Oh......Busted :whistle:
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