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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. If this was a few nights ago and you have not observed any further bleeding, you re ok. I think Bmustee is right, a Blood feather probably snapped or cracked and thus the Blood. Treat in the perches outside the Cage are a good idea. It sounds like your Grey is relating the "scare and damage" to the external perches.
  2. Welcome KatB!! It's good have you here and it's even better to hear you have been doing your research and now rescued a Grey. :-) He sounds like a normal healthy bird so far, but the Vet visit will definitely tell of any underlying conditions. We'll look forward to hear the outcome of your visit and maybe you can post some photo's once things settle down there a little.
  3. Thanks for the update Spikester. It sounds like you and Leo having a great time and building a strong relationship. :-) Maybe we can see some photos when you get a chance.
  4. I agree with Judy, it sounds like a normal molt taking place. Regarding your seeking advice from other than your Father: There's a saying "When I was 16, I couldn't believe how stupid my parents were. When I became 25, I couldn't believe how much they had learned".... ;-)
  5. Welcome Tina!! Thanks for posting such an informative introduction. It paints a vivid picture of you running around, trying to get things done while the entire "Flock" follow and dismantle everything your doing. :-)
  6. Welcome Birdmom!! Thanks for the very detailed introduction. It sounds like you have taken all the right steps and are very meticulous about your Greys health and have a great vet that knows Greys VERY well. Your questions are very good ones and should probably be answered by your vet, since the rest of us will just give our opinions based on individual experience, rather than doctoral knowledge and results from lab tests. I look forward to hearing more from you. It sounds like you bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to this forum. :-)
  7. Welcome vcddvdjohn !!! It will take time and patience for Jura to become accustom to you and your home. Biting is a normal protective reaction or if just a little warning nip, letting you know he's not ready for intimate contact yet or that he does not know or trust you. You must earn his trust and respect. Give him some space to become familiar with his new surroundings. If you persist in forcing yourself on him, you could make an untrusting enemy, rather than a new life-long companion that you will receive immense enjoyment from. :-)
  8. Kristin!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/04 15:24
  9. If you live in a bad neighbot, just tell them to "Back Off" or you turn the ATTACK bird lose ;-) Then have him bite a Carrot in half to demonstrate....
  10. I wonder if Radar was named after "Radar" on the M*A*S*H TV series? Possible, since he was born during the period the series ran.....just a thought. It's such an unusual name, it's been driving me crazy......I know, I'm wierd :-)
  11. HI Moose and welcome!! I see you have gotten some good feedback already. Boy, is your Grey going to have a few conniption fits over the limited contact with your boyfriend :-) It will be interesting to see how this progresses. At such a young age, THEY don't even know what they want, just like a one year old Baby ;-)
  12. Hi Mandi, it's great to hear from you again. What a time you have had over the last Months!! It's good to hear that you are up, around and tkaing it easy it just making the best of it as you can. :-) Stay in touch, we love hearing from you and know that you are in our prayers!!
  13. Well, after Radars post of a 30 year old still doing it, it sounds like it may come an go over and over and over Ohwell, must be a "Grey Thing", I know they scratch around like that in the bottom of their cage and on the floor sometimes too.
  14. Wow Debbie - Thats a mature Grey in mid-life :-) Based on how he reacts to you and family, he probably had a good life in his first 29 years too....atleast that's what we all hope and picture. :-) But, now he has a wonderful home that he not only enjoys, but he also brings Joy too!!
  15. Dayo did the same thing for a while also. He just stopped on his own with no input or reaction from me or Kim at all. I guess we weren't any fun ;-)
  16. Wow Bmustee, that is fast learning!! Now, I'm on a mission :woohoo: Youve just started a "Training" frenzy!!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/04 14:15
  17. Welcome Sarah!! It sounds like you are on the move in your life and living it well now. :-) What a great rescue story of how you have taken on your new Grey and made him happy with a new loving family now. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos!!
  18. Welcome Joeyfoto!! Sounds like things are going well with your new Grey. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps see some photos of him when you get a chance :-)
  19. Hi Acappella, What a story. I really feel for the store owners and their battle with cancer. It is really inspiring to hear of friends such as yourself who step up and pitch in to do all they can in times of crisis like you have described. It sounds like Dorian is really taking to you and will love his new home once you get him there in the coming months. :-) Thanks for posting this!!
  20. Rest? The days just starting Joe ;-)
  21. LOL Bmustee, I can picture the car ride. Nice photos Joe - I took Dayo out on our Patio on my shoulder, which he had no intention of leaving while out there. But. Kim read me the riot act, so no more trips for Dayo outside without the Harness on :ohmy: I can't blame her though, after us worrying and chasing Jake in trees for two days......
  22. Cool Video Siobhan!! Thanks for posting it :-)
  23. Thanks for the link Falconeer. The link works, you just need to remove the at the end fo the link.
  24. LOL Joe!! I'm just throwing some ideas for people out there. :-)
  25. Welcome Stuart!! You've come to the right place for finding many articles regarding you Grey and also many helpful folks who love to share their experiences and opinions. We look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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