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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Yes, you always check out ingredients, as you know. When I heard Harrisons was the best, thats the first thing I checked :-) My belief is everything in moderation and balanced such as a diet of seeds, veggies, fruits and some 12 to 15 bean mix each day seems to "Kind of" simulate what types of foods they would eat while foraging for an entire day in the wild.
  2. It's all the ground up sunflower seeds and peanuts in them...the greys love them all smashed into compressed pellets I just feed Dayo the real thing and let him work for the prize inside the shells :-) Gotta stir it up a little...this forum is becoming too quite :woohoo: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/13 02:23
  3. Nice Pictures Makena, of Makena at Makena Thanks for posting them, it looks like you all had a great time.
  4. Regarding touching all over - We have been touching, scratching and cuddeling Dayo all-over since he was 8 weeks old. He loves it and welcomes it most times, unless he is busy playing with a toy or trying to chew a key off my keyboard, then he will get annoyed and move or turn around and look at at me like "Do you mind"? Question for Andrew: How did you get Tui to "Dance" like he does? I cannot get Dayo to "Bust a move" for the life of me. No head bobbing, swaying nothing....
  5. No, it does not bother me personally :-) But, if possible, it would be nice if users could have a place in there User Profile to select which timezone to display for their settings. I think the problem is, no one knows how long ago a post was placed. Unless they figure out for example that PST time is 8 hours behind Israeli Time and then does the math. :-)
  6. danmcq


    Hi Nick, The URL you posted does not. However, manually posting the URL in IE works. I found most the links for adverts on babies, parrots etc all go to blank pages. There are a numrous amount of websites here in the states that are free pet sites for adverts already. But, others here may have more comments or input.
  7. The site has interesting information on their foods, the reason they started making their own and how the contributions to rescue agencies work. The ingredients on their foods look very good and especially for anyone owning a Gery with allergies to ingredients contained in most foods. It is not a very widely used food from what I can find elsewhere on the web, so it's hard to make any type of educated judgement on this. One thing I did note in their blogs page was that they actually stopped production for a while due to a death in their family. This sends up red flags to me on how long the product may be available for and also if demand increases, if they as a small family operation, could meet those needs in a timely fashion. What this means is, you could get your Grey on this food and then find yourself in a position where you may need to switch his diet with no cross over time to do so. This is entirely a personal choice you will need to make. It seems, this is not widely used by enough forum members (if any) to give any type of actual personal experience with this food supplier and their products.
  8. So the Forum is on Israeli time then. It's 5:56 am here in California now, cool 48 degrees, overcast with chance of rain and a high of 72 today. :-)
  9. danmcq


    Waiting for the question.....??? B)
  10. In your Jacket Bmustee? That brings an exciting adventure to mind Kim and I had with Dayo 2 weeks ago. Kim had a sweater on while we were watching a movie. Dayo loves to just set on her chest and chill with some head scratches and cuddles. Well, Dayo decided to go inside her sweater opening at the top, crawled into her right sleeve and started working his way down, much to our surprise and humorous intrigue. The problem was though, that once Dayo got down to the wrist area, the sweater sleeve narrows, Dayo tried to back-up, no go, tried to push through the sleeve end, no go, then the freaking out began :ohmy: While Laughing :whistle: I hopped up and ran to Kim's rescue as Dayo was about to chew or scratch Her Wrist and Arm off to get out of there :ohmy: so like any great thinking man would do, I started STRECHING the wrist opening so Dayo could get his head out, but I couldn't stretch it enough for his body too :unsure: Now Dayo has his head out looking at us and squawking while I decide I will go get the scissors and just cut her sleeve open :laugh: .....That was a STUPID idea, Kim told me, she stood up, opened her sweater, took it off and slowly rolled the sleeve down and over Dayos body and finally head releasing Dayo and ending the emergency situation. :side: So a word to the Wise.......NEVER think your Grey working his way into your sleeve is "CUTE" :ohmy: Winter is coming, people may want to bundle up their precious Grey in their sweaters or coats......Be Careful!!!! :-) You could end up looking like this.... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/12 14:42
  11. Hi Judo, It's good to hear from you again. :-) It sounds like you have got everything pretty well purchased and setup for your new Grey when she gets there. Looking forward to hearing more as time progresses.
  12. Yeah, I can't wait either!! They are great looking in the photo's and I know they were made with a lot of love. Already know where I gonna hang it!!!
  13. Well Welcome Valerie, it's GREAT to have you here now too!! If you provide as much warm heart and meaningful content in your posts as Joe does, we will be overwhelmed with Joy here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you if you can get Joe off the PC long enough for you to post sometimes. ;-)
  14. Uh Dave - Are you ok today? I know, I know, but it's time to go back into your padded room now.....
  15. Wow, beautiful photos Makena!! Thanks for sharing those, they bring back great memories from our week stay there in the Grand Wailea in 2001. Kim and I enjoyed it immensely and Maui is our favorite Island out of the bunch....we stayed on all.
  16. Hi n2fisher, Most birds can survive in temperature extremes of both hot and cold. The most important thing NOT to do, is walk from a 70 degree inside temperature to an outside 30 degree temp. The shock is not good for them, nor are winds that can increase the risk of respiratory problems. If your Grey is used to an indoor fairly constant temperature, extreme hot or cold temperatures would not be good for them. Some people do have outdoor aviaries that the Parrots stay in year round through summer and winter temperatures, but the key is they acclimate as the seasons change from season to season in a gradual fashion. Basically, I figure if I need to put a coat on before going outside, my Grey stays in. :-) Hope this helps.
  17. Most Parrots including Greys love to shred any type of paper they can get their beaks on. As I understand it, most printed news papers, books and magazines ink types are safe and most parrots don't ingest it anyway. They simply just love to shred it into a million pieces.
  18. LOL Dave - It's called a slow day at work of programming with only one small fire to put out. :-)
  19. MrSpock - Ok your the Owner and Slave then. But, if your a slave to them, by definition, then technically, they are your Master and Owner. :-) You must just keep working and doing all the menial tasks while the bask in the luxury of you slaving away for them. :woohoo: Just admit it, they are your owners. It's time to let go of the denial you've been going through and just face it. That's the only way you will ever overcome this delusion you have been convincing yourself of for all these years. ;-)
  20. MrSpock - You asked: 1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them. [li]He paid nothing. He demanded I pay for the privilege of having his presence in my home.[/li] 2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop. [li]As I stated, he made me pay for him to own me. I was owner-less[/li] :-( 3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted. [li]I was in Limbo[/li] 4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her. [li]None Ya - My eyes had turned from black to blue though, if that gives any indication[/li] 5--Whether you are being fed good food. [li]Well, He demands I do the cooking and figure out what he likes. So sometimes I eat several different dishes in one meal, until he approves[/li] 6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you. [li]Owners don't spoil, they RULE[/li] 7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect. [li]Yeah, he graces me by pooping on my shoulder and bites me when I fall out of his graces[/li] 8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged. [li]Hardly[/li] Now Your turn MrSpock...... :-)
  21. Excellent choice Bmustee :-) Your Grey will love it!!
  22. Radar - Sure her "Cure" sure works, she'll have any Grey laying on there back and doing the two-step in no time :-) LOL Bmustee and Beccy....your both too funny, but your right!!! :-)
  23. Great Photos Toni, thanks for sharing them! Alcazar looks like he is having a blast :-)
  24. Welcome tintenter!!! Wow, you are taking on quite a large task, but it is a valiant one in wanting rescue those two Greys and help them out along with their poor owner that atleast will know they are going to a loving home that will be able to care for them properly. There is a wealth of information on this forum regarding diet as you asked in the food/diet room and many people with tons of experience and knowledge to answer any specific questions you may have. Thanks for joining this forum in search of information on you new adopted Greys!!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you and hearing of the progress as you work with these two Greys. :-)
  25. Welcome Zarlock!! I have enjoyed watching your YouTube videos over the last 4 months. The favorite is your Tui wants to Dance :-). I assume you are coming to the US from England (your accent) or you have moved here from there? If you get to California, let me know. It would be great to meet you and Tui and see if Tui can teach my Grey Dayo to Dance ;-)
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