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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Bmustee's right on Fledging...Dayo went from 527gm down to 420 over the period of only a few weeks. Great info youve been providing on this topic Bmustee!!
  2. Thanks you guys, I appreciate your breaking the rules, but honestly, it's no big milestone or even anything I keep trak of or try to build up. I just enjoy all you great people, your friendship, jokes, help and warmth you all bring to this Forum. Thats whats seperates us from the rest...YOU!! Anyway, I didn't expect or want this, but Joe is just a die hard do-gooder :-) and I appreciate him emmensely for that. :-) Radar - Plus Karma for ALL the times I subtracted karma from you ;-)
  3. That is VERY odd behaviour just out of the Blue, without something causing it. Doing away with her "Home" could have something to do with as could anything else that may have changed in the last 2 weeks. Hair style, color, fingernail polish something new in the house or room etc. The "Always" shaking bothers me though. That could indicate a health problem and you should probably have a vet visit. Others here will have more comments and ideas also. I am sorry to hear you are going through this, but you and your Grey will make it through it once the issue is figured out. :-)
  4. She could start laying eggs at anytime or maybe never if she is a female once she has reached sexual maturity.
  5. Welcome Harley!!! Short Intro ;-)
  6. Wewlcome Mosfatal!!! Even though you already feel that way ;-) It's great to have you join us!!
  7. Welcome Leonidas!!! We'll look forward to hearing more about you and your Grey and maybe see a few photos :-)
  8. Hi Adele - Nice intro and good to see your official introduction. I think we are all animal huggers :-)
  9. Hi LMG!!! Was wondering if you went on Holidays :-) It's great to have you back!!!!
  10. I have an Aviator Harness for Dayo also. We get it on him ok, but once on for a few minutes and outside, the leash cord seems to bother him and of course I suppose the strange new sights outside spook him too. I walked around our pool decking with him and when we got close to an incense burner (Not burning) wrought iron pole stand he freaked, flew until the end of the lease, the flew down and then just went in psycho circles entwining the leash cord around his feet :ohmy: Of course now the only thing he could think of was getting that leas from around his feet :-) It took a while to calm him down to where he didn't try to Bite us or the leash off. I finally distracted him with a peanut while he took his vengeance out on it ripping it to shreds while Kim quickly got his feet untangled and the harness off. WHEW!@! Boy were our hearts racing along with his :woohoo: Anyway, I let him play with the harness to ensure he is still ok with it, but haven't taken him out since then :-( I am not sure at this point that he enjoys the outdoors.....yet B)
  11. Wellness checks a pretty much a must, as apparently you already know. :-) How did it go? I just took Dayo in last Thursday for a 6 Month wellness check. My ulterior motive was I just really wanted to get a check on Calcium, D and other Vitamin levels to ensure he is getting all the nutrients at sufficient levels from the Diet Ive been feeding him. The Vet first commented on how well behaved and friendly Dayo always is. He didn't like her checking out his vent much though . She did take a fresh poo sample (which always become available quickly) to analyze, but stated that at such a young age, a nutrient level check blood panel would be pretty much worthless due to wild fluctuations while they are still going through so many bodily changes at such a young Age? So, my motive for the visit went unfulfilled, but the Poo analyses was fine. :-)
  12. Wow!!! 5 Kilos of Sunflower seeds??? Was that the only thing he was eating? No wonder he became sick. Everything in moderation and an abundance of veggies, fruits, some pellets like zupreem, Harrison's etc. and various seeds and nuts is a well balanced diet for any Parrot. How is your Grey doing at eating things other than sunflower seeds now?
  13. I agree with all other comments here. Do not spray bitter apple on your Grey or any other animal for that matter. It is made to spray on objects, not pets. It may be hard to determine, but you need to figure out "Why" he is plucking....pin feathers there, an irritated patch of skin, wants attention etc. Try Aloe Juice mists as DrSpock has recommended. :-)
  14. Could be just your Greys behaviour as others have pointed out. Also a wellness check at the vet would be good if you haven't done so already. Dayo is quite, except when we uncover him or walk into the room after being gone a while. Then he does his best to get our full attention with peeps, Wolf Whistles etc. :-) until we come it and get him.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/24 15:05
  15. Hmmmmm, seems Ive been doing the carpet spot cleaning of poop all wrong... First I smash the wet goo into the carpet trying to swipe it off with a paper towel. Then I get the resolve and squirt a little on and let sit for a minute and then scrub the snot out of it with a clean dry towel. Letting it dry sounds much more efficient and probably gets less into the fibers of the carpet than my method. Thanks for the Tip!! :-)
  16. Getting home, after spending most if not all the week in San Jose at my Company office. Seeing Dayo, Jake and my Dobermans in the morning. Seeing Kim :-) Grandchildren A beautiful Sunrise or Sunset The Stars on a moonless night A kind act by another The members on this forum enough for today :-).........
  17. Wow, so sad. But, thanks for posting the results. It again underscores the seriousness and end results of a breeder that needs to take the necessary steps to eradicate that from their Hatcheries and get the vaccinations for their birds before having anymore clutches born. Are you notifying your Breeder of the results?
  18. Welcome Rikki!! What a great photo of Chacho :-) and I love the painting!! I think you can delete the photos you uploaded to the Gallery area. We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more of the Great photos you have posted already!!
  19. Oh geez Heather, very infuriating You are more than welcome to vent about and the jerk that did it. Unfortunately, people are not getting more friendly, good natured or responsible for their actions these days. They are being taught by the court systems that everything they do is not their fault...but because they were neglected or mistreated as children or so the story always goes....I hate that theory, it's BS!! Everyone whether crapped on by their parents or others still have Brains and they make the choices they do. Everyone can chose to do the right or wrong thing and they KNOW what is right and wrong. There, I vented some for you :-)
  20. LOL Siobhan- Go shopping!! It's always exciting :-) Yes, since Liath is older and more mature, what's his is his and that includes Cage (His Home and security), Toys and you and your hubby!! :side: Sneaky...Sneaky...Sneaky...Your Husband will start wondering why Oisin always wants to come over and sit with you ;-) Can't wait to here of yoru shopping spree :woohoo:
  21. Yes, I agree with Judy. It's great that you had her DNA'd while so young and now don't need to fret over undoing all that you did teaching phrases for a few years until one Day HE laid an Egg ;-)
  22. WoW...Congratulations Siobhan !!! Now you get to share your new baby stories with the rest of us that have young Greys!! :-) The interaction between you two Greys should prove to be interesting stories you will be able to share with us as they grow and you happen to be lucky enough to capture a photo of a special moment, that would be the icing on the cake!! :laugh:
  23. Hi Cyard, Dayo does the same, he loves to sit on the shoulder and nestle his head up against your face. Makes little clucking sounds, high pitched cheeps and I swear a sound that almost sounds like a short little Cat purr. Maybe if Kim chirped, purred and nestled a little more against my cheek. I might by coaxed into some feet rubbing ;-)
  24. Hi momy442000, No personal experience here with chipping birds, but I do have all my Dobermans chipped. Here are some links on Microchipping and things to consider as to which brand to use: http://www.animed.org/birds_leg_bands_microchipping.htm http://www.avidmicrochip.com/answer.htm http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww7eiii.htm http://www.expertvillage.com/videos/lovebird-care-legband.htm
  25. Yeah, same boat here too. :pinch: I and Kim have learned what Dayos body language looks like when he's ready to go (about every 20 mins) and catch him when we do see it and take him to his Cage. But, we have not been consistant enough yet for him to understand that we want him to poo in his Cage. We are busy running around the house a lot when he's out and so don't notice most times when he's doing a poo before it's too late. :-) So, I think the key to really being successful at potty training, is to watch them constantly when their out and take them where you want them to go poo at everytime. Some on this Forum have been successful at this and hopefully they will chime in here :-)
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