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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi krutsingd , Thanks or the nice intro of your Greys and a little background. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  2. hi Demetri, It sounds like their first intro went well. As Judy indicated, close supervision is the key, meaning you need to be within arms reach of them incase you need to stop a bite before it happens. It seems jealousy is natural in a Parrot that wants your attention and is already used to having it like Enzo. I have a conure that acts the same when we have Dayo our Grey out with us. :-)
  3. Welcome Flint!! As long as your Grey doesn't start saying what cards are in your hand your ok ;-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Welcome Angie and Smokey!! We'll look forward to hearing more of you and Smokey. :-)
  5. Cool photos Sara. LOL - I like the cat trying to be a Parrot :-) Thanks for sharing these !!
  6. Welcome Demetri!! How old is your new CAG and how long have you had him? We'll look forward to hearing more from you and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  7. Welcome Sara!! Thanks for the nice introduction. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you. You can talk to us all day longer about charly :-)
  8. danmcq

    new video

    Nice video Beccy, he sure is volcalizing alot :-)
  9. Thanks Ronda! It's good to hear she is settling in and calling to her momma :-) It sounds like she is already becoming interactive with you and is keenly interested in seeing what her Mom is doing and wants to teach her ;-) Right now it sounds like you are her most trusted new clutch member and the rest of your household will become so over the next few days as you so wisely set expectations at for your children. Good luck with the ever inquisitive Cat
  10. Awww, what a nice story Tari. :-) Your right, the more you interact with Que, the more stories you will have too share!! Que is the most intelligent Parrot you have and probably gets bored just sitting there waiting for some type of mental activity or challenge. Greys are much higher maintenance in the mental stimulation area than any other Parrot, as you know. It would be great to hear more stories of your interactions with Que :woohoo: I cannot imagine how you find the time and energy to do everything you do, it would exhaust me. You are such a loving and caring person to all your Parrots and others!!
  11. danmcq


    Hello Peco and Welcome!! You are correct, the average age to let a Grey go from the breeder is normally between 16 to 20 weeks. I doubt that your Grey is weaned at 11 weeks old. Are you spoon feeding him?
  12. Good Video of Liaths Hello waving and open wing tricks Siobha :-) Spooky - Hope you can get your videos downsized and over to youtube. The photobucket links still aren't working.
  13. It is heartbreaking to hear of any bird being treated as you have described. The best thing to do, would be to report it to your local spca so they will go check the petstore out.
  14. Hmm, over or under is a good question. I would say to go with your intuition on this one. :-) You know your Liath and the new baby probably won't care since he is being upgrade to a much bigger flat. :-) I would think the modification would be cheaper, but if it's close to the cost of a new double over/under, I would get the new cage and then sell your existing cage and re-coop as much of the price for it as I could. Then you'll have more money for furnishing the upper and lower decks with Toys, stainless bowls etc.
  15. Good photos of your Goldfish Tari. :-)
  16. As all have previously said, patience and time to adjust to the new surroundings, people, cage and I think your time is an hour or or 2 different than Texas. The little guy has really been through a lot of changes in 24 hours. His whole World just changed and his head is still spinning :-) How is he today?
  17. Hi Keith, Such a sad experience. Is your breeder going to replace the Grey? It would seem the only right way to resolve this matter in a fair way. Your Grey was obviously infected while at the breeders.
  18. Hi siobhan, As LMG stated, the width is the most important dimension. The cage looks to be around 6 feet tall (1.8meters)? Splitting the Cage in the middle with a horizontal addition of a Pan and Grate over it should work nicely for your application in providing the best location for both your Greys and of course the space issue. It seems to have worked out good that you purchased such a tall cage to begin with. The iron worker will need to be very careful in ensuring he leaves no sharp edges and that the bars stay fully intact and not loose in any way. It sounds like you have thought this through long enough to have come to the best solution to your problem. One thing to think about, how will your greys be housed while waiting for the cage modifications. Purchasing a second small cage in the interim?
  19. Hi Leonidas, I second Radars comment. You are doing a fantastic job and doing it right the first time. You are fretting over him like a Mom with a new born. :-) Which is GreyT! Everything you have written is normal for a CAG at 15 weeks old. He will start spitting more and more of his Formula out as he begins the weaning process and will eventually just stop accepting it completely (in most cases). As Bmustee has given given much great advice, he is into the fledging mode already and it is natural for them to start losing a lot of weight by eating less and less to make flight easier while he starts building up his soon to be Schwarzenegger size Pectorals ;-) Regarding the gram scale. I would purchase a scale that goes to 1000g (1kg) to ensure he doesn't max out your scale if he happens to grow to a weight over 500 gm. Your such a good Mom :-)
  20. For those that have or are interested in Macaws. PBS will be selling their video "The Real Macaw" starting on 11/28. The purchase site for the video is: http://www.shopthirteen.org/product/show/29436 To view clips from the real macaw video on PBS go to: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/realmacaw/index.html<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/27 22:27
  21. In their neck directly under the beak, no. But as I am sure you know, a little further down is their Crop where food sits for awhile and gets compressed on down into the rest of the digestive tract.
  22. Are you using Aloe Juice to Mist him with? If not you should try it, it works wonders on keeping skin and feathers supple. DrSpock posted a very good comment and How-To on sing Aloe Juice for misting your grey. You can read it on the Health and Nutrition Tab at the Top of the Greys Forum screen.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/27 18:49
  23. The problem is this website is decoding the ampersand into a strange symbol and then truncating the word "current" to just a "T". view&current=NikkoKerplunk.flv any possible way to post these vid's on youtube rather than photobucket?
  24. Thinking about Iran with nukes scares the Hell out of me...mostly global warmongering or dictators. Also, the shape of planet earth, environment etc. in fear of how my grandchildren's world may look in 50 years..... Other than that, bring on the spooks, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, goblins etc. Ive watched all the movies and know how to do each of them in. :-)
  25. Wow Rhonda, nice photo work and he is one great looking TAG :-) Of course, I know your not proud or anything B)
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