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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I am having the issue with Dayo and Harrisons High Potency and also thier Palm Oil treats. He just has no interest in them at all. He will eat a few of the Zupreem fruity mix pellets and thats it. Dayo, will eat just about anything thats not pelletized, so I am thankful for that. :-)
  2. Wow trish, you have really been through the mill and of course your Grey mainly. Here is a very informative link on this disease. It is easily transmitted through various avenues as this link explains: http://www.parrottalk.com/chamydia-psittaci.htm I hope everything turns out well for you and your Grey!!
  3. Cool Jimmy, post a photo of it when your done. :-)
  4. You did the right thing in addressing this issue Laurie! It's your and hubbies house and you guy's set the House rules. If someone does not respect them, then they are no longer welcome. You still love them, bit that does not mean you want them to live with you :-) Hopefully your hubby gave his brohter a good talking to also.
  5. Hi Sandra, If after 3 weeks of time with your Merlin and he still hasn't wanted to step up on your hand and now not the perch. It is probably time to start letting him know that you expect things from him. If he doesn't want to step up on your hand to get out of the cage, he doesn't get out of the cage. It sounds tough, but really your dealing with a child that is having behaviour imprinted that will be harder to break as he matures and just figures thats how it is. I would stop opening cage doors and letting him decide if and when he wants to come out. You open the door and he steps up or the deal is off. It will take some patience, but it must be done or this vicious cycle and behaviour will not get better, in fact it will get worse since he is pretty much convinced he rules the roost rather than you. Others will chime in and may not agree, but thats my 2 cents :-)
  6. Very interesting Topic. Thanks for starting it Falco and Welcome to the Forum. MrSpock - Thank you for sharing your vast amount of knowledge. You should write a book and if you ever do, I'll be one of the first to purchase one!! :-)
  7. Welcome to the "Parrot Bite Me Club" Clay. You can find that string here in this room. You should log your entry there as well and read of others experiences. :-) MrSpock - I loved your post!! HA!! Nose Bites - They sting and will bring tears to your eyes.....Kim has had a few "Love" bites...I had one, but I think Dayo was just really into the "Moment" B) No piercings.......YET
  8. Welcome Tycosmom!! Thanks for writing such a good introduction. You have done a wonderful thing in rescuing all those Parrots! :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you about your large flock!!
  9. Welcome kc0cxe !! Congratulations on finding a new family member for your home. Your new Grey will bring much happiness into your lives. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos once you get your new Grey home. :-)
  10. Welcome Trish!! It sounds like you are a very proud and caring owner. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them. Ask away, there are many Grey owners here with tons of experience that enjoy sharing their knowledge and as others have indicated, there is already a huge search-able library of topics.
  11. It's just a good old yawn. Dayo does the same thing at different times of the day and especially when it's bed time :-)
  12. Great photo Lusya. Thanks for sharing it :-)
  13. LOL BMustee {Feel-good-0002006E}
  14. danmcq

    Changing diet

    Thats progress Clay!! 460 is a good sized grey also, it sounds like he is keeping himself well fed :-)
  15. Very saddening news Tami. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted on the progress of all.
  16. Thats great news Jimmy!! I am so happy for you :-)
  17. Welcome angelLady!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. Talonsis This is a well deserved responsibility for you. Your experience in photography and talents that you have already displayed, make you a great person for this. :-) I know you will bring a lot of fun and activity to this room!!
  19. LOL JUDY!!! OK, you made your case :-) MRSpock, you are greatly appreciated for stating a much needed truth regarding the sharing of bacteria. Thank You !!
  20. Regarding Avocado specifically, there is some interesting information on it and what types of Parrots it seems to affect drastically: http://kgkat.tripod.com/avocado.html http://www.birdvet.co.uk/avocado.html http://onibasu.com/archives/kn/126359.html There is definitely a common cord raised that the leaves, skin and pit are absolutely poisonous. But, the flesh seems to run 50/50 on whether it is poisonous or not. I would rather error on the side of caution on Avocados and never offer them to nay of my animals or birds.
  21. Great question Andrew. I am of the same mind as you. i question everything and in-fact find many scientific studies also to be rubbish due to the foundational techniques, narrow group and/or quantities of something to establish their findings and position. If I lived in the 14th century, I would have been one of the few, that when told the earth was flat, would have sailed my ship off the edge to prove them wrong ;-) Kind of like coffee...good,bad,good,bad....to hell with them I drink enormous amounts and have since 16 and theres nothing wrong with me.... {Emotions-0002007D}
  22. Welcome Ken!! I know you are based out of southern California and I am the San Joaquin valley, however I can never find any workshops here. Do you ever have any in this state that perhaps are not shown on your website? If you do, please post them and I attend :-) Just the information on your website helped me get a wild breeder conure I was duped into purchasing as a "Tame" bird, that was terrified of people close to his cage, much less trying to put your hand in it. To where I was able to finally get him to start stepping up about 6 months ago after following the information on you website. I had him for 6 months before that and was just resolved to be content at enjoying his personality from a distance. You truly work wonders where the "Conventional" wisdom fails. Thank you for providing the great information you have on your website!!
  23. danmcq

    Changing diet

    Hi Clay, have you been monitoring his weight while trying to switch him? It critical that you do. Converting some Parrots to pellets is very difficult sometimes from all that I have read and heard. Some will slowly and defiantly convert, some never will. You should ask your vet some any helpful tips he may have also. If you get any good tips, please share them with us. I would like for Dayo to eat more pellets than he does also.
  24. Ok guys, shhhhhhhhhhh....moderator.....please delete this thread so we can have some fun with the next unsuspecting new grey owner :woohoo:
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