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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Jamie - Oh man, do I miss those days when they are just a cute sleep with dad/mom baby...great photo!! The ceramic logs and lava rock type amber material do not emit any type of hazardous gases that would harm Parrots or Humans. The only caution on Gas fireplaces is if it is a "Sealed" unit rather than a standard vented fireplace. The regular fireplace allows carbon monoxide to vent up and out the chimney versus a sealed unit can deplete the room oxygen and also raise carbon monoxide to dangerous levels. If you do not already have one installed, a carbon monoxide detector is pretty much a necessity.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/16 14:17
  2. Remove Parrot head out of the Turkey Hole....Hahahahahaha ...Dave you are too funny!! Thanks for the good laugh. Beccy - yours was hilarious too, what a way to start the morning...two laughing sessions !! :woohoo:
  3. Oh No, what a first experience harley :-( Yes, please do keep us posted. We Care!! :-)
  4. Thanks for posting this Spooky! TARA looks like a great organization with a long and well known history. Hopefully anyone living in that area thats is looking for a Parrot will go there first to see if they find a match :-) Wish I lived there, I would love to see if the Scarlett Macaw was a match !!
  5. Welcome Jamie!! Great looking TAG. Your wait to have him home will not be much longer. I nice to hear that you had the opportunity to visit and let this little fellow choose you and family. You are in for a wonderful loving relationship with this new addition to your family. :-)
  6. Welcome Wvas!! We have a few Breeders here that I'm sure will chime in and answer questions you have. :-)
  7. LOL Mario - Why's does every Son think their dad is God :whistle: and they agree B) Your avatar of your B&G laying on it's back is cool. :-)
  8. Hi Ziggy (Mario) and Welcome!! It's great to have you here. Nice intro of your Family and Zoo :-) We'll look forward to hearing a lot more from you and seeing some photos :0(
  9. Thanks Joe! Welcome Mario!!! If your anything like yoru dad, you will be a great asset and member to this Forum :-)
  10. Very nice video of that trick Adele, thanks for posting that link :-)
  11. Oh Hi Judy, you and Mrspock back from Cabo so soon ;-) Buuuuaaaaaahahahaha - No worries - It will come B)
  12. Wow Joe, it turned out very nice! :-)
  13. Thanks for the cool link Kibibi!! :-) Everyone else - Please vote at the poll link contained in the first first of this topic :woohoo:
  14. Hi Ziggy!! Are you related to Joe? :-)
  15. Nice Photo Trish on your Avatar!! Thanks for posting that. At 16 motnhs is she still your baby girl :-)
  16. Well, try feeding him salt-less crackers, that always disables the whistle in cartoons ;-) Seriously though, that may be a hard problem to resolve, as I am sure you know very well. Maybe someone will have some ideas on associating that LOUD whistle with something negative, like it means take me to my cage every-time your grey whistles that loud? Just thinking out loud here :-)
  17. Christine, You are right in the information being abundant out. The wild behaviour is different than that of a Grey bred and raised in captivity. From all the experiences I have read from Grey owners, they don't ALWAYS switch their love to another when they mature. In fact, in most well socialized Greys or single owner Greys, they go on through out their lives happy and content with one another. Their just is not enough data out there to place much confidence in what all the websites seemingly "parrot" or plagiarize from one another, thus just magnifying the amount of dis-information. That's what makes a Forum with experienced Grey owners such a valuable life line for facts and experience from multiple sources, rather than one. So far, Dayo (CAG) has proven many of the myths I was so worried about, wrong. It does not mean their are not Greys that display the attributes written about by some, but it does prove they are not an absolute nor a "Norm". Now, thats just my opinion, but I still call some of the common statements out there "Hogwash" Like my signature states, consume my opinions like a Watermelon.... :-)
  18. MrSpock Wrote: ""Some females get agitated during that time but it soon subsides. She might be a bit nippier and a little short tempered but that too passes."" Imagine that, don't they all... As always, your advice and comments are RIGHT ON!!
  19. Yes, keeping a bird flighted leaves everything open as a landing zone :-) Just make it "Bird Safe". If you can't, then clipping is the only way.
  20. Thanks for the feeback. I am going to cut it off. I am afraid of it getting caught also. It is not a normal band, it is more of a ring with just the number stamped in it and it has been crimped together so the ends that meet when crimped do not form a perfect circle either where they touch... I think this is even more dangerous than the normal "Bands" you see.
  21. Wow Joe, I am so sorry to hear that...I know the sick you get VERY well. Never stop looking, you just don't know when or where you might see him or hear him.
  22. I have my ways Penny B) LOL
  23. She looks like a Latte' to me :-)
  24. Great link, thanks for makeing it a sticky Talon and thanks to Kibibi for offering it!! :-)
  25. Hello McGyver! Great answer, youve here a member here quite a while. It would be great if you posted more often :-) But, I know how time and schedules go.....but still, thanks for posting!!! :woohoo:
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