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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi All - Just a short poll to see how many clipped or non-clipped Parrots we have out there. Please go vote at: http://poll.pollcode.com/FPw
  2. Joe is right on - It is a situational and preferential decision by each owners environment, activities and the temperament of the Parrot at that given time. IMHO - There is a time to clip and a time to let fly. I am going to start a Poll just to see how many owners birds are clipped or non-clipped. I am letting both Dayo and my Conure Jake become fully flighted. However, I may clip them both as/if the activities, environment or behaviour changes. I would not cut my Dogs legs off, but I certainly use restraints as the environment or situation changes i.e. no leash, short leash, long leash, no muzzle, muzzle, choke collar with cleats etc. based on the circumstances. I am hoping to leave both of them flighted, but as others have done and I did in the past, I at some time may need to clip them and it is my right as the loving responsible owner to do so for the safety of my bird. No one can question a person not knowing their specifics situation. So in summation, it should never turn into a battle, but a good reasoning approach for and against clipping or not is a good topic for someone needing to know which path is right for them. That Topic already exists and therefore we probably do not need to hash it out again here :-) With that said, let the Poll begin!! :-)
  3. LOL - OH NO NOT THE EVIL EYE!!! {Emotions-0002007D} Your right though Bmustee, they definitely know facial and tonal changes.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/19 17:51
  4. :ohmy: I am sure it's cute and thanks for sharing it, but please know that hairdryers contain Teflon normally on their heating coils and could kill your baby. Also, the dry heat is not good for them. Thanks for sharing that image though :-)
  5. Wow!! Nice photos Joe and they look like they are enjoying that field trip to the park immensely . :-) Thanks for posting them!!
  6. If your friend thinks a child telling an adult to F-Off is funny, it is no wonder the children act as they do. They seemingly have not been raised to respect any type of proper edicate, manners or respect for others or their property. I had I child at a swimming pool one time tell me to F-Off. I promptly removed that teenager from the pool and walked him straight to his home and asked his Mother to take care of the situation. She was a Big Black Women (reminds me of Big Mommas House Movie), and at her reaction, I was confident that teenager was in for a "Whoopin". <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/19 16:14
  7. Oh Man Tracy, you have really been through the wringer!! Thankfully, it should be over if you have any confidence in the theory the bad things happen in sets of three. It's good to hear you are taking a "Mental and Physical" health day off to recuperate and well unfortunately catch-up on the chores you would have normally completed on the weekend. Best wishes to you and a Big Brotherly HUG!! :-)
  8. Ah yes, go into the light :-) In all seriousness, it does make sense that she does not feel comfortable in the darkness. Atleast you gave it a shot! It really does sound like this is going to be a little longer process than what you had been hoping for. She had never met you before and is having to adjust to a whole new world and flock. She will come around, but at her own speed as her comfort and feeling of safety increases.
  9. Thanks for the updates JNKIR. We'll look forward to hearing more on this adoption/rescue as you get him/her home. :-)
  10. When Dayo was young and even today, if he bites or tests a little too hard, I just calmly say No while slowly wiggiling the appendage he happens to have a hold of. He knows what the word No means and learned it surprisingly quickly when he would try to pull my glasses off when sitting on my shoulder while I was on the PC. It has gotten now to where he will "test" to see if the glasses are still off limits, all I need to say is "No Glasses" and he releases. I have never, so far, put him back in the Cage due to a hard "test" beak or bite. I believe "NO" is quite enough and if I can see he's pissed, I just sit him on the counter until he sheepishly decides it's more fun to interact with Me and have full attention. :-) One note though, the others on this forum that is dealing with a new much more aggressive bird that purposefully inflicts a strong bite are doing to the right in returning them to the Cage, I believe. I guess the bottom line on this method, is if it modifies the behaviour for the better or worse. If they become worse, then placing them back in the cage is not working. as a behavioural modifier.
  11. Nice photo of them on the playstand and it is a nice stand !! Thanks for sharing that :-)
  12. It is good to hear you finally got it all removed. Though cussing is bad in a parrot, I too find the mental and auditory picture/sound hilarious, I almost spit my coffee out :-) It is amazing, that he seemed to know WHEN the appropriate time was to use such verbal descriptions based on the situation. ;-)
  13. Hi Reta, Thanks for the photos of your good looking Parrots. :-) Did anyone mention we love photos? ;-)
  14. Welcome Logan!! Congratulations on getting a new Grey soon. It is wonderful to hear when someone is adopting a Parrot that needs a new and loving home. :-)
  15. Welcome Elaine!! Now that is an original name. The name "Piston", must somehow be connected with a car passion? :-) It's great to have you here. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. danmcq


    Yes, their eyes are black until atound 6 months of age. Then they slowy start changing to a more silver color, then finally at 4 years they are a Yellowish color.
  17. I'm so happy for you JimmY!! What a great looking Grey you have there. :-) Thanks for posting the photos!!
  18. Poll Results so far: Does Your Grey Talk? Selection--------------Votes Yes - 0-6 Months---11%---4 No - 0-6 Months----20%---7 Yes - 7-11 Months--11%---4 No - 7-11 Months---11%---4 Yes - 1-2 Years-----23%---8 No - 1-2 Years------0%----0 Yes - 3-5 Years-----11%---4 No - 3-5 Years------0%----0 Yes - 5-10 Years----11%---4 No - 5-10 Years-----0%----0 35 votes total
  19. Welcome Reta!! It sounds like you have quite a flock there you are caring for. It's always great to hear of someone rescuing these loving Parrots and providing good homes for life. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos once you get it figured out as Mark gave you the FAQ info. :-)
  20. Great photos Shazbaby! It almost appears as if Barney is wanting to get fed :-) ...very cute!!
  21. Great News Shazbaby!! Barney sounds like a sweety :-) You will need to use your photo editor like MSPaint by opening each photo you loaded from your camera to your PC down to a maximum size of 500 Pixels wide to post them in you reply or topic.
  22. DFnH, It sounds like it is a joy watching them oneract and that they do infact enjoy each others company. :-) I can't wait to see the photos, you know we love em :-)
  23. Welcome again Nychsa!! Very nice introduction on you and the flock (including your dogs ) It sounds like your are having a great time with your CAG and Conure, while they are too :-) Your absolutely right on Grey books and articles etc. The is a lot of good information in them, but also "characterisations" they are undeservedly labeled with as a "Fact". I have a similar experience with my Grey, Dayo is a very affectionate snuggle, loves scratches and if nothing else, just to hang out with us where ever we are. :-) Your doing a wise thing in trying to socialize him while very young. We have done the same with ours from the day he came home and he is very comfortable with strangers and acquaintances he has come to know. He however does have a limit on hair-do's, one of our grandchildren came over one day with his hair spiked up and Dayo Growled and screamed until we figured out the problem. Combed his hair down, Dayo then wanted to step up and be friends again :side: It is a real joy having them, isn't it? :-) Again, Welcome!!
  24. Welcome Nychsa!!! Contact calling is universal in nature as you and others have stated. Don't you just love it :-) Since your new here, why don't you go over to the Welcome Room and Introduce yourself? Everyone will then realize we have a new member. :-) I hope you find you stay here enjoyable. We do have a lively crowd here with lots of experience and are more than eager to help and just chat also. We love photos, so when you get a chance, post some photos :woohoo:
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