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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I'm with Briansmum and Judy. The scales the weight readings were taken on were 1) larger scale at vet = more percentage of error, possibly +- 50 grams and 2) the scale at your mothers could have been "tweaked" or out of calibration. Digital scales use a strain gage load cell. This is, to picture it for you, basically a resistive piece of wire attached between 2 points of a metal housing and it reacts by sending an increasingly larger dc voltage change as the metal deflection between the 2 points it's attached to changes in distance between the two points. The more weight. the shorter or longer the distance depending on the load cell design. Anyway, if anything too heavy has been placed on a sensitive digital scale or someone has tweaked it sideways, it will "Tweak" the metal housing of the load cell and throw the readings off. Thus a re-calibration is necessary and if it won't calibrate, the scale is now trash. So, I would not be worried about the weight change at this point. Get a new gram scale and track it's weight daily for a while. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/23 15:29
  2. Great Photos HitchHiker!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  3. As BMustee said, that is normal behaviour and Dayo does the same when I go to pick him up at time. It's just a little "Rebellion" that is all show and no hurtful bite or pinch. :-) I am with Tari too, that if I know Dayo is busy with something, I wait for the right moment to get him if I need to. Otherwise I just let him be.
  4. Great progress in yet just one more day Hannibal! I experienced the same demeanor change in Dayo (7mo old CAG) yesterday. We had several people and children here yesterday he had never seen. Some just freaked him out either by their clothes or hair..not sure what but he screamed at a few that walked past his cage. :-) By the end of the day though, he was going from person to person that had plates to sample all the good stuff, when I took him out after several hours. Just a little time and they seem to adjust well to the new friends of the flock. :-)
  5. Up early here too and the Turkey,side dishes, Pies and all the family are starting to arrive here. Tracy, I feel for Ya, go to the store and get a Turkey...what the heck ;-) If you were here, you'd be more than welcome!!
  6. I wish you all a Great and wonderful Thanksgiving to all also. I is a wonderful gift in it's self, just to have all the members that are like family here. :-)
  7. Welcome Caroline!! I can't wait to hear more about your new baby Grey and perhaps see some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  8. Hello Jody, He is at a rapid rate and you won't believe the difference each week. What a great looking Grey he is! If you are concerned of him picking up "Computer" speech, as I'm sure you know, you can just pop on a headset. It's great to hear that you are consuming the wealth of information on this forum and the rest of the web. You should be very well prepared for his arrival. :-) With you and the family being at home most of the day, he will become socialized much faster and add much enjoyment and excitement to your daily routine. :-)
  9. danmcq


    Thats wonderful news kc0cxe. :-) Thanks for posting the update. Don't be such a stranger and post some photos of your new baby when you get a chance.
  10. Thanks you two. Your comments mean alot :-)
  11. Very nice photos Jimmy!! It good to hear your bonding is going so well with him. :-)
  12. Very cool videos of Makena!! Makena and Dayo are about the same age...Dayo does the same thing and pretty much the same noises and gurgles/sounds. Thanks for taking and posting those :-)
  13. Good question MPR. Since it only seems to happen with associated actions on your part when performing a step up or similar close contact function, it may just be his small reaction. Others I am sure will have some ideas too. :-)
  14. Thats wonderful Hannibal!! :-) At 3 years old, he is probably holding back, just to tease you for a while ;-) They are so smart!! B)
  15. Awww MPR, what a cutey!! Thanks for posting those photos. They are just adorable at that age and especially their little panting sounds :-) Chapala - Great Links, thanks!!
  16. Wow, now thats a Flock!! :laugh:
  17. danmcq

    Ear Biting

    Your husband swatted your grey out of the air while in flight at him? It may have worked, but it is also very dangerous and could inflict some serious damage to him. I would personally would not recommend to anyone this method of stopping a behaviour. Just duck and let him fly over :-)
  18. Well, thats great to hear Hannibal :-) It's good that all is well and your both home recuperating now B)
  19. Welcome Lynne!! Quite a family flock you have there :-) Thanks for joinging, we'll look forward to hearing more from you!!
  20. As Judy said, there is not anything you can do to change who the favorite is. Just keep spending time with your Grey and loving him as he is. With that many people around, he is definitely bring well socialized to get along well with everyone it sounds like.
  21. This is a very interesting topic. Lots of great information and ideas from everyone. Thanksa for all the good posts. :-)
  22. You think your people are Crazy, wait until they get a load of a puffed up SCREAMING AG :woohoo: If they did anything that freaked him out that is B) I am certain you will "brief" everyone on the "rules" of engagement. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/21 15:09
  23. Thanks for the trick to trick training, which can be pretty tricky when trying to trick them into not thinking they are doing a trick, when they really are doing a trick, thats a cool trick BMustee B) :laugh:
  24. Thanks for the answers MPR. It sounds like he/she is becoming a little more adventurous in the new home. It also sounds like a good wing clip that allowed slowing down before landing. She/He will gain balance as the muscles develop more from the flapping and short flights, which will also become greater distances as those wings get flapped harder with more power as they do so. :-) Looking forward to hearing more as she/he progresses and maybe some photos. :-)
  25. Dayo loves them too :-) I just baked the first one for him last weekend. He just loves to dig in, eat a little and splatter the rest all over 10 foot circle So, I guess it will become a "Shower Food" ;-)
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