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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Good point Badkarma, I was thinking the same thing while reading the build-up to D-Day. Greys and other Parrots are so sensitive to our emotions. I don't know how, but they are. KatB - He will come around...in time. It does sound like a combination of terrible two boundary testing, fits and "I won't treat my kids like that when I grow up" :-) The Gloves and struggle to get him into the travel cage impacted his attitude towards you, with out a doubt. He will get over. Just be calm and patient with him.
  2. Welcome Sean!! It sounds like you have a wonderful family that includes Cleo. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  3. Ok, I can't take credit for the text, it is all over the internet. Just to make sure it's not all just Bush bashing, I thought I would throw in this new Nutcracker for the holiday season. It's Hillary at her best B) ...You can buy them at www.stupid.com :-)
  4. Anyone else have some good comments for the Season and our family here or are we all just into the Dark Side right now? :ohmy: Don't let the commercialism and other non-season things steal your joy or sharing it with others! :cheer:
  5. Wow, thats cold Judy!! Joe - Rub it in, Rub it in ;-) It's 37 here this mroning with a sunny high of 65...not too bad today at 615am. You all have a wonderful day :-) Too
  6. Welcome Hobo!! It's great to hear you have taken in a previously owned Grey. Time and patience are the key ingredients. It is possible he picked up some bad habits from his previous home or he just isn't settled into his new home and owner yet. We'll look forward to hearing more about his past and present :-)
  7. Bushcronium: Mark it on your Periodic Table. The densest element yet known to science has been discovered. The new element has been named "Bushcronium". Bushcronium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 911. These particles are held together by dark forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. The symbol for Bushcronium is "W". Bushcronium's density actually increases over time, as its morons randomly interact with various elements in the atmosphere and become assistant deputy neutrons in the Bushcronium nuclide, forming large clusters of idiotopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to believe that Bushcronium is formed whenever morons reach a critical mass --- technically known as "Critical Morass". When catalyzed with money, Bushcronium activates Foxnewsium, an element then radiating great bursts of idiotopes, mostly as incoherent noise, since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons. Dan in HollyWeird reporting the latest and greatest....Don't shoot the reporter if you don't like the news....just doing my job folks :-)
  8. Welcome Bruce and Mazy!! What a story and great introduction. :-) It's great to hear how your relationship with Mazy is flourishing again and that you two are now renewing that longtime bond you've had. This photo of the snow scene with Mazy is wonderful. Thanks for posting it. Looking forward to many more conversations with you and seeing more of those photos!!
  9. This is an interesting situation. If it has been hanging around that area for 4 months and flourishing. It must have found a food source and place of shelter that it now considers home. Have you noticed it feeding at all? Does it talk or make any type of noises when it see's you? The others have all given great advice in perhaps capturing it using a cage and food. If the local government offices don't ant to try and catch it. The rescues that BirdMoom provided would be more than happy to rescue that poor lost fellow, I'm sure. That is if you don't want to keep it yourself, if you can capture it. Please keep us informed as this progresses. We love and worry about these precious birds and our hearts go out to them constantly. Thanks for being such a responsible and concerned person. :-)
  10. ARrrrggghhh.....it seems to be a Parrot stealing nightmare picking up. It almost makes me wonder if that story of the shop in NY that was broken into a few months back didn't give thieves a NEW hot high priced object to steal and re-sell. I hope they did get a BIG BITE from the Breeder with an attitude :angry:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/30 13:35
  11. What a nice post Joe :-) I know you are not a speed demon on the keyboard, much less with band-aid wrappers on your fingers. :pinch: It took you a lot of time, effort and most importantly love to write that post. THANK YOU!!! All that same back at Ya Buddy!!
  12. That is upsetting. My question is; They do not quote or say anything about the boarding facility and it's responsibility to ensure the pets kept there are safe. They are the ones ultimately responsible for that Grey and should be investigating how a Grey was stolen from their facility. I hope they update this article. It will be interesting to follow.
  13. Great photos Shaz. Freddie and Barney look loike they are getting along very well. NIce photos of your family too. :-) Thanks for sharing these!!
  14. If you want a basic understanding of light, so you at least know what CRI, Color Temp and the types of light and bands each emits, please go to this GE link and read about it. It will save me thousands of words (which you know I don't have a problem with) and I don't have time right now at work B) http://www.gelighting.com/na/business_lighting/education_resources/learn_about_light/
  15. My point exactly without going in to the engineering specifics side of "Why" UVA and B is not needed via the light source... B) The point of Vitamin specific foods that provide the correct balance for absorption is the critical item to pay close attention to and not assume your grey is getting sufficient vitamin D produced through it's black wings as they receive most their vitamin D from in the wild. B)
  16. One note on "Full Spectrum" lights of any type in regards your Bird getting the UVA or B needed for vitamin D absorption in the Body. The labels you are reading that give stats on the color temp and CRI is basically a general public indicator of how well the color balance in your home or any other environment, say for photography or the like and the amount of lumen's and hue the objects the light output hits will take on. This by no means, that your Bird is receiving any UV at all or sufficient to produce vitamin D through its Feathers absorbing the UV Rays. Being an engineer in the Imaging field for many years and knowing the critical part that the "Light Spectrum" affects the subject being captured and the resulting image information received from the reflected light that is not absorbed by the subject, gives tons of information about what colors and wave lengths of light the subject actually absorbed. With this being said, unless you are going to place basically a tanning light that outputs UVA and B over your Grey for a few hours a day, they are not gaining anything in the Vitamin D3 area through their feathers, which is what what owners place the lamps over the Cages for. This means that the foods your Grey receives must contain Vitamin D3, Calcium and the other important vitamins for their health and well being. Personally, I have 4 - 96'' 75 watt Fluorescent Lamp fixture in the room my Parrots are in. This provides the required daylight hours for the normal wake/sleep cycle for good health and sleep. Just my 2 cents, but I just wanted to ensure that new bird owners understand that shining a full-spectrum or UV light on their bird does not guarantee or provide the necessary Vitamin D production needed for Calcium absorption and good health... :-)
  17. Mark (dblhelix) hit the nail square on the head regarding changing up the time out and schedule. All Greys contact call when they see you leave the room or hear you somewhere in ear shot. I have checked, without Dayo knowing to see how he reacts if we walk down a hallway out of view or leave through the door outside. They KNOW the difference. When I left, I went around the house a peeked through a window, he was playing on his toys, knowing we had left. If you go somewhere they know you are still in the house, they contact call, you return the call etc. and of course, when they KNOW your still in the house somewhere, the contact calls just keep going up in volume until you return it and enter the room :-)
  18. Yes, Red Palm Oil is a must for Greys, as far as I am concerned. I have been giving it to Dayo in his foods since we brought him home. Of course, I have to thank this great Forum and it's members for providing that vital information. A new Grey owner would never know that on their own. :-)
  19. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Rafiki. You have my and my Wifes condolences at this time of great sorrow and loss. No words can make the initial pain go away, as we all know. Only some time spent mourning, remembering the joy he brought into your life and also the joy and love he received from you. May God grant you peace, quietness and love during this time of loss.
  20. Welcome Frank!! It's great to have you here as a new member and good to hear you are finding a lot of the useful information on this Forum. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing a photo of your new Grey when you get a chance. :-)
  21. Welcome Sandy!! It sounds like you have a wonderful Grey that you have been receiving much joy and love from. :-) I am looking forward to seeing the photos.
  22. What a wonderful story Bmustee :-) They have probably been yearning for attention like you have been giving them for a long time now. Karma to you!!
  23. Wow, Ziggy is beautiful!! Thanks for posting the photos of him Mario :-) We are planning on getting B&G in August or September :-) Kim says I have to buy a bigger house though, that's not gonna happen and I am going to get the Macaw anyway B) At least, that's what I'm claiming :silly:
  24. Aww, thanks Tracy :-) Thats makes it two days in a row that it's great to be alive B)
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