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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Sorry to here your new grey is sick harley. :-( If his personality and appetite changed that much in just one day of being on antibiotics, it cleary indicates he dearly needed them. It's good to hear that he responded so rapidly to them. We'll look forward to hearing how the vet visit and xrays turn out. You know, we fret over each and everyone of our Grey Forum members parrot as if they were Family (which we think they are!!).
  2. Great photos Jimmy!! Your new baby is great looking and just flat out adorable. It is so good that you and your girl friend are able to pay visits like that and spend time with your baby. My wife and I did the same thing for 8 weeks. We went and visited him each week for an hour plus as he grew and eventually weaned. Thanks for sharing these and we'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos as you visit him and he grows!! You will not believe how much they change in just 1 week.
  3. Hi Ronda, You need to understand the Breeder was her Momma :-) and she loved her dearly. She will settle in to her new flock over a little more time. The others are right in stating that socialization is important from the get-go. One thing to understand though, is SHE will pick her "Favorite" out of her new flock. Even though I purchased Dayo for myself, he loves Kim (my wife) as if she is his Momma and chirps and screams for her when she walks in the room. He loves me too, but when she's in sight he will fly from me to her in a heartbeat. I learned very early on that I could not coerce or force Dayo into loving me more, no matter how many more hours I spent a day with him than Kim or how many treats and games I played with him. But, he is still living up to his name "Dayo", which means "Joy Arrives". I cannot express how much joy it is just to have him here. :-) So, don't fret over her choosing the wrong person as her favorite, sometimes favorites change as they age and mature too. Just relax and let her be herself and enjoy the interaction, smiles and joy you are already receiving from her. :-)
  4. Welcome Caryl!! It sounds like Max is fitting right in to the new home and settling into his cage. We'll look forward to hearing more about Max and maybe when you have time, we could see some photos. :-)
  5. Welcome Jessie!! Nice intro and cool photos. Those dogs are huge ;-) Love your sense of humor and your choice of foods and the beach!:woohoo:
  6. Welcome LadyJayne!! It sounds like you are doing everything right and providing a great home for him. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more about his progress and maybe see some photos when you get a chance to post them. :woohoo:
  7. Congratulations Stephanka!!! You are such a wonderful person for rescuing and providing such a loving and caring home for Merlin. :-) It sounds like the two of you are already on the path to a great loving friendship for life, that you will both reap much joy and satisfaction from. We'll look forward to hearing how he is progressing and gaining his strength and and self dignity back.
  8. JUDY!!! You are a great example to us all, in your caring and informative posts. I could not imagine what a dull place this would be without you. Please don't ever change! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/02 13:41
  9. Regarding Asthma - It is not Caused by any one thing. It is a condition people have. There are different types of Asthma and only a small percentage of any population have Asthma. You do not "Get" Asthma.... Peppers could possibly induce a Asthma attack in a Parrot or human simply due to them having an allergy to them. Here are some facts regrading Asthma: New Classifications in Types of Asthma -- Although clear patterns do exist, the specific causes of asthma are far from straightforward. Until recently, the condition was divided into two clearly defined types of asthma: extrinsic (allergic) asthma and (non-allergic) intrinsic asthma. Today, asthma is divided into a number of different types: allergic, non-allergic/intrinsic, exercise-induced, nocturnal, occupational and steroid-resistant asthma. Allergic Asthma -- Ninety percent of all asthma sufferers have allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is triggered by allergens — substances capable of causing an allergic reaction. Causes of Allergic Asthma: -- The causes of allergic asthma are wide ranging. At the top of the list are specific allergens, such as pet dander, pollen and dust mites. People suffering specific allergen-induced asthma are usually very aware of the offending allergen and try to avoid it. Pollutants, wood dust, smoke, irritants, chemicals, viral infections, bacteria, stress, emotion and exercise are other frequently diagnosed causes. Childhood Allergic Asthma: -- Most childhood asthma is considered an allergic type of asthma. Childhood asthma occurs more often in young boys than girls and out of all childhood illnesses accounts for the most missed days of school. Research has concluded that maternal smoking can contribute to asthma or other impairment of infant lung function, even before the child is born. Continued exposure to cigarette smoking can irritate the respiratory tract and make infants and children particularly vulnerable to allergic asthma. Intrinsic Asthma --Asthma is called "intrinsic" when allergies do not play a part. Intrinsic asthma is not likely to develop in children; its typical onset occurs after age 40. Possible causes of intrinsic asthma include respiratory irritants such as perfumes, cleaning agents, fumes, smoke and cold air, upper respiratory infections, and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Intrinsic asthma tends to be less responsive to treatment than allergic asthma. Exercise-Induced Asthma --At least eleven percent of the non-asthmatic population experiences exercise-induced asthma. Many of these people have allergies or a family history of allergies. Exercise-induced asthma can affect anyone at any age and may be attributed to the loss of heat and moisture in the lungs that occurs with strenuous exercise. Frequent coughing during exercise may be the only symptom of exercise-induced asthma. But in cold, dry conditions exercise-induced asthma symptoms can be more severe. Some common sense coupled with prophylactic medications for exercise-induced asthma can prevent the onset of asthmatic symptoms for sensitive individuals. Nocturnal Asthma -- Nocturnal, or sleep-related, asthma affects people when they are sleeping and, although termed "nocturnal" (belonging to the night), asthma symptoms can occur regardless of the time of day a person is sleeping. Symptoms of nocturnal asthma tend to be their worst between midnight and 4 a.m. Nocturnal asthma can be triggered by allergens in bedding or the bedroom, a decrease in room temperature, and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), among other triggers. An estimated 75 percent of asthmatics are affected by nocturnal asthma. Occupational Asthma --Occupational asthma occurs directly as a result of breathing chemical fumes, wood dust, or other irritants over long periods of time. An estimated 15 percent of asthmatics have occupational asthma. Steroid-Resistant Asthma -- In the case of asthma medications, especially steroids, more is not better. Overuse of asthma medications can lead to status asthmaticus, a severe asthma attack that doesn't responds to medication and may require mechanical ventilation to reverse. To prevent status asthmaticus, follow your doctor's directions and take medication only as prescribed.
  10. It's not a stupid question. Even if your bird is clipped it could most likely fly quite well if spooked. Getting harness and using it on your parrot when outdoors is a great safety precaution. Also, if you ever decide to let your grey become fully flighted, he would already be accustomed to the harness. :-)
  11. My personal opinion of spaying or neutering being for health reasons to alleviate cancer risks, is not a valid or proven medical reason at all. It is just an SPCA person trying to sway people over to their belief and in fact "Rule" so the poor owners feel a "little" better about their new companion having to go through the procedure. How would you like it, if doctors and hospitals started trying legislate the removal of all testicles, breasts and Uterus's from all babies and people before being released from the hospital based on the same reasoning the SPCA promulgates and evangelizes? It's just my opinion here, but hey, that's what I think on this subject. :-) It's no more or less valid than anyone elses opinion on this topic.
  12. Hi mervyn, It seems like a routine schedule, which is the most importaant thing. 1.5 hours of quality time with your Grey is plenty on top of the outside of cage friends dropping by to initeract with him also. :-) It's always great to hear from such a responsible and concerned Parront such as yourself!!
  13. Hi Dicky601, Just watch your Grey around the Trick or Treaters tonight. If he liked the Chocolate, he may attack the little children to steal theirs away from them.....you know how those chocoholics lose all self control.
  14. Hi Leonidas, The only thing in the baby wipes that might harm your Grey would be all the other chemicals comtained in them, not the Aloe.
  15. It's ok Judy, I was one of the 2 that were on your side ;-)
  16. Your welcome Rikki :-) Looking forward to seeing the photos once you translate the FAQ...sorry I don't know if we have anyone here that speaks Japanese. If we do, rest assured they will pipe in and help you get to a quicker start on uploading photos. :-)
  17. Hi Lusya, The flying will take place. Just make sure you have him in a bird safe room, window shades drawn, mirrors covered, no hot kitchen items or stoves etc and you should be ok. :-) It's good that she is eating new things and entertaining you with her cute sounds...they only become more interesting and sometimes outright funny!! :woohoo:
  18. Welcome Nicky!!! MrSpock has given you all the advice needed for a good settling in time for your new Grey. Congratulations on getting him, your in for a wonderful companionship with him. :-)
  19. Thats exactly why we started rescuing Dobermans. I personally do not agree with the "Nueter or Spay ALL" that go to the pound. I also HATE breeders that require spaying or nuetering if you purchase a Dog or Cat from them. Bottomline is leave it up to the owners, not the SPCA ..... I believe, once SPCA is called out due to a persons negligence or mistreatment of an animal or bird or cat, they should be listed as a "No adoption" person with the spca and if they go buy an animal from someone, there should be a registry of known pet abusers you could check before selling or adopting out your animal or bird to anyone. I looked for a Grey at rescues for 6 months before I bought dayo. They just are not that common in them. I did find a TON of Amazons though, but that was not what I was looking for.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/30 20:57
  20. Sounds like quite the character and that you are doing everything correctly and with patience. :-) We'll be looking for those photos and hearing more of your adventures!!
  21. Sounds like yo uare starting do to all the things you can that have been suggested. Keep us posted on how things are going. Don't be such a stranger!! :-)
  22. Hannah made good comments. They actually drink very little water, so it would be easy to miss a quick drink. Toys are a hit and miss, just try simple non-expensive toys to get a feel for what types of toys your Grey likes. At such a young age, she will explore them (once the initial possible screaming is over). Try something you have like an empty toilet paper cardboard roll. They seem to love these and also a small round acrylic ball with holes and a bell in it. They also love to shred paper. :-) I would not be too concerned with her jumping down,unless her wings are clipped so mush she cannot gently flap down to the floor at a 45 degree angle. As long as the descent is gentle, let her go and watch her explore. Aren't Grey's GreYt!!
  23. Welcome Lusya!! It's great to have you and your new baby CAG here. Wow only two days with your new Grey so far. You have many wonderful moments a head of you as you bond with her and get familiar with one another. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. I agree with others comments regarding not clipping any further. If you need some personal time to do tasks or just relax, there is nothing wrong or mean with putting him in the Cage for a few hours to either eat, play with toys, bust out a few wolf whistles or just sit and preen. We have to do the same thing with Dayo. He loves to fly to the counter tops, shoulders or wherever else he wants to go explore. So, don't feel bad, give yourself a break :-) Your a great Mommy and deserve it!!
  25. Hi rikki, Thanks for posting again. :-) You can find information about posting photos in the FAQ's Tab at the top of the webpage. There is a ton of useful information on this site along with a great group of people. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
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