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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thanks for clarifying that Dave!! :-)
  2. Nice Photos of Drizzle. Thanks for posting them :-)
  3. Welcome Sandy!! What a wonderful story. It sounds like you and your new Grey are getting along well and happy together in her new home. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps see some photos of Snoopy. :-)
  4. Welcome Debbie !! As I said in your first post ....:-) Wow, you have had Radar a long time and it sounds like a wonderful relationship and home you have provided him with. It seems that most Greys are afraid of new toys at first. Many people find that they must slowly introduce a new toy by first hanging it on the outside of the cage fro a few days so they will get used to it being in close proximity. Then once they seem comfortable with it you can move it inside the cage for closer inspection and hopefully some fun playing with it. We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe you could post a Photo of your Grey TAG. Again - WELCOME!!!
  5. What a wonderful story of your visit Sandra!! Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like a match made in heaven for you and your hubby :-)
  6. Welcome Debbie !! Wow, you have had Radar a long time and it sounds like a wonderful relationship and home you have provided him with. It seems that most Greys are afraid of new toys at first. Many people find that they must slowly introduce a new toy by first hanging it on the outside of the cage fro a few days so they will get used to it being in close proximity. Then once they seem comfortable with it you can move it inside the cage for closer inspection and hopefully some fun playing with it. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe you could post a Photo of your Grey TAG. :-)
  7. LOL the Echo sounds hilarious. It reminds me of the Bud Wuzzz up Parrot commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9jO0dZxULY The Alien wuzzup s also very funny:
  8. LOL dicky601..!!! Dayo does the same thing :-) I also did the Fake "Yawn' and it works everytime. I guess they are infectious. :woohoo:
  9. Yep, it seems that most Greys are Closet Talkers :-) Dayo though, will try every sound and muttering he knows if you ignore him or walk out of the room. Any other time, it's just the little happy Baby Chirp, little Clucking sounds of satisfaction and the baby "Panting".
  10. Dayo likes the empty Toilet paper Rolls, Acrylic Balls with bells inside and Ink Pens (With the ink tube removed)and toy remotes (he would love the real thing).
  11. Thank You MrSpock (Dave)!! VERY informative and detailed Post. You Wrote: """I take an empty seasoning bottle, scrub it out, and fill it up with oil. I put the large bottle away. After about 2 days, you'll see the oil in the seasoning bottle start to get thick and change into a bland orange color. I then take the seasoning bottle and put it in the microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds until the oil changes back to red and can be seen through the bottle. The oil is very thin at that point.""" Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I have a question. :-) When you say you fill the Seasoning Bottle up with PO that is, I guess, a fresh bottle that the Oil is still liquified rather than a butter consistency. You use the Brush on this Day and drip the PO onto Pellets. But, then you Microwave the Seasoning Bottle because it has now become "Paste" to liquify it again, then you wait two days before using it? Am I understanding this correctly? Do you leave the Seasoning Bottle at room temperature and it stays in an oil consistancy for a few days? I'm sure once I receive my PO it will become clear, but right now I must just be thick headed :laugh:
  12. Welcome ssgem76!!! :-) An Grey is a great Parrot for the right home and your taking the right path in determining if a Grey is for you and vice-versa. Regarding Australia...That's a tough one and I don't recall if some Members here may be from there. Your best bet would be to perform an Internet search for African Grey Breeders in your area or ask any Breeders that come up in the web search if they know of any. We look forward to hearing more form you!! :-)
  13. Great news Joe!! Please give the price and shipping dates....I'm in !!! If I remember correctly I asked you about this FIRST and therefore should be FIRST in the Order fulfillment. B)
  14. Ugh...Joe.... we need another room for this .....hint , hint... changes the whole topic.B)
  15. Joe - As I siad, I want Users Feedback on "When". That set the precedent.....
  16. Thanks for the input Judy!! :-) Red Palm Oil is Mysterious stuff....as far as finding very much information on storing it. How long have you had your jar?
  17. Still waiting and bored Judy......Who wants to see the long awaited creation??? Raise your hands ....
  18. DayosMom wrote: I was out making the Bacon, while you relaxed at home just taking care of our Sons ;-) Now I'm gonna get it :ohmy: :dry: Anyway, this is a great topic and as all are learning "Men can Cook" !! :-)
  19. danmcq


    I'm deeply saddened by your loss and especially the loos of a young innocent that suffered due to the Petshops negeligence and incompetence. Your right Fils, it's not about monetary loss, it's a life we are talking about, cut short by decades.
  20. We take Dayo into our Shower, Place him on the Floor (much to his distaste) and start the shower running then gently deflect a small amount using our hand to get him wetted and rinsed. Then we Mist he down all over, under and everywhere lifting his wings etc. with the Aloe. The bottom line is, whether they like it or not, it's gonna happen:evil:
  21. It will be interesting to hear what you find him practicing when you get home. I'll bet you can't wait to get home with all those items you purchased and see if you can hear him say something. :-) Regarding your question on the Harness, if you purchased an Aviator, it came with a very helpful DVD on how to introduce it to your Grey and the touching methods and practices you need to get him used to and finally how to properly put it on him.
  22. Well, we used to for Dayo when we first brought him home. We cooked Oatmeal, Baby Foods of all types etc. and he loved it. After about 4 weeks he stopped wanting it. Whats funny is everytime we nuke something in the Microwave or cook something he gets very excited and acts like he is starving, then he might try a spoonful or just look at it and walk away.
  23. Wow Eve, You've had your Greys 6 Years!! I'll bet you have a Ton of wonderful stories and also helpful information you could help us fairly new Grey owners out with like DRSpock :-)
  24. MrSpock Wrote: "It might be worth looking into because one 16 ounce bottle of palm oil will last a person who has 2 greys at least 1 1/2 yrs" Oh great, now you tell me!! :woohoo: I ordered two 16 Ounce bottles thinking we would go through one bottle in a month or two... :ohmy: What is the shelf life on this stuff if left un-opened? Anyone have a clue?
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