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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Bill!! :-) Welome to this Forum. It's nice to hear from you and have you here. Maybe you an assist with some of the more different questions we get here, based on the experience you and Monique have. Is that your Bike in the Avatar?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/09 20:34
  2. Thanks for the heads up Monique. :-) Be safe and have a productive and hopefully enjoyable trip. :-)
  3. Hi Molly, It's too bad and actually very sad to hear you are wanting to re-home your new Grey. I noticed in June I believe you were asking about diet and feeding your Grey. There are some members here that reside in your Area, so they maybe be interested or know someone. Has your Grey's eating habits improved? Also, I don't think you ever mentioned how old he/she is or how you came about obtaining this magnificent and intelligent Grey. :-)
  4. Thanks Talon :-) I don't have the nerve or the desire to free-fly Dayo outside either. But, I have the Aviator harness and once that is mastered I can purchase the spool to give him leash controlled free-flying experiences out doors. Right now though, after my brief lapse into Moronism in having Jake outside on top of his Cage top enjoying his daily Mister shower and flying away, though clipped. I have realized some very important steps I have failed at, in performing crucial learning tasks with my Parrots to ensure their safety, flying abilities and training they would normally receive from their Parents. Here is a list of cause and effect I have so far: 1) Cause: No flight confidence due to lack of training and being clipped. Effect: Jake would not come down from tree due to having a fear of heights and just not knowing how to fly down. 2) Cause: No Recall training. Effect: Jake would not even try to return. He was desperate, starving and severely dehydrated from being out in 107 degree for 30 hours. 3) Cause: Insufficient Fledging time. Affect: I have found that Dayo will not fly at all from a height over 5 feet due to fear and lack of confidence. The breeder did a minimum clip (thank god) and he can maintain level flight. Plan: Fledging, Recall training - Train, Train, Train!!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/09 15:19
  5. In line with this great Topic on the Tongues. It inspired me to dig a little deeper on how the Tongue and other neccessary parts related to the speech capabilities of the African Grey. Though this article is very scientific and a long read, I thought I would post the link to for those interested further in this: http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v113n01/p0041-p0058.pdf Enjoy!! :-)
  6. danmcq

    Free Flying

    Hi Atlas, Do you still free-fly your remaining grey or are you waiting until you have a buddy for him to enjoy it with? You wouldn't have any photos of the group terrorizing the neighborhood would you? :-)
  7. Sorry to hear of this issue with your Grey. You certainly do set the example for being in tune with Makena's well-being and getting him to the vet ASAP. :-) This is an informative post as LMG mentioned. Did the Vet happen to mention if or how a Grey might contract rounds worms any other way, through food, outdoor excursions etc.?
  8. This is an interesting, though daring link provider by Carlylu. I must say, these free-flyers are much bolder than I may ever be. But, to see these magnificent Parrots doing what they were made for is inspiring and beautiful to watch. The most important factor I take away from this is recall training. It not only trains your Parrot to stay and then come on command. It also would greatly help in retrieving your Parrot if they ever got out. It also helps safety wise, in maintaining a flighted one in your home. Here is a very informative article on recall training I found while web-surfing: http://www.featherforum.com/article/recall Enjoy and learn :-)
  9. Welcome Nicole! Hopefully you received helpful advice on the potty training. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos. :woohoo:
  10. Holy Cow Staggy! To think thats only half your Zoo. :-) Thanks for posting those photos. All a great looking bunch!
  11. OMG !!!! Your not kidding. :woohoo: It sounds like you will have a lot to share with some great stories and experience in keeping all these "Critters". You know, we love to see photos of them too :-)
  12. Staggy - Comparing the Photo you posted to my CAG Dayo, he looks under 6 Months. Dayo is 19 weeks old now ...4 1/2 Months. With a flash or normal lighting in a room, his eyes look the same as your Grey. It just sounds like an old Leg Band was used, as someoone already suggested. :-)
  13. Could you snap a photo and post it Staggy?
  14. LMG is correct...if his eyes are dark, he is under 6 months old.
  15. danmcq

    Fluffy Que

    Nice photo's Tari. Q must be one happy camper :-)
  16. Good Name Joe! I remember that Movie well. If any of you have never seen it, it is VERY GOOD. It is based on the true story of an NYC Cop that that held to his Morals and Honesty in the midst of many "Bad" Cops. He went undercover and helped in busting that ring of no-goods up.
  17. Jackie, You are absolutely right regarding the family and environmental dynamics effects upon animals or Birds. We have been rescuing Dobermans for 10 years now and have dealt with a few real basket cases. Most importantly, as you pointed out, is they feed off your emotional state. I believe we would all just love to see you write a mountain of information on this topic or any other for that matter. :-) I wish you well in your search for another Parrot and success in integrating him/her into your Family as a member.
  18. Both Cages would do nicely. I prefer the rectangular box type, but thats my preference. :-)
  19. The Parrot and the Pirate The barman was reading his paper in the fishing village pub when in came a weather-beaten pirate with a patch on his eye, a peg leg and a hook for a hand. On his shoulder was a magnificent parrot. As the door closed behind the pirate the parrot flew from his shoulder to perch on back of a nearby chair. "Don't I recognize you?" said the barman. "Likely you do. I've been away for many years. I'm Jim," said the man. "Ah yes Jimmy, good to see you again. What on earth has been happening to you?" The parrot glided across the bar and settled on the windowsill as Jim paid for his beer. "I was sailing the great barrier reef when I went swimming and got caught by a great white, that's how I lost my leg." "Terrible" said the barman as the parrot flew up into the beams. "Was that when you lost your arm?" "No, that happened in the Everglades when I was fishing. I reached in to land my catch and an alligator took my forearm, bit it right off. That's when I got the hook." The parrot fluttered down to sit on the bar as the barman said, "That's awful. How did you loose your eye?" "I was sitting in the sun, just getting over that alligator when this bloody parrot flew by and dumped in my eye." Puzzled, the barman said "But that's not enough to cause you to loose the eye?" "No, but I wasn't used to the hook yet."
  20. 32Wx22Dx36H interior dimensions minimum so they can fully spread and flap their wings. Here is an example link: http://birdcages4less.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=B/PROD/Medium_Bird_Cages/PA5701 Just do a search online for Bird Cages and find one to your liking. :-)
  21. The key word in the article is "Rarely Bite". They do Bite in the Wild.......... Just as you can observe other Birds around your location. They are not battling all the the time, but on rare occurrences they do. We see the same behaviour in Domesticated birds and parrots in the home. Some are one happy family, the others can not be allowed out at the same time or they will either mame or kill one another. Pretty much as is amongst all living creatures on Earth. :-)
  22. danmcq

    My Grey

    YES - GO SEE YOUR BABY!!!! {Communicate-00020117}
  23. Wow, now that's learning from true experience! I laughed out loud when I read " While I tried to get off the roof, I kicked the ladder onto the ground accidentally." :woohoo: I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I'll bet you have really had some crowds laughing over the years telling that one. :-) Thanks for sharing that. I hope you continue to share your experiences here. They are informative, helpful and show the great lengths you went to, to provide a wonderful home full of adventures for you, your Parrots and even your Neighborhood. Karma to you for this wonderful post!! :-)
  24. danmcq

    My Grey

    You and your Avian Vet are correct Talon. The cold and other viruses we Humans have are not transferable to any of our animals or birds.
  25. That is a great Photo Makena. It seems that Makena's answer to the question is clear :-)
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