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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    OH!! I understand now. :-) Thank You
  2. As Monique pointed out, it is interesting that it seems to happen at the same time of year. Based on Her age when this first happened, it is doubtful it is related to Hormones though. Is it possible it is related to Molting itself? Has a Vet had anything to offer in advice on this?
  3. It seems that some people believe they will chose the opposite sex, but it is not always the case from what various sources in literature and online indicate. There are no absolutes, so don't get a Male thinking you will lock him in to you being the Favored ;-) I can say, so far Dayo (Male) seems to prefer Kim's attention more than mine. But he does spend a lot of time with me too. Only time will tell if Dayo switches when he Matures. If he stays friendly as he is now with both us and all the visitors he interacts with, we will be blessed indeed. :-)
  4. Thanks Dave!! The next spritzing and soaking will be full strength. :-) That's also a great tip on keeping it Cold. One would not normally think Cold is better when it comes to Showers or Baths, but it makes sense, the water is not heated in Nature for them.
  5. MrSpock, Do you dilute the Aloe Juice with Water or Spray full strength? I just diluted it 1/3 Aloe to 2/3 Water. I want to make sure I am doing it as you are, considering the number of years of experience you have. :-) Dayo's presently on Top of his cage just flapping away, I would imagine to quicken the drying time time ;-)
  6. Ok, I found it at "The Vitamin Shop". Dayo just got his first healthy Spraydown over and under the Wings along with the rest of the Body with it. :-) He's not a happy Camper with that. ;-) Looking for Red Palm Oil there to, but they had none. Guess I will need to Order it online.
  7. Your right Judy, we do!! :-)
  8. I'm not certain I feel guilt, but I do feel sorry for Dayo that we must work to pay for his expensive habits and love for Toys, also when he must go Night-Night. But, it is all for his welfare (and ours) much like small children don't understand the big picture. We all do the best we can, I believe and Love our Greys and other Parrots/Birds as if they were one of our own children. :-)
  9. Hmmm, I don't think Ive ever seen any Parrot or Bird for that matter "Pick" their Nose. I had seen them give an overall quick scratch to the beak and nose area though. Is it possible something is wrong? Is there ever any discharge etc.?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/22 17:49
  10. danmcq


    Hi Marsha, The URL you posted is a Memorial to Dr. Pepperbergs Alex. I think you may have sent us the wrong link? :-)
  11. Thanks Milo, I guess off to the Malls it is then. :-)
  12. Thanks Milo, the Coffee Filter is a great Tip!! Now, I must find some, been to Grocery Stores, Walgreens, Walmart Etc. I will keep searching and if nothing else I will order it online. :-)
  13. GreYt Topic LMG!! Your right, outside of my Son's, Brother and Grandchildren, no one shares My or Kim's Compassion for our Grey Dayo. In fact. I know some of my co-workers thought I was out of my mind to "waste" 2 weeks of vacation I took when we first brought Dayo Home. But, as you know, it was a MONUMENTAL occasion to us! :-) Almost like having a new baby or GrandChild. I cannot think of a more wondrous event!! That's why we are all such a close knit Family here. Love to ALL...
  14. LOL Makena!! It brings a whole new meaning to the term "Overnight Air Delivery" :woohoo:
  15. HEY LoveMyGreys, YOU JUST HIT 1000 Posts!!!!!!
  16. Wow, that is beautiful LMG!!!
  17. I agree with you all!! Isn't it interesting how a one liner can bring out such thought, comments :-) and change the Topic? ;-) So now that we have agreed there is no substantial research on the intelligence of CAG versus TAG. Are there any dual owners out there that notice any differences?
  18. Welcome Binkies Mom!! What a wonderful rescue story :-) It sounds like the two of you are so happy together. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. danmcq


    Thanks for sharing that tragic information Pookiedoo. In your loss, you have provided a very good reminder to us all for remaining ever vigilant in paying close attention to our Greys Health, food and environmental cleanliness.
  20. Around 16 Weeks for a CAG. I believe TAGs are a little shorter.
  21. Hi Milo, Are you using Aloe Gel and diluting it or Juice?
  22. Good Point Milo. How intelligent they will end up being, depends largely on if they graduated from a 4yr College or not. ;-)
  23. Hi Mary, The Cage sounds Great and getting Toys is a definite must. :-) There are some Thread in this Room with a ton of information on Toys, buying, creating and photos too. How many weeks old is your Grey now? It sounds VERY young from your description. Maybe 8 to 10 Weeks? We'll look forward to the Photos you snap while there. :-)
  24. Welcome Mary and Robert!! It's good to hear you have recovered from your loss and now getting ready to bring your new Grey home soon. We look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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