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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It sounds like he is fledging at 13 weeks, he is VERY inexperienced at flying and controlling it. :-) I mis-understood your first post. I thought he was being left out all night in the dark and flying into walls!! He must learn to fly by fledging. Just make sure no pointed objects, windows shut, mirrors covered etc and stoves or cooking items off at the time he's out and testing out his flying skills. It sounds like you are having a wonderful and normal time with him!! :-)
  2. Yep, Birdgranna is right, I had to clip my Conures wings too, before any interaction could take place and get him comfortable with me. He would just fly, as your Grey is doing. Right now, the Grey is in control of the situation and it will never change as long as it is up to him to distance himself from your boyfriend.
  3. Hi TSBtesy and Welcome! Boy, that sounds like a tough one. Have your friends that own Greys come over and assessed the behaviour? What do they think may be causing the screaming? Is the screaming only taking place when outside the Cage? Since you've had Betsy 3 months, does she interact with you such as stepping up, staying on your hand or shoulder, like scratches, chirp for you or any other actions that would indicate she is becoming attached and less fearful of your and her new home? Where does she sit when out of the Cage? Does she seemed to have her eyes pinned on anything in particular? Maybe something in that room is upsetting her. Sorry, I have lots of questions, but no answers :-)
  4. If you have a DSL modem and you do not have a static IP address, cycling power on and off to your DSL modem will have it connect to a different IP address. The option is to use a different PC or Laptop connected through a different Modem. I do see what Talon is saying, but one thing to be considered also, is that if it is made to where the same IP (PC) can vote more than once, people like ...(ahem), well that want to win ;-) could just keep voting. :-)
  5. Hi Joe, When are you going to post them up for sale? I see them, I like 2a and I'm searching ebay for you and can't find them :-) Are you holding out on us? ;-)
  6. Cool Pics CD. :-) Thanks for sharing yoru Trip in great photographic style. Flying by the seat of your pants in those personal aircraft is really a hoot, isn't it? Been there, done that, love it!!
  7. Welcome Acappella !! It sounds like you are that poor Greys answer to prayers. Your description of how he clings to the Cage and closing the door when opened indicates he only feels safe inside it. I can not imagine a Grey living in a Pet Store for 5 years with gobs of people poking and pushing their fingers at him and just plain acting like morons, as I have seen some people do to these poor guys in stores. You are his life raft and guide into the world of love and lifetime companionship. It is great to hear of how you are trying to interact with him and teach him some basic, yet very import things such as step-up. I am, as you indicated, surprised he is not a neurotic, mean and nasty little guy after being there so long. That really says tons about his perseverance and ability to adapt to such a terrible environment for a birds of any type to be in for such an extended amount of time. Hopefully you can spend more time with him as your schedule permits and really develop that relationship. Please keep us informed of progress and interaction with this wonderful Grey. :-) Some photos, if possible would be great too!!
  8. Welcome mervyn2233 !!! Sounds like a wonderful new baby Grey yo have there. Leaving him out at night, in the dark and in unfamiliar soundings is probably not a good idea. Something as simple as a sound or car lights shining in could be startling him and making him fly into walls or other dangerous items. This could result in serious injury. The nest advice I could give, would be to Cage him at night and cover him so he feels and secure in his "Home". We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos :-)
  9. Thanks for sharing that ajsurf. It sounds like Koko Mango has already brought much joy and happiness into your home, family and friends. We look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos once you get it figured out. :-)
  10. What wonderful news, I feel you excitement along with you!! Dreams are good! :-)
  11. I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of your Grey. I can not imagine the grief, sorrow and deep overwhelming hurt you must feel right now. How long did you have with him after the diagnosis? Hopefully it was enough time to cuddle and love him, so he could leave in your loving arms in the warmth and comfort of your love and presence. Please keep in touch with us and perhaps let him live on through you by telling of his greatness, love and compassion. We would love to hear of him and the joy he brought into this world by touching you and others.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/02 13:24
  12. Welcome Popfirecracker !! They are characters aren't they? Time and Patience will be whats required to get get him to accept some training and also learn new words you are wanting him to repeat. Why don't you introduce yourself in the Room specifically for that, so others will know your a new member? :-) We look forward to hearing more form you!!
  13. Welcome siobha9 !!! Thanks for sharing so much detail on your Grey in your introduction. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps see some photos of your CAG and other birds when you get a chance. :-)
  14. I forgot to name mine.... Dayo's HiHo Suprem`a
  15. Ronda, We all felt the same as you when we jumped off the cliff into grey ownership. WE all read and read, fretted over if we could live upto the requirements we read about it. I think it's the owners of Grey's that just bought one on impulse thinking it would be Cool and fun like a Puppy, that run into trouble and end up handing them over to rescues as "Monsters from Hell". They are the ones that created the Greys temperament toward THEMSELVES and thankfully there are loving rescuers that nurture and show the Grey what a responsible and lovable owner truly is. They then become loving companions and best friends for the rest of the lives in most cases. You have nothing to worry about, from what you have posted regarding your fretting :-)
  16. Rhonda, You stated: "It said that there is a min of at least 3 hours out of cage and 45 min approx of physical time spent. This is not a problem what so ever. I have the whole evening to be with my sugar. " [li]That's plenty of time to spend with your grey. No problems there and as you said some weekends are long ones, so you will have more than enough time with your Grey to keep him happy.[/li] You stated: "And as for the cage it says a 36 x 24 at the min approx for a bird who will be spending most of the day in it. Ours that we have ordered is 32 x23. The breeder said this would be fine." [li]Your Breeder is correct. The Cage you have ordered will be fine. It is large enough for him to fully extend his wings.[/li] Yes, I get "Funny" when bored with no mission is on my agenda :-) I'm glad you took my trip out to the twilight zone so well!!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/30 17:29
  17. Beautiful Photo Joe and Hemmingway is a great looking fellow. Does he come on command? Probably a stupid question since you trust him enough to let him in the tree :-)
  18. HI Atlas, It's goof to hear you are on the hunt. :-) I may be wrong, but this time of year, it may be much more difficult to find a baby grey. Also, since your looking for one to hand feed yourself, that limits it to a local breeder, I would imagine. I look forward to hearing how your search goes and of course, would love to hear when you find your new baby and see some photos when you get a chance. :-) Best wishes and good luck in your search!!
  19. Joe - Thanks for lighting a fire under me to find "something" out there on this topic. It is the least I can do for the originator of this question "rhonda477"... What I could find: http://www.holisticbirds.com/pages/africangrey1201.htm http://members.authorsguild.net/goodbird/work13.htm http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Transwiki:African_Grey_Parrot http://www.companionparrot.com/Talking%20and%20Intelligence.htm http://www.naturescornermagazine.com/NaturesBlog/archives/2005/10/african_grey_pa.html I hope these links provide some insight. The African Grey has not really been studied in-depth in the Wild for extended years to have all the information, that I am sure we would all pay $$$ for a book covering the earliest history to it's life in the wild today.
  20. That was hilarious!!! Upon trying to place a neighborhood Cat (we don't have one) in the toilet bowl, this occured... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/30 14:42
  21. I know since bringing Dayo Home (CAG), my Peach Front Conure is becoming a different bird all together. The Conure is keenly interested in Dayo and now flies over to the top of Dayo's Cage and peers down on him to see whats up. He also climbs down the sides and all around. When I open the Top of Dayo's Cage, Jake (Conure) will sit up there and wait for Dayo to climb out. Once Dayo climbs out, he chases Jake off his Cage :-) which I of course monitor this interaction VERY closely. Jake seems to know when it's time to fly before Dayo gets within possible striking distance. Not that Dayo has so far gotten bezerk on him, he does take a seemingly get off my cage slight feather fluff and determined path towards him. When Dayo is out and either flying around, walking on the floor or riding on one of our shoulders, Jake follows flying along from landing point to landing point and watches intently. Jake wants to get on our shoulder and be a part of this flock so bad you can feel it. His fear of humans is slowly diminishing as his NEED to feel a part of the flock becomes greater each day as he watches the Parrot to Human interaction taking place between Dayo and Us. Though Dayo wants no part of Jake being right next to him and preening each other, it seems they do consider each other a part of the family flock and if nothing else keep each other company when we are at work. Maybe one day this will progress to where they will actually sit next to each other on a perch of play-top, maybe not. But, just each others presence in the same room and house seem to add "something" to being in a larger "blended" flock of humans, birds and dogs that makes it feel more comfy. :-)
  22. judygram wrote: I didn't change the graphic Judy, maybe your connection was a little to slow the first time to see the entire head clip? I did edit the last sentence where I had "my" 2x to "makes my". :-)
  23. WoW MrSpock - You have really done a Sh*t load of research on this. It sheds a whole new light on symbiotic releationsh*ts ;-) and to think it all started with a Grey. :-) I think you and I are getting VERY bored tonight....This one really made my Head hurt..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/30 02:33
  24. MrSpock makes very good points here regarding RPO and AJ. Things were fine with both my Grey and Conure prior to introducing them to both. But, they are seemingly in better form as far as the skin and feathers go now. Being more supple and healthy looking. I'm just happy, others can be happy either way. That always makes me happy, that their fine either way. I think we are all being VERY politically correct on this topic. Atleast according to the Polls before making this statement anyway..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/30 02:22
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