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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, congrats to you and Dorian!!! Thanks for sharing this.
  2. Hello Millenia and welcome to the Forum Getting another Grey would be strictly for you. If they did decide to tolerate each other, it would be good. However, many times that does not become a reality. Putting them both in the same cage could result in the death of one of them. I'm sure you already know most Greys are cage aggressive as they consider it "Their Home and place of safety" and do not like another bird or person in it.
  3. I wonder what may be causing the growling? Anything new in the surroundings, a change in you or hubbies hair, facial hair (hubby) nail polish etc.? It seems her shaking is "Status Quo" and thus normal. Her cussing, well she does not know the difference between those words and phrases or any others except thats how she was talked to by highly perturbed humans in the past and when she feels high anxiety/emotions that is what comes out to express her feelings at the time it seems. It will be interesting to see her reaction when those braces come off. I think it's great that she readily accepts your help getting back to her cage and just finishes off the last few feet. Soon those full flight abilities and skills learned will kick in and she will go and come as she pleases. I have a strong feeling that will help her relax a little more knowing she has the ability to flee to a safe place quickly anytime she wishes once that solidifies.
  4. Many greys consider the cage "Their Home" and become territorial. You are an intruder and many will bite if you stick your hand in for a step up. It does not sound like Zeus is that aggressive, but just ignoring your step request. Respect and just close the door an walk away. Try again for a step up a little later. He will soon learn that if he really wants out a step up is the ticket to getting out. He is 9 years old and a month and a half is nothing. Your still in what is called the "Honeymoon" phase. You have not yet begun to see his true personality, just glimpses. He really sounds like a well behaved grey and just (as most) will ignore a step up request when they are out and doing what they wish to do and where they wish to be. Fleeing is a natural and common behavior we all see. This too will get better over time as you two come to an understanding of each other. Just keeping trying, watch his body language and learn his ways and behaviors. I can guarantee you, that he has already figured you out more than you have him.
  5. Greyt post Muse. One thing though, when a grey fledges, it only means they can fly and keep up with their parents and flock. They are no where near able to survive on their own yet. There are a gazillion things they must learn during those first years. Most do not venture off from their parents until around two years old, yet they stay close. At sexual maturity between 5 and 6 years old they find a mate and start their own life journey.
  6. You started it and she finished with an "In your Face".... LOL!!!
  7. Congrats and enjoy the ensuing wonderment and adventure for the next several decades.
  8. Judy gave good advice.
  9. Nice story. Thanks for sharing it.
  10. I totally enjoyed watching this video. Thanks for sharing it.
  11. Good info Penny. Thanks for sharing it.
  12. I love Crickets Room! What a wonderful tribute and well deserved.
  13. Talon - You do develop not only supreme listening abilities even when preoccupied, you also gain a 6th sense of when they are even thinking about flying before you open that door. I would not trade the experience or enjoyment of having fully flighted birds for anything. I also have no doubt the birds appreciate what they were well equipped for and it comes natural to them.
  14. Is that rattle constant or does it come and go? The reason I ask, is because a Grey growl depending on the frequency low or high can sound like a rattle. Here is a video of a rattling type of growl: If it not this, as others have said, take her to the vet. Who cares if the grey may not like the visit? When it comes to their health, that is just a bump in the road. I have never heard of a vet giving such off the cuff advice.
  15. Welcome to you and Fifi. Where's those additional pictures and a little more about her?
  16. Thanks for posting this. It was fun watching.
  17. Those moments that bring back a flood of memories of passed on loved ones are a blessing and a curse. There are the heart felt pangs longing for them, yet we we can appreciate even more how much they brought in to our lives. Those memories which are MANY, are well worth the flood of feelings we have. Enjoy the living and find pleasure and solace in the memories you have knowing it was reciprocal as well.
  18. So sorry to hear this. It is hard, but your way of doing so is very heart touching.
  19. LOL, thanks for sharing this.
  20. As others said, don't take it personal. Easy to say, but hard not to take it personal. YOuve been very fortunate to have only experienced the few bites you have received. One thing to perhaps consider is he is fully mature now and it is breeding season. His hormones are going and they do tend to become more nippy and disgruntled when mature during these times.
  21. You were very lucky that Peck just warned you. I sometimes forget to check on Dayo's position while rolling his cage outside and suddenly feel as if a finger is being severed. I hate it when I do that. It's my fault not his, but damn, ya know?
  22. Creatures are much more in-tune with the world around them then us civilized humans living in our artificially secure world. Very impressive of Inara to be your local weather predictor.
  23. Sounds good Stephen. Isaac is a hoot and always has been! Thanks for posting this.
  24. That is good news and Peck behaved impressively. I enjoyed the way you interacted with him before you toweled him in the cage. Somehow, some way mentally or telepathically, he understood based on his compliance. I have no doubt, even with some arthritis and maybe a little deformity, he is already feeling a pleasurable difference. Great job!
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