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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I haven't, but I know their are others here that have. I believe Dave has been through this with a Grey he has taken in in the past. Maybe he will chime in.
  2. Awww, I love cute baby grey photos like these. Thanks for sharing these additional photos.
  3. Congrats on your new baby grey. She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this and I look forward to many more updates and photos. The Aviator harness is what most of us here use.
  4. Mmmmmmm, nothing like a skillet meal. Your Dayo will soon learn that heavy items can be dragged to the edge and then dropped to the floor. Hopefully that will be a while down the road though.
  5. It does seem your baby grey is contact calling and wanting your attention. You are loved.
  6. He is looking better each update. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. Ah, I do believe Dave is her Love Muffin from your description. She is definately displaying sexual behaviors. LOL at your "Dark Side".
  8. Loved this story of Dave's homecoming and Miss Gilberts actions. But, you left one sentence out that begs the question "Did she ever get a good scratching from Dave"?
  9. Ok - #1 - You are biased as well. #2 - If we did not allow freedom of speech, I would have deleted this post from you. #3 - Dave is very intelligent and as a Grey Breeder for Decades, he has gained a ton of knowledge about them. He is the one pointing out the need for Red Palm Oil in their diet. Avian Vets and pet food providers have just recently in the last few years started marketing it. Aloe, is important in keeping a human raised and held captive comfortable in their own skin. You will learn over time. Avian vets prescribing sedatives to try and stop plucking make me sick. That is not treatment that stops the root cause. #4 - You have no idea of what Greys do in the wild 24/7, nor do the people that have followed them in the wild except for short glimpses as they do their daily trek of up to 50 miles. I am exercising my freedom of speech in replying to this Dave bashing you have done.
  10. Indeed, this Poem could have been written specifically for You and Miss Gilbert.
  11. I use it without dilution as well. First though, I wet Dayo down with water first to remove the dust first, then spray him with pure aloe juice until soaked thoroughly.
  12. Thought I would push this up since we have many new members that may wish to read it.
  13. Thanks for the update Stephen. Isaac is really gaining those feathers back rapidly. Great Job!!!
  14. I use 100% Aloe Juice on my Grey and have for 7 years. The import thing to note about the distilled juice is during processing anthraquinones, aloin, alo emodin are filtered out to less than 1 part per million. Many Greys in captivity have preen glands that are either non-functional or not functioning at the level they do in the wild. That gland does two things with the oil it secretes 1) Feather are preened with it and it coats the feather and over time that oil also works it's way to the body an keeps the skin supple and lessens dander. 2) When the Grey preens and has received sunshine that oil develops precursors to Vitamin D and that is how they receive it into their blood streams. With this said, bathing with just water dries the skin even more than it was. Thus the need to use Aloe Juice to moisten and keep the skin more supple. If I run out of Aloe and use just water, in a week or so he is a dust ball every time he preens and shakes the dander loose. These are of course my thoughts, but I strongly encourage all Greys owners to use 100% Aloe Juice on their Greys. Thanks to Dave007 for introducing this to us several years ago as a Grey breeder with decades of experience raising them. It has stopped many a plucker.
  15. Wow, you were lucky! That takes even thinking about giving kisses off the list of things to do. I would recommend not bringing her within grabbing distance of the Face at all. She is 17 years old and has a ton of baggage it will take you months to become aware of. In rescue, I am sure you know to be very slow and cautious of what you do with a new bird.
  16. Go over the step up routine with your breeder that apparently they have established with this grey. They are finicky and if something they are used to body language wise on the human side may confuse them. I do not offer just a finger as a step up due to it being a very vulnerable target for a nasty bite. I only slide my whole hand either flat or balled up in a fist under him if I know my grey is not going to comply for example because I am moving him from a spot that is forbidden that he has reached. You'll learn as you go to know when to use which method. Your new Grey will train you well over time.
  17. Looks like a nice cage and play gym. I would recommend using the same Formula your breeder has been using. I am looking forward to lots of photos and updates on the homecoming.
  18. Great questions and thanks for the very detailed outline you created of your present situation and environment. A Grey will adapt to schedule changes. Many of us work or have worked leaving our Grey's and other Parrots home all day in a cage filled with plenty of toys, food and water etc. They do just fine as long as you do ensure they have 3 to 4 hurs out of cage time in the evenings with you. Weekends of course many times will be an all day out of cage event that they will become accustomed to as well and look forward to it. Just based on your "Resume", I think you would be a wonderful Grey owner, your hired!
  19. I worked at Mickaboo Bird Rescue in San Jose when I was working up there. Funding was always a number one priority. There is a HUGE need for more due to the large numbers of birds in need by the 1000's each day it seems. It does take a large heart and you become somewhat calloused over time or you would become a non-functional basket case due to the severity of abuse and health issues you constantly see. I have no doubt you could do it and maybe keep it as low cost as possible by limiting the number of birds to your budget as you get it off the ground and only increase birds when your certain you can survive when funds needed for the month are not coming in from external sources. It is great to see you exploring this and truly thinking about stepping up to the plate for these distressed souls in need of a good and safe environment.
  20. Great progress! Thanks for this update.
  21. Welcome Danie169. Your description of the first interactions with that grey sound very normal. They will be leery of a new person. The ride will be fine as you described. Just make certain you have some water and food for him in the carrier. Your relationship will build over time as he gets settled in to the new home and become comfortable with you and others that stay there or come and visit.
  22. That sounds very good Max. Heck, if your positive your going to get GG (Which I suspect you are) I would just go rent a pick up so the cage could come with you as well. I guarantee you, GG is used to that cage and having something close and personal like their cage really helps in making them feel more secure than if they are thrown not only in to a new home, but also a different cage. Greys for the most part do not handle change very well. That cage with toys GG loves would really help in the transition period and give him/her a "Safe Place" to stay in and go to when he/she may feel vulnerable or frightened.
  23. We use a small variable speed dremel that came with a whole case full of accessories. We use the little sanding wheel to trim Dayos Nails and a rather lower speed otherwise it will start getting the nail too hot.
  24. Wherever you go, your grey would much rather be with you than to stay at home. As time goes by, your grey will soon readily be asking to go with you and jump right in the travel cage or pak-o-bird etc. It is natural flock behavior to always stay together.
  25. First time I have seen this video. At first I thought it was the one that has been around for a while and shared here previously. Thanks for posting this.
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