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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Alexandra is beautiful. It's GreYt to hearing she is settling in to your home and flock. You have a wonderful journey ahead of you that will be filled with shock and awe at times.
  2. LOL- Don't we all???? Thanks for sharing this. Now I need to go dress some wounds again.... just teasing, haven't been bitten in months now, fingers crossed.
  3. I love hearing of Inara's cognitive abilities she came with and has refined further. Grey's are so intelligent, it's almost scary at times. Sometimes I spell out words so Dayo has no clue of what I am saying like.... I am going to get some Chocolate Cake. Then I sneak off and woof it down. Thats the only way I can eat things that are great for me but poisonous to him. It reminds of when our children were very young and could not spell yet.
  4. Welcome to the forum. It's sounds like one happy household with everyone united once again. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing more when you get a chance.
  5. Just out of curiosity, why is this lady getting rid of GG? It is good to hear she is being selective to whom she lets him/her go to and it's not just about the first $$$$ take him/her. One tip, if you do decide to take GG, get all the information you can in the diet, favorite treats, words and phrases that are known and familiar, toys that are liked and any things that may be feared. As others have already said, not having a band is no big deal. I hope this all goes well for you and looked forward to hearing how this all works out.
  6. What a wonderful mental image you have provided of GilGirls enjoyment of that last bit of Oatmeal on her beak as she carefully glided that tongue around it. Moments like those are forever remembered. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. That is good news and you can certainly see those pin feathers coming back in. Those of us who have known you and Isaac for years on this forum are very glad to hear and see this post. I look forward to the updates on his plumage coming back in and also his antics.
  8. It does look like an abrasion caused by batting around a ty or maybe shoving her beak through the cage bars or grate. As Kimkim said, keep an eye on it.
  9. Oh no, how sad! You would think an allergy specialist could have tested her to see what it was specifically before her finding new homes for her very much loved birds.
  10. Interesting. It will be interesting to see how this works out for them. I hope they update this over the next year or so.
  11. The only thing I can add to what others have already wisely posted. Is that greys are very "Sensitive" to our emotions. They feed off of them. The more agitated we become, they will respond with equal agitation. It takes time, but you will learn to stay calm and reason with your grey. I dropped the insistence for a step up in situations like this. It always wound up with me getting bitten in the process of demanding the step up and Dayo remaining upset for a while. Instead, I started reasoning with him and explaining that he needs to "Be careful" and to "Let me Help You" as I slowly go in for the step up. He has learned the concepts of both those phrases over the years when incidents have happened and I or my wife rescue him after a mishap. So now when he is somewhere banned or starting to destroy something, I use the aforementioned phrases and he willingly just steps up and I bring him up and give him a kiss saying "There, that's better" and he is happy as a clam.
  12. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Dayo and I both enjoyed watching this several times and laughing at the dialogue directly following the fall. Thanks for sharing this.
  13. What an entertaining video of Inara. I must say, Dayo enjoyed watching and listening to this as well. I have whispered with him advising that "Shhhh, Mommy is still sleeping so we must be quiet" for the last year or so. While watching this video when it became normal volume at times he would say "Shhhhh, be quiet" in response to it. Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Welcome to you and Mazi. She is beautiful and appears to be right at home with you. Thanks for sharing this introduction.
  15. Welcome Geo and Smokey. Thanks for sharing this endearing story of destiny uniting the two of you. I look forward to hearing much more.
  16. Welcome to the forum. It's GreYt having you here.
  17. That is terrible news. Sanggay and Cocoa brought many wonderful photos, videos and stories to us. If Sanggay does happen to visit here, I wish him my most heart felt condolences. That is a grief and heartbreak no parrot owner wants to experience.
  18. Olivia is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this photo.
  19. LOL, well thats better than some other sounds they imitate we humans make.
  20. Talon is spot on. Birds are not dogs that for the most part like any human. Birds and especially greys normally have one favored person and depending on how well socialized they were and just their individual personality as a whole well either be interested in other people or not.
  21. Yes, have seen it before when it first aired. My thoughts on it, are that I hope people that are not Parrot owners saw the complexity of having a parrot and providing for it properly to maintain both mental and physical health is much more complex than a cat or dog and decides not to ever own a parrot. The hope is, all the parrots out there in need of a good home are brought home by people that have put the time in to research properly and then come to the decision that they can in fact provide a good home to one.
  22. Welcome long time lurker! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the photos of your Flock. They are all beautiful.
  23. I am so sorry to hear this. You have my deepest heartfelt condolences and prayers.
  24. Welcome the forum. It's GreYt having you here.
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