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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Great photos Heather!! Wild Turkeys are fun to watch aren't they? Just watch out for the Tom protecting his Harem though ;-)
  2. Very good post BadKarma and a great reminder to us all. You're so very right, it is a time of excess for many people and we should all be very aware of it not only for our protection, but also for that of our friends. I am so sorry to hear of the bad memories you have of this season. I know you are not alone in this. One other thought too on safety, check your tree (if you have one) and ensure you keep water in the bottom container to keep it as moist as possible. Also, check those lights you drag out every Xmas for any exposed or even just "knicked" wires. If they look even the slightest suspicious, throw them away and go buy new ones. I hear firetrucks every day almost this time of year and it is usually someones house burning down.... Peace to all!!
  3. Ah Ha!! Thanks Dave, for that good and explicit explanation. Now i'm gonna go have a cup of coffee and cig to chill out ;-) Honesty though, thank you, I had no clue if the posturing meant the grey was getting ready to go psycho on you or what... :ohmy: Thanks for the rest of the story!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/28 14:40
  4. danmcq


    Ha! It sound like Charlie was taught to count sometime in the past and you guys just triggered that thinking ability to come out. It sounds like he enjoys and welcomes it. Familiar things like that are great when you accidentally stumble upon them like you have :-) This smart fellow may need more advanced games and chats than anyone suspected B) But, they do love playing the drop and you pick it up game :-) They also love chasing after balls and nailing them as others have said. Aren't they just amazing?? :-)
  5. How exciting Morroco!! Nice photo of your Grey and a lovely Xmas tree in the background :-) Januarary is not far off, I know you are probably VERY excited and we are too for you!!
  6. It's great to hear you were able to get him to your home now :-) Your right, the Cage should be replaced with a powdercoated wrought iron cage when you get a chance. We'll be looking forward to hear how he is settling in and getting along in his new home and companion.
  7. Hi Heather - It's great to hear he is accepting going back into the cage now. It's more like he was just fearful of the new cage for a few days, I believe?? Inquiring minds need to know the answer ;-) We all learn from them and Kibibi's zeroing in on this "New cage" seemed to be the issue at hand :-) Greys are truly picky of there home and surroundings, one little change and SOME of them can become VERY freaked out for no apparent reason!! That's where detective work sets in and you must determine what has changed that is possibly causing the odd behaviour all of a sudden.
  8. Hi Lyndaelyzoo :-) The photo you posted here and in the post you photo topic is great. Thanks for posting them :-) Can't wait to hear more about your newly adopted Grey!!
  9. Hi Hannibal, As the others have stated, time and patience will prove productive. It sounds like in just 3 weeks he is already warming up to you nicely. As you can see from Number6 photos, it took months and bribes, but look at that wonderfully relaxed grey just as comfortable on his back as if he was standing up :-) BTW Number6 - It's great to hear from you again!! :woohoo:
  10. Hi Mpr, That certainly does not seem normal in leg growth or posture and walking abilities. I, as the others would highly recommend taking him to a vet. Please keep us updated :-)
  11. Welcome Harro!! It seems everyone has already given you some good information on your questions and concerns. Time, consistency and patience is all it will take for you to get your new fellow stepping up and many more things. It sounds like you are already getting along well very well with him. Did the breeder happen to say if he was allowed to fledge at all before his wings were clipped? Fledging is important for all maturing Greys to go through. It greatly increases their coordination, balance and a strong confidence in performing the wonderful acrobatics they do naturally as they mature. :-)
  12. Welcome Brittany!! It sounds like you have obtained a wonder fellow there. Gizmo seems a good name for such an intelligent creature as a grey. There are some threads you can find here on the Forum directory addressing training your new grey to go poop on command. Also, everyone here is more than happy to assist you in any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of Gizmo when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Thanks for the update on your baby grey shaun. She sounds like she is progressing normally and is starting to become more bold in her exploration and coordination building efforts. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more of her progress and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  14. That's is a terrible possibility Matt, that your vet has advised of perhaps being the cause of his symptoms. I am hoping and praying that it is not the underlying issue for this young Grey. We're all keeping you and your Grey in our thoughts and prayers. We are hoping to hear better news today :-)
  15. LOL!!! Good one SassyRose :laugh:
  16. Yes, it sounds like molting as Siobha9 has indicated. Please don't rehome your baby Grey. I know you have his best interests at heart, but it truly dooes not sound like he is unhappy. It would break his heart to lose his "parents". :-( I am sure it would break your hearts also to do so. :-) Please keep us update and ask any questions you may have.
  17. Awwww, that is wonderful Carol!! I can feel your elation and excitement through your words! :-) What a sweet fellow he is and your doing a great job of bringing that out!!
  18. Hi jahfiah, Thanks for the update. It's very good to hear he is up and acting himself today. I'll bey you and family are really relieved also. :-)
  19. danmcq

    Ear Biting

    The bottom line is, she NEVER stated it was a joke. I have remind silent on this as all the rest of these posts have taken place. But, now just to clarify Adeles reactions (you confirm of course by reading the entire thread).... 1) She NEVER stated it was a joke. 2) She never apologized or retracted what she said regarding swatting. 3) She immediately became inflamed and accused me of attributing bad things to her. Which I did not. I simply stated that no one should ever "Swat" a bird out of the air. 4) All she needed to do was stated "I am sorry it was a bad joke and I hope the new user did not take my "joke" as being serious, though it appeared as a serious statement". 5) She stated she wanted to be removed from the board. 6) I Pm'd CD and Talon and requested that she be removed. 7) CD removed her from this Forum, being the responsible and caring Admin he is. So, there is really nothing left here to debate :-) I hope :-) the bottom line here is that we care about #1 our and others Greys well being #2 We highly value and respect each others friendship and opinions. Peace to all and to all a good night :-)
  20. Again - Thank you all for your sincere and also humorous comments. :-) Obviously, I have regained my speech again
  21. Great photos Jimmy and wonderful progress on the relationship you are building with him. Great Job!!! :-)
  22. MrSpock - Ok, now you have me VERY inquisitive and I just have to know.... :-) Whats happens if you don't put him back and just let him continue? :ohmy: :side: B) Inquiring minds need to know!!
  23. What a wonderful update on Brian, Beccy!! :-) He sounds like a real character and the teeth thing, well there pretty, white and he would probably love to chip at them a little I was eating Ice Cream (Vanilla) the other night and I let Dayo have 2 beaks at it. After that, it was a fight to keep him from my bowl :-) Then he got to where he would time it just right. After I would place a bite in my mouth, he would hurry up and try to get his beak in my mouth before I could close it :ohmy: he got close a few times to beating me, but as you say, then he would try to "Force" his beak between my lips, but no luck there either. He finally became tired of this game and went running to Kim for some good old lovin from "Mommy" cause Daddy's just no fun anymore. :-)
  24. Welcome Lee!!! WoW!! What a flock you have there :-) We'll look forward to hearing much more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of your flock.
  25. Welcome Kaedyn !! Thanks for the photo link and great introduction. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you!!
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