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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Tracy - I read this while on a rescue site this morning and thought of you rescueing Indy and what it will mean to him.... "The Meaning of Rescue" Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed, All nicely tucked in my warm new bed, I'd like to open my baggage, Lest I forget, There is so much to carry - So much to regret. Hmmm...Yes, there it is, right on top, Let's unpack Lonliness, Heartache and Loss, and there by my perch hides my Fear and Shame. As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave - I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain. I loved them, the others, the ones who left me, But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me. Will you add to my baggage? Will you help me unpack? Or will you just look at my things - And take me right back? Do you have the time to help me unpack? To put away my baggage, to never repack? I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see, But I do come with baggage - Will you still want me? -Author Unknown-
  2. Talon wrote: Hey Penny!!! I want my Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Xmas Super Chocolaty Fudge, Divinity and of course all the regular Xmas meals. So everyone, do your workout while cooking!! Lift those legs, dance in place, stretch as you bend down to get pots, pans, ingredients. Do Curls with 10 pound bags of sugar etc. :-):side: B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/09 15:59
  3. Good idea birdmom and a nice name. :-) How about something descriptive in the African language.. Alile - pronounced "ah-LEE-leh" meaning - She weeps
  4. Hi Jimmy, It is possible Cosmo was spooked by the entrance from a different door. It would be hard to say that with absolute certainty though. There is no doubt He wanted to be with you and stay with you for a while though. :-) I don't remember how old Cosmo is. Is he perhaps trying to fledge? I know his wings were clipped and it seems strange that he would knowingly just jump and fall as you have described. That alone would seem to indicate fright, more than just wanting to be with you. It's good to hear you took the time to assure him that all was well. Then, letting him feel safe and loved, before putting him back. Then sitting with him until he was drifting off to sleep.
  5. He sounds like a well behaved gentleman that perhaps knows he is with someone who already loves him unconditionally. It must feel great to finally have him home, where you can show and teach him how to trust and love. :-)
  6. Hi Birdmom and Mazy - Yes, Tulare is only 10 miles south of Visalia where I live. These cities are located in central California. The Breeder I purchased Dayo from, breeds Hawk Headed Conures, amongst all the other Parrots she breeds..Greys, Macaws, Ringnecks, Suns, Green Cheeks etc... :-) We love visiting her and her husband. We become very good friends during the 10 weeks we were visiting Dayo before we brought him home.
  7. Hi Dixie, Thanks for the update :-) Reducing it to captivity (which is where it came from) may cramp his present a little, but it is probably missing the companionship it once had and the great food. I am not certain in your area, but others on this forum are from your location, generally speaking and I am sure would be able to put you on the path to perhaps contacting someone that would come and capture that Grey.
  8. That is so cool. :-) It sounds to me like she is asking your permission. To make sure it is ok to step up on your hand.
  9. Hi Aburashid, Here are links to photos of Eye colors at different ages: 3 1/2 Months: 5 Months: 7 Months: 1 Year: 2 Years: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/08 16:22
  10. I really get disappointed when a heart compelling story such as this, is never followed up on. I guess some new people that join and ask a quick question. Just do not realize how concerned and caring we are of each and every member and their dilemma, the birds and the final outcome. I think most of us worry and want to help in any way we can and hope for a good outcome. It looks like we may never know the continuation or end of this story. :-( Didn't some of you live in comparatively close proximity to this members location?
  11. It sounds like Oliver was never previously in an environment that was conducive, stimulating or loving enough for him to care about communicating with the ones around him. Thank god you have him now and he will flourish. :-)
  12. LOL - You are the Finch Queen! :-)
  13. I love Gouldian Finchs!! Yes, if you are thinking about bringing in all those different birds from various origins. Quarantine and the kit would, if nothing else will ensure your present flock is not endangered and that when you do introduce these new candidates into your flock, you will know they are healthy and disease free. Your starting to make me jealous now, with Stars AND Gouldians!! :-)
  14. Great update with photos and video Jimmy!! :-)
  15. Great looking Grey Tracy. Not long now and you'll have him home :-)
  16. Oh Boy, poor Guy, so he is getting older then since your female he was mated with was 2? That would be an expensive (relatively speaking) set of Stars with the shipping. I agree it may be a little early to get the new Stars if you have any doubt about a possible disease being present, though unlikely, since you have not introduced any new birds to your flock recently. I wish you well in your endeavors to determine the cause and in replenishing your Star flock! :-)
  17. Bmustee, I am so sad to hear of your loss and the dilemma your in trying to figure out if any disease may be present. I only have Zebra breeding experience for 7 years (I really miss those morning greetings in a chorus of around 40 since I let my relatives take them over) and as you stated, watched them go after each other for various reasons. Your Star finch of course was a little young to die of "Old Age", but several factors could have lead to her unfortunate death, as you well know. The spot you describe would be an unusual one from what I have ever seen, if it was related to fighting and picking at each other, which usually results in the neck and back feathers being pulled out by the foes. Again, you have my condolences on your loss.
  18. Thats great Icerat :-) Dayo (7 1/2 months) just mumbles presently as he is trying to get the "Declaration of Independence" down right before he lets us hear it.
  19. OMG Pat!!! I am so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine your heart felt sadness and anguish. I'm on the Prayers with you for your Greencheek.
  20. Ah Ha! Thanks for the description of how your house heat is circulated. :-) 9 degrees is too cold for me!! I know it gets much colder than that. :-)
  21. Welcome Dona and Danni!! LOL, yep eggs are a pretty sure sign shes a she ;-) It's wonderful to hear you have taken her in and are providing her with a great home and plenty of cuddles and scratches. I'll bet she feels the love and happiness, just as you do. :-)
  22. Welcome Roo!! Nice intorduction and it sounds like you have had many years of good times with Winsten. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more!!
  23. Eye tottalee acree wit watt yur saayin mr spot. I sea you dont mime mi saaing sew ethur. :-)
  24. LOL Sandra!! You didn't dig a hole, but probably are bringing up a good point. Some of us, like myself, being at work hammer out a response in 45 seconds and hit send. :-) So I may be an offender and honestly, I just don't take the time to read what I wrote to check for grammatical, spelling, capitalization, proper etiquette, good sentence structure or anything else. So, if I have thrown your train off the track a few times, I apologize. But, I can guarantee it will happen again, so I apologize for those in the future a head of time. B)
  25. Ive never used Scenic and therefore can not comment on them other than the website info provided on it seems to be a good pellet. As Chapala indicated, the pellets should just be a small portion of the overall diet consisting of Fruits, Vegetables, 7 to 15 bean soak and cook mixtures along with Seeds and and Nuts. :-)
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