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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh God, how I remember those days :-) Thanks for posting this photo of your new TAG Nerf.
  2. Welcome ZeusOwner !!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you :-)
  3. Thats great news birdmom :-) They are very attentive to details such as your nail polish and glasses, as you say. Thanks for the update and sharing the advice your vet gave.
  4. Congratulations Tracy!!!! I always look forward to your great comments and advice. Now you'll be able to give insight in to the training and hard work it takes to bring a wild caught Grey in to a human environment and let it know it is loved as part of the flock. :-) Can't wait to hear the stories and see photos :woohoo:
  5. These were great Laurie!! Thanks for the morning laugh {Feel-good-0002006E}
  6. Hi dolligirl06 , You did the right thing in rinsing all the chlorinated water off. :-) As I am certain is top on your priority list now, you Gray needs to be in the cage completely secure when your away or out of that room for extended periods of time. I can imagine you've already locked down and ensured everything is safe after almost losing him. I can not imagine the sick and frantic feeling you must have had when you thought he was gone :ohmy: It's great to hear he is safe and recuperating!!
  7. Would you be staying in a Hotel for the 4 - 8 weeks? The trip would be great for your Grey, but if your staying in a Hotel or Motel where room cleaners MAY bother him, I would leave him at home with the people and cage he is familiar with. I would assume he would be left in the room all day while your working and alone in a strange place. You may want to weigh the pro's and con's out and make the best decision for you and your Grey :-)
  8. Hi Barbie, As all have said, buy the biggest cage you can afford and swear to your husband it's only 24 x 18 ;-) and was the minimum you could buy for a Grey B)
  9. Great Photos Jimmy. It looks like he wants to rip those keys right out of the keyboard...Dayo does too Thanks for sharing these new photos!!
  10. Wow, thats a really good start with your Ajax there KerriAnn :-) Really looking forward to seeing pictures of Ajax!
  11. Wow, you are really remote mazy!! Yes, except for the occasional rain in Winter. But, hey you can too, just paint you balls red so you can see them.....oh and put a parachute on them so they don't sink in the snow ;-) :laugh:
  12. Hello Neil, If I am calculating correctly based up the date you got you Grey, it is around 9 or 10 Months old. he should have been trying to fly at 12 - 14 weeks old. If he has never tried to fly and his wings are positioned as you describe, Chapala is right on the money, you need to get him to an Avian vet for a check-up. Something is wrong.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/10 15:57
  13. There is nothing wrong with that Nychsa. She loves you and wants be involved where you are. :-) If you have that kind of constant schedule with her, it totally ok.
  14. Wow - You are getting a steal on that Grey then Ashy!! It sounds like you will have everything you need including plenty of time. :-) Can't wait to see photos and hear more when you get him!!
  15. It sounds like Maui is doing great and making a connection with you and the family. He/She is a good and healthy looking CAG in that photo. Thanks for giving an update!! :laugh:
  16. Wow Kristin, that was some storm and what a huge amount of water!! During the Video, I could have sworn I heard makena Whilstle and then say "Shut the damn Door...I'm lifting off here!!!"
  17. danmcq

    grape skin toxic?

    I have not seen grape skins on any toxicity list for Parrots. What I do know, is you need to wash them good to remove the Sulfur the farmers dust them with to stop Mold. Now if you didn't wash them good, the Sulfur could definitely kill them over time. I don't know if your Grey eats the skin or not Beccy, but mine and also my Conure only eat the flesh inside and throw away the skin. They are are certainly nimble with those Beaks aren't they. :-)
  18. Hi Ashy, 500 is a great price. Also please know that you will have the airline charges for bringing your Grey to the local airport, Cage - around 400, Toys, Perches etc. add another 200 and of coarse food for him like seed mix, pellets, veggies, fruits $100 and of course you should get a wellness check-up at the vet soon after getting him to ensure all is well with him ~200..depending on tests they may want to run. The purchase price of any Bird is just the basic, you can almost triple that once you have gotten all the above initially. :-)
  19. UPS and Fedex will not ship Live birds at all. The best and only way to ship birds isi via airline as You have said Dave.
  20. Well Thanks BadKarma - I know I have seen or read something about using daily routines as a workout while you do them and cooking was one of them. I just can't seem to remember what fitness person demonstrated that. You can even do exercises while driving too like exerting pressure and releasing in several reps with a hand on each side of the steering wheel etc. I use this quite often when someone in traffic pisses me off..just envision the steering wheel is their head your squishing :woohoo: I remember some of these things as I said, I just wish I could remember from who. :-)
  21. He's still young and has more eating and growing to do. As others have stated, the main thing is his weight should stay fairly constant. They go through weight fluctuations when they are young and fledging. Dayo weighed 527gm when I first brought him home and slowly went down to and stabilized at 426 for around 2 Months. Then he started gaining weight again and weighed 445gm after his morning bomb today. As your Grey starts trying to fly more and you work with him at flapping those wings by holding his Talons with your thumb and gently moving him up and down to induce the natural flapping action. He will gain strength and over time probably some weight too. Again, the most important item with the weight is that it remains fairly constant. :-)
  22. Oh Tracy, I didn't intend to do that. I know you are the one that will provide what Indy needs and know that you are the love He's been wating for. Destiny finally happened for him and you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/09 17:33
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