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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It sounds like Duke is doing well. Especially if he's regurgitating on your sister. he must love your entire family very much. Of course, even though you are gone for long periods. He has displayed his love for you is eternal and unconditional. That is a very rare quality in a CAG, from some horror stories I have read of people just leaving for a week and coming back to a really pissed-off CAG. :-)0
  2. Welcome Chris!! Thanks for posting the nice introduction. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing dome photos of Alex when you get a chance. :-)
  3. Hi Kibibi, I think I have seen that video somewhere on a link and the majority of it was on the terrible capturing and boxing the Grey's. Is that what the DVD has on it? If so, I will not purchase it. Seeing it live just disturbed me too much. Do you own it? I have joined the Parrot trust though and contributed in that way by becoming a member. If the DVD does not contain the footage I mentioned, then I'll purchase it.
  4. Yes, the guy that wrote the Chicken website is Waaayyy overboard to me. The first time I saw that website, I didn't read more than 30 seconds and shut it down. I knew I was dealing with a VERY disturbed person :-) Unfortunately, since we don't all live on Farms as our last generation of ancestors did just 70 years ago. We can not, for the most part keep chickens and other livestock in our City home areas as they did. So, mass production is the only solution to feed almost 300 million people. Look at all the poor veggies and fruits that are grown in cooped up areas and then mass harvested......I can go down that path too :evil: Meat of all types has been a stable in the Human diet forever and provides the Protein we all need. Granted, if you are a very well studied vegetarian, you can figure out the right balance of Legumes and other Protein sources to stay healthy. But, it is a very time consuming thing to do and some vegetarians suffer health wise due to insufficient protein in their diet. The difference between mass production of food sources versus the mass capture, killing and reselling all for nothing other than money, is a huge difference and detrimental to entire species on our Planet. I know some view it as the same thing, but I don't. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/28 16:19
  5. These are all great posts containing good ideas. I love it when you can view a problem and multiple solutions from several vantage points and see how each has it's own merits. :-)
  6. Great advice Reta, maybe I'll try that, but then again, He's just calling Kim. Now if he was doing it for no known reason, I would employ your suggestion, it is a great one!! :-)
  7. Yes, Deb as others have said, it's normal. Welcome to the world of Parrot owners. :-) Sometimes when Dayo is sitting on my shoulder and he See's Kim walk by, he will do a wolf whistle and then a shrill whistle that makes me wince in pain :pinch: But, then I smile and think, Yeppers Dan, you just had to have an African Grey Can't wait until he starts with the wise cracks!! :woohoo: :side: :silly:
  8. danmcq

    Human Sugar

    Great to have you here Brian and Mille!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos!! :-)
  9. My Heart breaks too Judy :-( I am glad to see the UK and some other countries are at least going to temporarily ban imports also. I am not certain why they would just make it temporary, but hopefully they will make it permanent. It is sickening and maddening at the the same time.
  10. Well, that certainly sounds like the behaviour is linked to the arrival of your new puppy. The puppy is an un-welcome member to the flock at this point, as far as your Grey is concerned. With your Grey being so young still, it is very needful in the area of attention it wants and needs, much as a Human baby does. Now you have two babies to try and split your time with and your Grey resents it. It will pass with time, but if at all possible, you might try putting the puppy somewhere for an hour or two and spend that time with your Grey just doing whatever it is that it wants to do. Hopefully, that will let him know he/she is still very important to you and the flock as a whole.
  11. Talon, Very good and timely post. I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. Though, we may not deserve an explanation or expect it, it would be nice to know why. I do know that some may leave due to time constraints, the loss of a loved Parrot and do not desire to read or comment about them for a while etc.. But, some also leave, sadly, simply because some others may rub them the wrong way. This is true in all of civilization, in our work places, recreational activities, clubs etc.. But, normally we just put up with one another's quirks, personalities, likes, dislikes etc. and accept them for who they are. If we do not like some one on this board for one reason or another (other than someone causing out-right Chaos or promulgating dangerous practices) we can simply just not respond or acknowledge their posts. Though I personally do not practice this, some may want to and I respect that. At any rate, my point is, you don't need to leave just over a difference of opinion or the way someone looks or speaks. That's what the world is made up of and we all have to somehow learn to get along or blow each other up. Which in some cases, I will admit, some people just need to be blown up. :-) But, hey, I could be wrong :-)
  12. I have been trying for some Months now to get Dayo to eat more Pellets. He has always eaten just a few pieces per Day, mainly Zupreem Fruity Blend. I also purchased Harrison's for him, which he just has turned his Beak up to for 2 Months. I worry about him getting all the essential vitamins and minerals he needs, especially Calcium, since Greys are know to have Calcium deficiency problems. Even though he does eat plenty of veggies, fruits and multiple bean mixes along with a Seed Mix from Browns. Today, I thought I would try a different tactic. I had read somewhere that sometimes it is the presentation, more than anything else. So, what I did was, instead of just having it in a bowl for him, I smashed it up into a powder and mixed it in with his scrambled eggs with Red Palm Oil. He ate them up! :-) So I thought, ok, let me make a mess on Kim's counter tops while shes gone :evil: I'll just sprinkle 20 or so cubes on the counter-top and see if he forages them as he runs back and forth playing as he does through out the day. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard loud crunching sounds coming from the kitchen. As I sat here working on my PC. I slowly peeked over the counter and there was Dayo cracking down on a Harrison's Cube. He's been doing that on and off for the last two hours. So, the moral of this story is, it may just be presentation when trying to introduce your Grey to something new like Pellets or Veggies. Now, I just need to figure out how to get him to eat them in his Cage :-)
  13. Wild African Greys are still being captured by the thousands. They are close to being listed as yet another bird that is going on the urgent list of the World Parrot Trust. If this continues, they may become extinct in the wild. Here is a link to the latest news on this and what they are doing about it. http://www.parrots.org/index.php/ourwork/african_grey_appeal/ It is sickening to know how they are captured, how many die and all for $$$. It seems this particular group was going to be shipped to Mexico. Then you know how they make there way illegally across or borders.... Link to a field study on Greys that encountered poachers during their stay: http://www.parrots.org/pdfs/our_publications/psittascene/excerpts/grey_parrot/PS%2013%202%20May%2001%20DM.pdf
  14. Hi All, I thought I would share this very short clip I found of Greys in the wild. http://www.africanature.com/images/greysslow.mov
  15. Wonderful photos Connie, thanks for sharing them :-) That humongous beak has a lot of power behind it, does it! A friend of my breeders had his B&G clamp down on his wrist so hard, that it left most his hand and wrist numb for a month.
  16. Thats a great resolution Judy! :-) Hmmm, I NEVER make a new years resolution. I have never felt the need to, so I guess my resolution will be to continue not making one. :-) I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!!
  17. That's natural behavior Jimmy. As far as I know, any living thing that is going to be caged up for a while, will of course resist. :-) You just go ahead and place him down in the Cage. I have this problem with Dayo too, when it's not bedtime and I need to put him in the cage to either leave or I am going to do something around the house that does not permit me to watch him. Just have him step up, clasp his feet with your thumb between your fingers so he cannot climb up your Arm and place him down in the bottom of the cage and let go. Hope this helps.
  18. danmcq

    Human Sugar

    Welcome upesleja!! Judy is right on, there is too much sugar in drinks such as cool-aid, soda etc. CAG's are not a a variety of Parrot that needs high sugar intake like of species that have diets consisting of mainly fruits, rather than seeds and vegetables. In fact, they really do not need sugar at all. You haven't done anything detrimental to your Grey. But as with all things, if you are going to let them have something, it's always best in moderation. We'll look forward to hearing more about you and your Grey. Why don't you introduce yourself and your Grey and even flock :-) in the welcome room?
  19. Awww Lisa, that's wonderful news. It is so kind of your boss to let you take him home at night. It is good for you and Brody. By the time it's close to bring him home for good, he will probably be fighting in the mornings due to NOT wanting to go back to the store for the day. :-) I can't wait to hear your stories as the love between you two grows.
  20. Welcome Ian!! With 6 years of memories with Duke, I'll bet you have many stories to share. Looking forward to hearing some of them and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  21. Merry Christmas to you too Jimmy. Those are all nice photos, thanks for sharing them. The minuscule residue of chocolate left on your fingers are of no concern. Now if you would have given him a Hershey's kiss, you might have need to be concerned ;-) The shower incident must have "ALARMED" both of you. Fortunately, for You, he didn't grab anything on the way down :-):side:
  22. He is still very young Shaq. Just keep cutting up different vegetables like carrots, broccoli, green beans, Spinach, Mustard Greens and anything else you can think of and present them to him everyday. You can also try cooked veggies verses raw and see if he has a preference. It will take time, but he will pick at them and start eating them sooner or later.
  23. Hi Laurie, Yeah, Dayo is the same way. He loves listening and watching the exciting stuff. He does not find the intellectual Greys interesting at all......YET. :-)
  24. Thanks Bmustee and Judy. :-) Tracy, I'm not certain why you can't use the link since others can. Here's another video I just uploaded with more baby sounds from Dayo accompanied by the screaming Conure Jake. http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo2.flv
  25. Thought I would post video of Dayo making a few sounds while Jake screams in the background... Watch it if your bored, obviously I was to shoot and upload this video :-) http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo_Noises_0001.flv<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/27 01:01
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