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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Joanne, You are absolutely correct in your comments regarding personal information being kept safe and secure on the Internet. But, as with all non-secure websites, as this is, the individual is responsible for their personal information and whether they wish to make it available or not. As Fairy said and I of course know that you understand this too, just don't fill it in. But, you have brought up a very important topic that some people may not realize. Information you put out on the Internet about yourself is easily found by anyone unless it is on a secure https site that incorporates at least 128 (256 bit preferred) encryption and only you are allowed to chose to make that available to another individual via a link that is also password protected and encrypted that you personally send that individual and can also place a time constraint on that access if so desired. Thanks for bringing this important information to light Joanne. Many of us are keenly aware of security on the Internet, but a larger portion of people are not. Karma to you! :-)
  2. danmcq

    hi everyone!

    Great to have you back online Beccy!!! :-)
  3. LOL - Joanne, I just get going sometimes in ribbing people and the sci-fi world. Salmon is GOOD!! ummm, ummmm especially BBQ'd and smoked real good using hickory chips .....man ....now I'm getting hungry. :-)
  4. Yes, that's perfect KatB. The distilled has been extract from a process that removes basically all foreign substance and also gives a safe self life with needing to refrigerate it after opening.
  5. LOL - Ok Judy, I'm glad you guys get some entertainment out of um. Dayo, the little rascal, bit my damn cordless base-station power cord right in half in the blink of an eye....just got back from buying a new phone system. Spliced the wires back together on the old systems transformer, but it turned out the short amount of time the two bare wires touched each other was enough to kill the transformer. But, I'm just happy Dayo didn't hurt, he just flinches every 5 seconds now Just kidding, I think he was laughing at me while splicing the wires back together :-)
  6. The was a great Movie, we watched it 2 weeks ago...Live Free or Die trying". They did an excellent job on that movie. It had me wound up the entire length :-) Now, back on topic..Yep, thats the kind of leaders we need. Take action ,stop the BS, stop the business interests etc. Just "Get er Done"!!!
  7. Oh Dave, I am so sorry to hear that Max has seemed to react that way to the Vet and Nail trimming. Is that the only thing that has changed? You mentioned that he was withdrawn. Has He overcome that and is interacting normally with you and family again? Has anything else changed or been added to your home and more specifically his Cage or room he resides in? There is also some good topics on Aloe Juice and misting them along with adding Red Palm Oil to there foods. You can find them by doing a search for those keywords.
  8. Welcome Dave, So Max is 8 Months old and probably a real joy to your household. We'll be looking forward to the post you mentioned, more posts on top of that and some photos to boot . :-)
  9. Welcome TwoGreys!! Hope you had a good Christmas too. We'll be looking forward to hearing more about your Flock and perhaps seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  10. Well, your right Judy, but I am voting for Bruce Willis. While others have committee meetings about what they should do. He just goes and gets it done. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/29 14:09
  11. It's great to have you back Bruce. :-)
  12. Hello Christoph, That is so sad and I am certain you are heartbroken. It could have been from numerous things. Since you want to know the cause. The only way to find out, would be to have a Necropsy performed by a Vet. As you indicated. You have my condolences. I can not imagine the grief.
  13. Hi Lisa, I give Dayo Browns Tropical Carnival Gourmet Small Hook-bill seed blend. http://fmbrown.com/bird_TropCarn_CagedBird.htm He also gets Pellets such as Zupreem Fruity Blend and Harrison's Coarse (which he eats little of), veggies, fruit and scrambled eggs with Palm Oil mixed in. He also eats out of my dinner plate, which I believe he thinks is now is God given right. :-)
  14. I'm you guys enjoyed it. I know, nothing special ( He is to Me) but I got bored and thought I would shoot a little of his vocal time. :-)
  15. Well, I don't want her in there. It has nothing to do with her being a Woman. It has everything to do with just being Hilary. :-) I personally want to see fresh blood, no old time politicians that have succumbed to the system of good ole boys and their high dollar corporate sponsors. So, I guess this is one we just don't agree on :-)
  16. Thanks Reta, for expanding on usage of a stick for getting your Parrot to step-up and transporting them around when necessary. This makes perfect sense and completes the circle nicely. :-)
  17. That is great news Bruce!! It is always nice to hear how time, effort and proper training techniques always pays off. Thanks for the update. Don't be such a stranger. :-)
  18. Hi Guys, For those of you bored for a while like I am, here is another Video of Dayo. He just got his misting until soaked with Aloe. he is doing his content sounds, the Dobies start barking, growling and playing together. Then towards the end, Jake (Peach Front Conure) decides to fly over and see what Dayo is doing....Dayo chases him off :-) Enjoy, I hope...... http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo3.flv
  19. Hi Dick - As Reta stated, you should pay close attention to his body language and if he is telling you he doesn't want to be bothered right then, you should just let him be. Unless you need to put him back in his cage or move him for a specific reason. That way, he has some space and time of his own and free will. :-) Reta - In regards stick training and using it in place of a persons hand. I can certainly understand your reason for doing so. But, in my step-up training with my Wild Conure. The perch/stick training worked, but he was still fearful of my hand. My goal was to not only teach him to step-up, but to also find hands acceptable and good. Thus I worked my hand closer and closer to him over a period of a couple weeks on the perch I was using until he pretty much had to at least brush my hand when getting on the perch. Finally, I dumped the perch, put up with some good bites and got him to step-up on my hand. I would be afraid, that if you start using a perch instead of your hand to have your previously trained Parrot to step, he may get to where he never wants you hand to be used again and you lose, so does the Parrot in scratches etc. Don't you think it is better to get the Parrot that is starting to show it's need for space and time to itself, to still accept your hand? I am not intending to counter your great advice and link you provided, but I am wanting to understand more of your reasoning on this. :-) UGH - I have lost a lot of typing, as you did, it hurts :pinch: LOL Thanks for contributing all the great advice you consistantly do on this Forum!!
  20. Thanks Kibibi, Yes, I have seen it once too. I don't own the DVD, but I found a live feed somewhere on the internet and now I can't. They must have taken it down since they are selling it. Your right, one time seeing it, is enough.
  21. Hi Richard, It does sound like he is maturing and developing the awareness of being in control over his domain. he does not think he is the "leader", but he does know he can quell your attempts to have him step-up to get him down. Dayo bites harder and harder the same when he is not ready to step up and be moved. What I would advise is to use the "Fist of Iron" technique. This protects your fingers and soft tissue. What you do is ball your hand basically into a fist and bend you wrist so the skin is tightened, while you have your thumb hidden under your fingers and have him step-up on your wrist. If he bites hard, he can't really grab onto you as hard or break the skin as easily. This gives you the confidence and security you need to display that your not retreating and continue pushing your wrist under his feet until he steps up. Then open your hand so he can get on your fingers using a knife hand cupped. Once he moves onto your fingers, press your thumb against his talons so he cannot jump off and take him where you want him. I hope this helps.
  22. Wow, that sounds wonderful JP!! Maui sounds like He's right at home. Thanks for the update and looking forwrd to the photos and videos. :-)
  23. LoL Hahahahahahahahaha ....now that was a perfect example of a Grey's, Gray Matter :laugh: I Love it!! Thanks for the morning laugh Spooky!!!
  24. Thats great progress for only 3 weeks with you!! It sounds like he is becoming a flock member and "Thinking" about letting you join ;-) I would love to see more photos of him. :-)
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