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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Sandy, It sounds like you, Mira and family are having a good time together. Yes, they love those Chile Peppers, the hotter the better. One word of caution. When I first purchase a really hot peppered up seed mix for Dayo and he dove into it like a kid face first into cake, he then as always snuggled up next to my face on both sides through out the day while setting on my shoulder. By the time I got to bed and started drifting off to sleep, I started feeling a slight burning sensation on my face that slowly rose to a fire alarm situation and I got out of bed and washed my face once I put two and two together and realized I had Chile dust all over my face. :ohmy: Thanks for the update on her. :-) I would love to see some photos when you get a chance to post some!! :woohoo:
  2. That sounds like big strides in a short amount of time Tracy. :-) The more healthful diet will help his disposition too, I would think. He probably does not feel all that well yet, from the diet he was on. I would think watching the rest of the Flock, as you described, would also speed up his progress. There is nothing better or more influential than role models to follow. Add your love and concern for him to that mix, and there is no doubt he will be a happy and contributing member of the flock. It is wonderful to be able to read of his progress from day one forward. I have never been able to see the progress of a rescue from the beginning like this. Thanks for including us in this!! I love these updates. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/16 14:13
  3. Hi Dolliegirl, How is Mira doing now? It sounds like you took very quick action in Bird proofing things you never dreamed of. :-) It is quite a learning experience isn't it? I hope all is well and that you are enjoying the antics and companionship of Mira. I hope you haven't taken our suggestions and comments as hostile. We are very concerned and protective of anyone's Grey. We are so empathetic to anyone that writes of problems or emergencies that we feel the anxiety and fear of the actual owner B) Hopefully we did not overwhelm you with information and concern. :-)
  4. Edmundo - We haven't heard from you in a few days. How is Bamboo coming along?
  5. Mark (dblhelix) provided a good link describing Albert Einstein's life and achievements. He was one of the most brilliant men to walk this earth and many of us in the engineering and mathematical community still struggle with his works and dream of employing them. His writings are numerous. Math, is a written language, if you will. thus we can corresponding amongst each other in written mathematical form i.e E=MC^2 or a(3x*y^2)= z/a^2 = ( 2y/d + n) etc. There are a ton of books on Einstein and his life works if anyone is really interested. I have always found him brilliant, yet funny as hell and unpredictable. :-) It would have been wonderful to have known him, I would think.
  6. Dayo and my Conure Jake do not seem to focus on the knots at all. As Joe said, they seem to be too busy climbing around and playing with the toys. So far they have not chewed on the wood either. They do however love to grab the paper on the bottom and shred it. :-)
  7. Jimmy and Kristin - OUCH!! That's the one thing with a shouldered bird that is a real problem. When they are sitting there, you can not see their body language or the sudden lunge forward coming until the damage is done. They get comfortable up there and sometimes just don't want to be disturbed or moved. That's when the hard bite usually comes and you never see it coming. I am sorry to hear this happened to you both.
  8. danmcq

    Body Language

    Ziggy, Thanks for starting this body language thread. I hope as you suggest, that people will read your list and learn something. It is terrible to think that people rehome a Parrot, rather than spend the time to analyze the behaviour and adjust the reaction or environment to solve it.
  9. Laura - That is a funny story of what "Pain" a Grey will go through for attention. Help, Help oh Help, I just fell and inch and a half ......somebody save me :-) Kristin - Makena is too cool in that video. It seems Makena is in love with the food and just can't figure out how to get close enough to it. :-) Quite the acrobat you have there!!
  10. Great photos of your new rescues Mario. Thanks for sharing them and rescuing those poor fellows. They look like they are in heaven already! :-)
  11. Yep, jsut post yer post and we'll understand wat you sad. ;-) Dew U undre stand dis? B) I do find news paper blunders and newscaster bloopers funny as hell though. What's nice, is the perpetrator finds it funny to laugh at themselves too. :-) Not sure if the reference to Einstein was the CAG or the physicist. The Human could read and write perfectly. The rumor is he didn't know how to tie his shoes. B) I just want to make shur I have the Fax strate.....
  12. siobha9 wrote: Very Sloooooooooooowwwwwllllllyyyyyyy B) :laugh:
  13. That is a funny video :-) Thannks for sharing it.
  14. Congratulations Judo!! :-) Can't wait to see the photos!!
  15. So far, the only thing I wish I could change, is that I had gotten a Grey many years sooner. :-) I understand what you are saying though Heather. You love him so much, that you wish he could just live in freedom as you do. :-) But, I know from all your previous posts that he is one of the luckiest Greys around and receives plenty of love and attention. It would be great if your husband could develop that relationship with Harrison to a closer level and then they could both enjoy each others attention while your away and present.
  16. Welcome baillor!!! It sounds like you have quite a flock there :-) We'll look forward to seeing some photos and hearing more about them as you get a chance.
  17. Welcome mgoertzen5 !!! It seems others have given you some items to look into as possible causes of the plucking. Since Mango is new to your home, it could be nervousness also. Boredom from not having toys that are interesting to them and that also allow them to chew on such as wooden pieces, leather strips etc. We'll look forward to hearing an update from you on Mango's progress. :-)
  18. Welcome Sarah!! Nice to have you here. It sounds like you and Zeus are getting on well and becoming acquainted with one another. Looking forward to seeing photos of him. -) It is easiest to post the videos to youtube or photobucket and then place the link to it here in your post.
  19. Well Siobhan, at least they are getting along well for now which buys you some time. You mention another room. Would two cages fit in it? The reason I ask, is they could possibly both be out in the main room together most the time on a playstand of some type with food and water bowls etc. and be with you all there. Then when it's cage time or sleep time, you could take them to their respective cages in the other room. Just a thought. I don't know your living space or other possible situations, but I do know you have been struggling with this Cage dilemma for a while now. :-)
  20. Well, He's telling you, your routine does not work for him. It's the middle of the day and even if you cover him, he still knows it. If this is interrupting your Daycare, then perhaps an alternate and better solution for both your Grey and the children. Would be to purchase another Cage and take him in another room for the children's nap time. Just make sure there's plenty of toys in the cage for him to play with, food water etc and then he can sing, whistle, blow rasberries at you and talk away :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/13 13:46
  21. Sad story, but a great ending. I can not imagine the torturous time that poor guy went through. Thanks for sharing this story mario.
  22. danmcq

    Body Language

    Great list of body language Mario. When they poop on you, it means they really like you and feel comfortable with you ;-)
  23. Hahahahahah, I love that Siobha!! That is just so cute and intelligent :-)
  24. danmcq


    Wow, he sounds like a big eater!! The varied diet you are feeding him sounds wonderful. The best way to determine if he is eating too much, is to just monitor his weight. What is his weight at this point? Most Greys will not eat too much.
  25. Hello edmundo, That is normal Baby behaviour. He could have simply been making sure the perch (your arm or hand) was good and stable with a firm "Test" beaking. They nibble on everything with their Beaks and use their tongue to detect taste , texture etc. I wouldn't be worried. If he Beaks you a little too hard, just say "No Bite" or something else and maybe gently wobble you hand a little and he will quickly pick up on what is or is not acceptable.
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