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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Scuba, On the flight harness, it is a good idea to get her use to one whether you intend to let her become fully flighted our not. The reason is they can still fly when clipped if they get spooked or a good wind comes a long. Another plus to getting her used to a harness, is it gets her slowly familiar and comfortable with you touching her all over, lifting wings and touching under there etc.. What this accomplishes whether you use a harness or not, is she will be very easy to handle for wing clips, nail clips or medical exams. :-)
  2. I think Judy's badge number is 40-30-36 ;-)
  3. You can purchase many differrent types of full spectrum flourescent lamps from several manufactures of various wattages, enclosures and types for each specific situation. Here are a few links to give you an idea of whats available: http://www.zoomed.com/db/products/Search.php?SearchID=2&DatabaseID=2&Keywords=Lighting&Heading=Avian&Search.x=13&Search.y=16 http://www.lumenlight.com/birdlamps.html http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/pet_supplies.cfm?c=5059+5690 http://parrotisland.mainsecureserver.com/catalog/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=1&products_id=121&osCsid=d0a109dc281a4b710f3bca9111be0b13
  4. Awww, he loves you so much. :-) Dayo is that way with Kim in the evenings when sitting with us in the living room. he will run across the couch to just nuzzle with her and then fluff up and start preening himself. But, as others have said, yours is a little out of control and needs to be put back to the play-stand. But, there is nothing wrong at all with setting aside of day or evening that you are all his for an hour or two. :-)
  5. Awww little Nikki is handicapped, but still the love of your love and it will continue to grow. :-) Looking forward to hearing more about her and what you find out.
  6. Welcome Abdullah!!! You came to the right place for information and questions you have on Greys and a great close knit family atmosphere. We'll look forward to hearing more form you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/04 14:45
  7. Welcome Matt!! Thanks for taking on the challenge of rehoming an abused and crippled Grey!! The others have given great advice and I wish you well. We have many experienced rehomed Grey owners here that can help you as you need it. So ask away!! :-)
  8. danmcq

    Help Me--Newly

    Welcome Sundarg!! We'll be lookking forward to reading your update on how you and your new Grey are getting along in a few days. :-)
  9. What a great update on Alfie Spikster. :-) He sounds like a real character and a joy to be around. Can't wait to see photos of him when you post them.
  10. Welcome Marri!! It's nice to have you here. As the others have said, Greys are a species specific Parrot and in the wild only Flock with other Greys, unlike some other Parrots that tolerate various species flocking with and around them. Another Parrot of your own to interact with, which sounds like what you seem to be wanting. Would be a choice solely up to you to go research, interact with at a close breeder and then make a decision. This would probably not turn out to be a "Buddy" of your existing Grey, but it could be you snuggle Muffin. Conures, which are smaller than a Grey, such as Sun's are real clowns and love to be with their owner. Looking forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of your Grey. :-)
  11. This is all great feedback on how possessive and territorial they can and do become. Dayo is not territorial over his Cage, but he is over items that He picks up and has in his grasp. I got bit hard Tuesday while he was on the counter top with my Car remote in his Mouth. I removed it playing tug of war to get it, then once I had it, he latched down good and hard drawing blood on one of my fingers letting me know HE was playing with it. :-) So, the next time I so rudely need to get something, I am going to try treat replacement, like over a sunflower seed or peanut and swap him for it. They sure are possesive of whatever they have at the moment!!
  12. Awww, look at Kimi dance!! She may have a genetic defect with the wings, but her personality and spirit shows that she doesn't think she has any problems. :-) Thanks Neil for posting this great video of Kimi!!!
  13. danmcq


    Mark - Congrats on Kip becoming flighted again and gaining all the abilities Greys were meant to have. The photos are wonderful and inspiring at the same time for those of us patiently waiting for the molt to begin replacing those flight feathers on clipped wings. B) Thanks for posting these nice photos! :-)
  14. Hi mrmaca, Well, I have read various minimum out of cage times from different sources. Many state 45 minutes to an hour minimum daily. So you are meeting that. We have Dayo out at least 3 hours every evening on weekdays, sometimes all day if I am working from home. On weekends, he is out all day from 6am to 730pm. Please do not consider my case the norm though. There is always a happy medium to be found be everyone. Please just make sure that your Grey has plenty of toys to play with that he enjoys while in the Cage. Wooden chew toys really keep them active and entertained.
  15. Hi Reta, Only Admins can post an article. It sounds good, why don't you PM Caesarsdad and see about having it posted? :-)
  16. Awww, what a nice photo journey of Alfie & Freddie growing their first year. :-) Thanks for posting this Tracy!!
  17. Thats a great photo of Soldier Tracy! He looks so happy and content just preening away. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  18. Hahahaha, that is cool Kaeurl!! Cookie just wanted to help you steamclean the carpet. :-) and of course go for a ride while at it!!
  19. Very good information for all to know Terri. Thanks for pointing this out. Many internet users are not aware of these facts. :-)
  20. Reta - Your absolutely right. Thanks for pointing it out. :-) We definitely don't want any new Grey owners to think this is a "staple" food. He eats a ton of good veggies like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, chard's, kale etc. I looked at this more as a "fun" food. He ate very little comparatively speaking of the half a corn Cobb he destroyed. Terri - Yes, it was a riot watching him and in fact, just may be a good "toy" food to let them destroy while were gone. Just another thing to keep them occupied and exercise while their at it. :-)
  21. danmcq

    Broccoli Rabe

    Tracy, how about a photo of the room after they get done spraying the room with them :-) :woohoo:
  22. danmcq

    Broccoli Rabe

    Pomegranates are not happening here, unless Dayo goes in the shower or outdoors with it. :-)
  23. Good Morning Grey Forumtomites!! :-) It's 7:30 am here in sunny Cali and a chilly clear skied 30 degrees. Took Dobies for walk, face is now frozen
  24. The Body language table was funny, correct and contradictory in some instances, but so is their body language sometimes ;-)
  25. Yes, the way they grab a bite, violently shake their head and throw pieces across the room is entertaining and messy. I cannot imagine the mess three would make But hey, if you have to clean the floor, counter, walls and windows anyway for one, it's about the same work for three, just more stuff in the trash can. :-) Dayo, for some reason, does not like corn uncooked. So that's why I thought I would try cooking it and viola Big Fun Time began :-)
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