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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome WigBag!! Shiobhan is dead on. That is out-right sexual behaviour and should not be encouraged or it will lead to a serious problem. The moment that starts, put him/her back on their play-top, stand or Cage and walk away. This will give the clear message that you are not interested in becoming the "Mate". :-)
  2. Oh, we understand, believe me. Wait until your friends and co-workers think you have gone "Bonkers". We'll all be here for your moral support through that one too!! :-)
  3. Yes, having the neighbor look in on Charlie is MUCH better than a pet-shop environment. He will be in his Cage, home and familiar surroundings. You have 6 months from now to have your neighbor come over and visit with Charlie and become acquainted with him. This will do 2 things, charlie will not feel abandoned completely and He will not be thrust out into a strange, scary and noisy environment like a pet-shop. One other option you have, would be to take Charlie on vacation with you. :-) That may not be an option, but I thought I would just throw that thought out there as well. They love traveling (most anyway) and then have the feeling of being with their flock on a "Run". :-)
  4. What a sad story Troubled Grey. It is admirable that with the busy schedule of a College Student, that you are trying your best to give the care, attention and love to this poor guy. If he is not Feather plucking, why did the vet prescribe Valium and Paxil? The reason I ask, is because Valium is a depressant and Paxil and an anti-anxiety medication. I can understand the latter, but not the Valium. While trying to figure out his behaviour, it would be good first of all (if you haven't already) to lower his perch just 3 or 4 inches from the bottom of the Cage and place some Towels and newspaper to cushion any falls or jumps of desperation. I cannot imagine life in a basement isolated from all contact with other living beings. It is no wonder that he is in this state. Also, could you please expand on how he lost all his flight Feathers in an "Accident"? That sounds traumatic in and of itself. I am not certain if you live in a Dormitory or perhaps housing with multiple roommates. But, the atmosphere needs to be one of consistency, peacefulness, plenty of light (preferably a window he can see out of during the day), lots of closeness (just sit next to his cage and read or TV) and give him all the BIG snacks he wants to let him know you are his friend and companion. Also, if your ok with it, open his Cage door and let him climb out if he so desires. Can you get him to step up on a stick or perch? I would ask the vet about the meds and IF they are truly necessary, as they are mood altering drugs and can take the mind into a constant haze. This could be slowling down the progress and cause more issues, rather than help. But, that's the vets call. Lastly, as all the others have indicated, please see if a behaviourist is in close proximity. You could also see if there is an Avian rescue near-by that could also come over and analyze his behaviour and give you some good advice. Avian rescue people know their stuff and are committed to helping the Avian population and their caregivers in anyway they can. Please keep us updated and don't worry about posting a lengthy reply. We love hearing in detail and trying to help as best we can. :-)
  5. LOL Bailey, your right!! I remember the same feelings and it is like preparing for the arrival of a new baby. :-) The anticipation and excitement has kept most of us tossing and turning the night before the big day of home coming. Welcome to the Grey World It's just started for you!!
  6. Wow, that is fast progress Shamelessmuse. It is actually HUGE progress when thinking about the many moves this poor Grey has been through in 3 months. Then to top it off, it comes to a final home (hopefully) with it's own personal guard dog, a cat licking it's lips and a chihuahua that is in love with him :-). That would take a little adjusting period for anyone :-) It sounds like you two have hit it off well as well as the rest of the "Flock" he will now know as "HIS". B)
  7. Welcome Marg!! We'll look forward to hearing more about you and your new Greys adventures. :-)
  8. Welcome Leigh!! Did this behaviour start just recently? Has anything changed in your Greys Cage or items in close proximity to his cage? Any new visitors or roomies that may be competing for your attention? If you have had him for 7 years and are just seeing this behaviour, something has changed. I'm sure after having him that long, you have a strong love for him and even thinking about re-homing him would not be an option...hopefully. It is just a matter of figuring out what has changed or just ignoring the behaviour as others suggested. Please keep us posted on what you've tried and how things are progressing. :-)
  9. Welcome Bailey!! One more Day and you bring home your Grey. :-) I'm certain you and your family are very excited about it. We'll look forward to hearing more about your Grey and seeing some photos when you get a chance. Have you been able to visit your Grey at the breeders?
  10. LOL Hannah, thanks for adding a smile and some excitement to this thread! :-)
  11. Ronda477 wrote: Well, first do the Michael Jackson Moon walk up to the Cage. Then do the Snake Charmer hand movements to mesmerize her and then just pick her up by the legs with her flapping around like a chicken. The second option is to try as the others have stated and expect a few good bites, which I know your up-to as you have already stated. :-)
  12. I agree with the others that say to stay clear of pet-stores. I always play with a Sun still being weaned at a Petsmart I frequent. The had a Large display cage filled with Cockatiels, then the next weekend had a large sign up that they were not available as they were being treated for a disease......The Tiels never were put back out....I assume they all died. That was 5 weeks ago. The Sun looks terrible this weekend. It's feathers are ruffled and it's tail feathers look like they have been chewed to hell...I feel sorry for the wonderful little guy. :-( Needless to say, I will never take Dayo into a Petstore and I wash my hands better than a Doctor when I come home from a Petstore.
  13. Awww, what a touching first meeting. :-) It's great to hear that Juji settled right into some cuddles and snacks right off the bat. I'll bet you were relieved. We'll your hubby is in for a treat then and I'm sure he can't wait to see Juji either.!!
  14. Welcome Sheila!! What a wonderful thing to do. Taking in a rescue like that is no small task, much less one that is sight impaired. Many have given great advice. It will be interesting to see how you develop the relationship with "Rey" B) and what you find that stimulates and amuses him. Do you have anyway of knowing how "Blind" he is? Does he seem to atleast see light or shadows or is he totally blind? It's wonderful of you to get him straight into a vet to see if there is anything that can be done to help the poor guy. Again Welcome!!
  15. Oh, Ronda, sweetheart could still become your love muffin. You have many years for that to build. Heck, she's still just learning who and what she is, much less the strange flock of weird looking birds around her <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/26 19:34
  16. Congratulations Hannah!! Juji is beatiful, thanks for posting photos so quickly and prying yourself away long enough to post them. :-) I wonder what your doing right this moment ;-) I'll look forward to hearing more when you get a chance to give an update!
  17. Welcome Shamelessmuse!! What a wonderful way to fulfill your long time desire to have a Grey. He is still young at 18 months and after adjusting to his new home and family will settle in and become his real self. :-) Congratulations on your new Grey and deciding to adopt.
  18. Wow, wonderful photos Scuba!! Thanks for posting these. :-)
  19. Karma to you Jimmy for proving that person wrong ;-)
  20. No, I didn't see it, darn it. So much for the knowledge of Jay's guest regarding Greys
  21. LOL KatB, The Calypso song was a bonus I had forgotten until I posted on this Forum what we decided to name him. I have that song saved on my PC now as a wav file and play it at least once a week. :-) .....Daaaayyyyoooo, Daaaayyyoo, da da da dadadadada
  22. Well, shoot...yes I had forgotten she was clipped. She must be a very strong Grey, just like Dayo. He also has 5 primaries clipped and has gained the ability over the last 2 months to fly and navigate himself through out the entire house to find us non-stop. He can take off from the floor and fly to the ceiling if he wishes. Your patience and love for sweetheart is a great example for all. I guess as Gump would say "Getting a Grey is like a box of Chocolates, you never know what your going to get". :-) So, Sweetheart may not be a cuddler or even coming to sit with you yet, but over time, both may happen, if not atleast one of the two!! I am sure, even though she is not a snuggle muffin, you enjoy her presence immensely.
  23. One more day Hannah!! Don't forget to pick up some fresh veggies and throw them in your crisper, such as Broccoli, baby Carrots, Cale, Spinach or other such dark green leafy plants etc. No sleep for you tonight!!
  24. We named our Grey "Dayo" after visiting the breeder every week and spending 2 hours each time interacting with the two clutches with 7 Greys in all. At about 12 weeks, two finally picked us as their favorites to hang with when we visited. After searching meaning different African languages for names and their meaning, we found his name Dayo, meaning "Joy Arrives". It is a unisex name so it worked even though he is a Male. He brings joy each and everyday to our lives since his birth and later coming home with us. :-)
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