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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations on a job well done siobha!!! Thanks for proving that patience and consistency pays off over time. I'll bet you and hubby are two happy campers and it's only going to get better!! :-)
  2. Hi Rae, happy birthday to your Grey!! A human diet as you describe is not going to fill the bill in keeping your Grey in optimum health. It is very important that the diet is full of the proper proportions of Protein, Vitamins, Carbo's and minerals. As Judy and others have pointed you to, the bird food room has a ton of great information on diets and ideas. :-)
  3. Dayo sleeps on his mid-level perch which spans the entire width of the Cage. It is a 1 1/2 inch diameter perch. The highest perch that also spans the entire width of the Cage is a natural manzanita branch that varies in diameter from 3/8 to 1 inch. He rarely uses it. I am starting to think he does no like the natural uneven diameter or the curving all natural branches have. I guess I have a weird Grey. :-)
  4. Yes, Dayo preens the ears, head etc. He did get a little rough though when younger and excited. One word of advice, REMOVE EARRINGS or you will have a hole where they once were :-)
  5. Great photos Ubecrew, thanks for sharing them. Don't be such a stranger, we would love to hear how you have accomplished so much with your Grey!!
  6. Please post photos once you have the new play area setup Casper. We all love to see photos which gives us all new ideas. :-)
  7. Congratulations Tracy!! I know you have been speaking of your desire to get a TAG and the perfect opportunity seems to have jelled into a reality for you. I am so happy for you!! :-) Now you know our "Standard" request.....MORE PHOTOS B)
  8. Yes, as others have said, it will take time for it to stop. The best and really only thing you can do to help stop it (maybe) is not to react to it at all. By reacting with a "No", it gives your Grey attention an encourages it. :-) We all have our Grey's "Quirks" to live with. B)
  9. Hello Raykat, I am not certain where you have read, that if you don't introduce pellets now he will never eat them. That is a false statement. You should abundance wean your Grey. Introduce Pellets, seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies, pasta, rice, oatmeal, coked eggs...etc. I think you get the jest of ABUNDANCE weaning. Also, they may not even touch something one day and then tear into it a few days later. They key to all this and the ultimate goal, is to ensure your grey has a health diet that gives them all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they need to maintain optimum health. This can only be done by providing them with a well rounded diet that would approximate that of them living in the wild. They feed on Nuts, Fruits, Seeds, Veggies and many things through each day depending on whats in season and the local they reside in. I hope this helps you in providing your grey with a good diet and dispels any false information you may have read somewhere. :-) Please check out the Food room for a ton of great information on this very topic.
  10. Welcome Butch!! In regards wing clipping, it is a topic of great debate. The ultimate choice is yours. Only you know the environment he will be calling home and if it is safe to have him flighted. I assume you are picking your new baby up from a breeder and they will have thoughts on this topic also. The best advice I can give on this, is if the breeder or anyone else clips you Greys wings, make sure they clip BOTH, not just one. They must also insure that enough of the primary flight feathers are left so your Grey could glide gently to floor at a 45 degree angle and land properly, otherwise he could be severely harmed from a harder fall. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  11. Welcome Pegasus!!! It sounds like you have quite the character there and he is really warming up to you and your wife. It seems he has a sense of humor also. :-) Looking forward to seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  12. Welcome Lisa!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Welcome Goliath!! Echo is a great looking TAG and it sounds like you are off to a good start and come to the right place for answers from the existing wealth of topics here and of course all our members that love to help out with answers also. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos when you get a chance. :-)
  14. Welcome Mommafawkes!! Great to have you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  15. Great photos and Video Jimmy!! You have quite a character there. Thanks for sharing these!! :-)
  16. Congratulations on getting a second Grey and also in becoming a member of the "Bite Me Club" at the same time. :-) As others have said and you already know, time and patience are needed for this new guy. It does sound like he may have become a little "Barn Sour" from no attention wit his present owner. Keep us updated on how this goes.
  17. Hello Ahmad - Thanks for the great update with more information. I would suspect the infection continued and got the best of the poor guy. It great to hear that you are still going to get a Grey and are taking this so well. I know even the short time you had him, the love is almost instantaneous and that the loss hurt deeply. Stay in touch and hopefully someone here can help in pointing to other breeders if that is what you wish. :-)
  18. That's Great news Kathryn on getting your new baby to start trying our some soaked pellets. You can start giving him fruits and veggies to explore now also. The more you expose him to, the better. he may just play and check them out more than eat them. But, this is how babies learn the taste and texture of different food items. :-)
  19. Welcome Imme!!! Ask all the questions you wish. We are more than happy to help. :-)
  20. Welcome Pam!!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  21. Hello AAA - That is very sad news, you have my condolences. Do you mind if I ask again what the medicine you mentioned he was already was for? It had to be for a pre-existing condition of some type. Again, I am so sorry to hear this news.
  22. Dayo, a male, loves to unroll the paper towels, tear at them, roll himself up in them and sometimes scratch them to. It's really funny to watch when he decides to do it. I'll get a video of it the next time. Anyway, it could be nesting behaviour as others have said. But, Dayo does it just playing. :-)
  23. Awww, great photo Mike. It does look like she is cuddling that toy bowl. :-)
  24. Ouch, I feel your pain Heather. The others have all given great advice. Does she enjoy her play-stand so much that maybe she just does not want to move yet? I have found as Dayo is maturing that he has started to bite to let me or Kim know he's doesn't want to. We have really been paying close attention to his body language and movements if we know he is in or on a play area he loves when we go to move him. Of course, if it is necessary for him to move, we just do it and take a "Hit" and move him anyway. But, as the others have said, we always look at him sternly and just say "No Bite". I have gotten now to where if his body language tells me I'm going to get a bite, I just ball my hand up tight before going in to the "Fist of Iron" and bending the wrist. Then I just keep on pushing until he has no choice except to step up. I should note, that I only do this IF I really need to move him somewhere else. I figure that way he knows I respect his wishes if there is not real reason to move him, other than I just want to play with him a while. :-)
  25. Welcome Liz!!! You will find most of us own more than one type of Parrot and you and all others with various Parrots are more than welcome here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you!!
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