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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Christoph. It's good to hear that the visit went well. Did the vet say what the issue is with your Grey?
  2. LOL - Dayo will hang on to a Pen or Pencil as if he is fighting for his life, as I drag him sliding around the counter, desktop or even from a perch and he'll just hang there. The only solution is to try and get him to take an Almond or Peanut. Even sometimes it ends up being a matter of who has the strongest will power. :-)
  3. Hi Gloria - I think LovemyGreys post above described the reason they burst so easily above. This is a great topic and has brought to light something that evidently is common and we will experience at sometime in our Greys life. It's good to know we don't need to rush to a vet due to this. :-)
  4. Hi Amber - Uh Oh, it sounds like mating season is in the air and her age is at about that point also. :-) Well, the good news is that "she" atleast so far is not attacking and trying to drive out the competition. B) Yes, we do the same thing with our grey regarding scratches through the cage bars when we are not going to let him out at that moment. Good luck with "Amber in Love". :laugh:
  5. Same to you Dave, thanks for posting this. Also, to everyone else too.
  6. Judy and I do get going on a roll sometimes :laugh: Glad you enjoyed and got an education at the same time. B)
  7. Hahahahahahahahahaha - Judy your a sweetheart {Love-0002011D}
  8. Oh Yeah baby, take those gloves off first, this is getting really good!!! Next you start taking the other things off. B) Wait, waitress, another Beer please and crank up that bump and grind music!! :-) Ok, ready now..... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  9. Nychsa - Know that is a way to make packing and moving ALMOST an enjoyable experience. B) I love the Beep Beep Beep !!! :laugh:
  10. I love it when a Woman gets Horny B) :laugh: amd look at that Tail :woohoo:
  11. Ok Men - I'm pulling out all the stops.... B) Whats the difference between your wife and your dog? Walking the dog is relaxing. What is the difference between a battery and a woman? A battery has a positive side. What have you done wrong when your wife comes out of the kitchen and starts nagging you? You made the chain too long. A man is driving along in his car when he suddenly gets pulled over by the police, the man pokes his head out of the window and says "what seems to be the problem officer?" the cop looks bluntly at him and says "are you aware that a woman fell out of your car about 2 minutes ago?" the man let out a sigh "thank God for that, i thought i had gone deaf!" Why did the woman cross the road? Wait, better question, why is she out of the kitchen!? Why don't women wear watches? There's a clock on the stove. Why do women have short feet? So they can stand closer to the stove. Why dont women have a penis? So they can stand closer to the kitchen sink. Why don't women need drivers licenses? There is no road between the bedroom and the kitchen. Why couldn't Hellen Keller drive? Because she was a woman. How many men does it take to open a beer? -None, it should be opened when she brings it to you. What if God's a woman? Not only am I going to hell, I'll never know why. What do you call a woman with two brain cells? Pregnant. If your dog is barking at the back door and Danielle Cardella is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The Dog of course...at least he'll shut up after you let him in! Why haven't any women ever gone to the moon? It doesn't need cleaning yet How is a woman like a laxative? They both irritate the crap out of you. Woman inspires us to great things...and prevents us from achieving them. (Dumas) Wanna hear a funny joke? Women's rights. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, shes already been told twice. How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, let the bitch cook in the dark! Women are cute and cuddly - every man should own one. How are women and high school phone policies similar? Because they can be seen but not heard Why do women live longer than men? Because God adds them the time that they wasted on parking. How do you get a woman dizzy? Put her in a circular room and tell her to go to a corner.
  12. Nice photos of you and Harrison, Heather. Thanks for posting these. :-) I see you jump right back on the Horse after getting bit!! No Fear, your new motto ...... B)
  13. Yeah, bring it on.....I may be the only MAN here brave enough to take you all on, but I'll enjoy the beating {Characters-00020059}
  14. Sorry to hear your Ill Rae, but the joke was funny as Hell hahahahahahahahahahaha :-)
  15. They are usually vocal when they are happy campers. Right now, he is not such and will adjust to his flightlessness over time. His whole modus operandi changed and it will take some getting used to for him. Just keep him out with you as you are and assure him everythings going to be ok and try playing with him etc. to get his mind off the change. :-)
  16. Berna, you should have let Elmo take his frustrations out on the Finch B) after all, it was the finch that was terrorizing him. Then you discipline Elmo, while the evil :evil: finch sits in his cage and snickers at poor Elmo. Wheres the love????? hahahahahahaha :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/22 14:10
  17. danmcq


    Use the Aloe full strength. Dayo gets misted 2x a week minimum and more if we have the time. Their skin becomes very dry after just a few days and the dust on their feathers is also very obvious after a few days also. Just watch it fly when they fluff and shake. :-) You can drench your Grey everyday if you wish, just follow the drenching with a good spray down of aloe juice afterwards to keep the skin supple. The water drenching everyday will otherwise dry out the skin.
  18. Cool Imme and congratulations on becoming a one digit midget now before you finally bring your Grey home. :-)
  19. Well, we have to give you points for trying something different!! It seems she is pretty adamant about not wanting to foul up her living space with that disgusting poo. :-) If you could just catch her quickly before she lets it rip, maybe you could get her to the trash can or other place and start trying to train her to go there. One thing for sure, is it will take some time to get this resolved and you will need to do the same thing day after day (whatever it is) to get her to understand you are more than happy to take her somewhere else to let the morning bomb go.
  20. Welcome Mouse!! It sounds like you are getting bad advice from the pet shop and in fact they don't seemed to know much about Parrots in general. The advice you have received so far is totally wrong from these people. As Tracy indicated, take her to an Avian vet and they will address the issue and advise you properly. An Avian vet will not "Kill" your Grey. It's odd the way the pet shop keeps telling you not to take your Grey to a vet. That's the first thing all new Parrots should have done for a wellness check-up and to establish a baseline and record at the Avian vets office. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your new baby. :-)
  21. DavE - Tell your friends to get a Grey also, join this Forum, bring their laptops with wireless connections over, pass the beer out and have an African Grey Forums party. :-) Then you can all laugh and chat on the forum together....even though you are all in the same room togther B)
  22. Welcome Amber!! From your description, it seems Tuki may have become cage sour over time. She is also obviously very protective of her home as you noted. The more you let her out and interact on a daily basis. The more her trust of you and your arm "The perch" and her nervousness will diminish over time proportional to how often you interact with her. Poking fingers in the cage is a definite no-no and should not be allowed by anyone. That is just teasing the Grey and will provoke even more violent bites as she becomes more irritated from the intrusion into her space. Does she get along with males in your house well and interact with them a lot? It's great having you here and we look forward to hearing more. :-)
  23. LOL - Edited...thanks!! :laugh:
  24. He is definitely upset, scared, unsure of himself and how he is going to get around now type of emotions/thoughts, not towards you though, inward. He will come around, but he's being very cautious until he over comes his fears right now. If he will readily step up for you and let you hold him, he trusts you and the "Perch" you provide. Definitely spend out time with him if he will let you. He just needs to get used to being "Crippled" right now and figure out his only way of transportation....walking and climbing or you carrying him.
  25. Hi Christoph - Your doing the right thing, keep us posted. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/22 02:08
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